Nasri To City - Done Deal!

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By the same token not every transfer story that appears on either SSN or in the papers has no truth in it, as some people appear to believe.

Downing was linked with Arsenal months ago.

Basically, if it suits you to believe it, you do, if it doesn't, you don't. What are the chances we're in for Downing?
I didn't label it bs, I said I don't know why they believe it......or maybe I did? Why don't you check for me ;)

They probably got it from a paper or twitter. They have zero credibility unless a story's official

The fact is, you don't know that. They could have sources, you don't know.

If you can't separate BS from truth, you can't take one side over the other or insist that it's one over the other. You can only keep an open mind and then wait and see.

Anyone who says (and I'm not saying this is you) this will never happen, we will never do this, we will never sign for him etc are just full of shit and don't have a clue. Only an opinion that they are trying to pass off as fact.
The fact is, you don't know that. They could have sources, you don't know.

If you can't separate BS from truth, you can't take one side over the other or insist that it's one over the other. You can only keep an open mind and then wait and see.

Anyone who says (and I'm not saying this is you) this will never happen, we will never do this, we will never sign for him etc are just full of shit and don't have a clue. Only an opinion that they are trying to pass off as fact.

Nah, indiscriminately affording everything the same amount of weight isn't the sign of an open mind it's just putting yourself in a position where you're never wrong. Certain sources are less credible than others. You have to assess them accordingly.
Nah, indiscriminately affording everything the same amount of weight isn't the sign of an open mind it's just putting yourself in a position where you're never wrong. Certain sources are less credible than others. You have to assess them accordingly.

Of course it's an open mind, that's the definition, being receptive to different ideas. You're open to the fact that he could move, or stay.

On the contrary, discriminately affording one option with more weight than another when you have no clue but your own opinion is just putting yourself in a position where you look like a tit when you get it wrong.

Unless you work for Sky, you don't know if they have a source or not. Only an opinion which may be right but may also be wrong. So you can't state something as fact when it's nowhere near. You can only take it with a pinch of salt and be proven right or wrong.

Tabloids for example, the Mail, Mirror etc get laughed at yet they come up with true stories that people just ':lol::lol::lol:' to such as the Tevez transfer request and Rooneys transfer request and then look like idiots when it turns out to be true. Just because a few come along that are made up doesn't mean all of them are, and to assume or try to scorn someone as many do here for thinking some of them might be true, is just ignorant.
"Samir Nasri has agreed to join Manchester City in a move that will more than double the French international’s weekly wage to £185,000. Arsenal have still to agree a fee but, conscious that 24-year-old Nasri has just a year left on his contract and could go for nothing in 12 months’ time, they are ready to sell for £22.2m.

Any deal will be made against the wishes of Arsène Wenger, underlining the manager’s reduced power at Arsenal since Stan Kroenke’s takeover. Though Wenger yesterday told Arsenal’s website that “we will do everything we can to keep him [Nasri]”, Kroenke authorised initial transfer talks once it became clear that Nasri intended to exploit his value as an imminent free agent.

The deal continues an Arsenal pattern of losing disgruntled players to City. Since the Abu Dhabi group’s 2008 takeover of City, Arsenal have sold Kolo Toure, Emmanuel Adebayor and Gael Clichy to the Premier League’s most affluent club. Clichy forced last week’s £7m sale by employing the same strategy as Nasri — running down the final year of his contract.

The purchase of Nasri will also emphasise City’s increased power after last week’s agreement of a 10-year “Partnership Deal” with Etihad Airways. Even though Nasri will earn more than double Arsenal’s best offer, the Frenchman still trails behind Carlos Tevez and Yaya Toure on the City pay scale. The deal follows the refusal of Udinese’s Alexis Sanchez to countenance a move to Eastlands. The Chile international prefers Barcelona, Chelsea or Manchester United."

The Times is a sorry sack of Murdochs Shite.
Not at all. Basically when we're linked with Kevin Doyle by Caughtoffside you're all over it. When we're linked with anyone half decent, you ignore it. It's just embarrassing.

The only articles linking Arsenal with decent players are ones linking your decent players with moves away from the club.

The Doyle story was funny and was trending on twitter as a million wanky Arsenal fans started melting down.
We're going to get two of Sanchez, Sneijder and Nasri - I just know it. Which two I'm not sure, but it's happening

:rolleyes: spending another 60 million on top of what we have already spent? Doesn't seem very likely... i'd be surprised if we'd make one big name signing, let alone two...
Of course it's an open mind, that's the definition, being receptive to different ideas. You're open to the fact that he could move, or stay.

Yeah but being receptive to different ideas doesn't mean you have to form no opinion or assess the information in front of you until someone definitively gives you the answer. Being open-minded doesn't mean being unable to form an opinion on which is more likely in fear of being proven wrong.

On the contrary, discriminately affording one option with more weight than another when you have no clue but your own opinion is just putting yourself in a position where you look like a tit when you get it wrong.

But the point is you can take an opinion on which the more credible sources are, based on the person reporting it, what they're reporting, their past history, other corroborative stories elsewhere etc.

Unless you work for Sky, you don't know if they have a source or not. Only an opinion which may be right but may also be wrong. So you can't state something as fact when it's nowhere near. You can only take it with a pinch of salt and be proven right or wrong.

I wasn't really talking about the Downing move, just making a general point. And I haven't stated anything as fact.

Tabloids for example, the Mail, Mirror etc get laughed at yet they come up with true stories that people just ':lol::lol::lol:' to such as the Tevez transfer request and Rooneys transfer request and then look like idiots when it turns out to be true. Just because a few come along that are made up doesn't mean all of them are, and to assume or try to scorn someone as many do here for thinking some of them might be true, is just ignorant.

No, of course some of them are true. Again, I haven't argued anything like that. But people who look at their past history of making up pages of bullshit every single day aren't refusing to be open-minded, they're forming an opinion based on the information available to them, which is that this paper gets more wrong than it does right, for example.
The fact is, you don't know that. They could have sources, you don't know.

If you can't separate BS from truth, you can't take one side over the other or insist that it's one over the other. You can only keep an open mind and then wait and see.

Anyone who says (and I'm not saying this is you) this will never happen, we will never do this, we will never sign for him etc are just full of shit and don't have a clue. Only an opinion that they are trying to pass off as fact.

why would they mix good sources and bad ones leaving them with no credibility? To me if you pay for good sources, it's only logical you don't cut corners else why pay anyone? There are plenty of avenues to get stories and you don't even have to back them up

I remember last week the nasri, breaking story! A rumour off twitter I'd read in the morning (think it was the agreeing wages one but can't remember) and they were breaking it after 2pm...and it's all a pro city story but the guy says in a round about way near the end 'so will it be city or United'...and it was so pathetic basically.
Yeah but being receptive to different ideas doesn't mean you have to form no opinion or assess the information in front of you until someone definitively gives you the answer. Being open-minded doesn't mean being unable to form an opinion on which is more likely in fear of being proven wrong.

I didn't say you couldn't, I stressed we only have opinions but my post was aimed at those who state facts i.e 'we will never sign him' 'anyone who thinks we will sign him is deluded' 'we will never ever in a million years pay those wages' etc.

But the point is you can take an opinion on which the more credible sources are, based on the person reporting it, what they're reporting, their past history, other corroborative stories elsewhere etc.

Of course you can, this forms an opinion. None of my posts were aimed at opinions but those who try and pass the opinion off as fact.

I wasn't really talking about the Downing move, just making a general point. And I haven't stated anything as fact.

I didn't say you did, I'm speaking in general like you are.

No, of course some of them are true. Again, I haven't argued anything like that. But people who look at their past history of making up pages of bullshit every single day aren't refusing to be open-minded, they're forming an opinion based on the information available to them, which is that this paper gets more wrong than it does right, for example.

We seem to have crossed wires, I haven't accused you of anything. You've if anything argued my point further. There is a difference between having an opinion that a player won't do X Y and Z, and coming out and stating categorically that he won't. Which is what I'm talking about.
why would they mix good sources and bad ones leaving them with no credibility?

Because their job is to print newspapers. They won't ignore the true stories, they will report them. By the same token, they throw in the sensationalist ones to shift newspapers. It doesn't mean none of them are true. It means it could be true, it could be false, we just have to wait and see. People should be talking about if the move came off how it would work etc and not trying to rubbish everything that they don't any insight into.
Because their job is to print newspapers. They won't ignore the true stories, they will report them. By the same token, they throw in the sensationalist ones to shift newspapers. It doesn't mean none of them are true. It means it could be true, it could be false, we just have to wait and see. People should be talking about if the move came off how it would work etc and not trying to rubbish everything that they don't any insight into.

I'm talking about SSN not the other media. What I said, at the start was basically don't believe anything you hear and I think that's a fair point. Even if some stories are true, we don't know what's true or not unless it's official. So people should stop reacting to every little titbit of news filtering through by some gimp and wait for something official.
I'm talking about SSN not the other media. What I said, at the start was basically don't believe anything you hear and I think that's a fair point. Even if some stories are true, we don't know what's true or not unless it's official. So people should stop reacting to every little titbit of news filtering through by some gimp and wait for something official.

Yeah, but by the same token don't disbelieve everything you hear. Which is also a fair point.

I was just making the above point in addition to yours. It works both ways.
Yeah, but by the same token don't disbelieve everything you hear. Which is also a fair point.

I was just making the above point in addition to yours. It works both ways.

Sure it works both ways but none of these journos have inside information. Not by the look of it anyway. Nothing that has happened, hasn't been predictable.
This shit is doing my nut in. I wish we'd hurry up and buy a CM so I can sit back and laugh at City and Liverpool again.
this is going nowhere this dragging on is not good for us,..... time to look for other targets...
It's difficult to know what is truth and what is bullshit.

Contrary to popular belief, SSN and newspaper journalists do actually have sources.

Obviously not everything they report is true, but not everything is bullshit either.

Sources? Of course they do have them....look at the news of the world. They had 'extremely reliable' sources lol....and i m sure it was not the only paper....
still there are days when they do have nothing to print and they turn to lies
Sources? Of course they do have them....look at the news of the world. They had 'extremely reliable' sources lol....and i m sure it was not the only paper....
still there are days when they do have nothing to print and they turn to lies

Not condoning NotW at all, but the answer phones of the people they were writing about probably were extremely reliable sources.
btw i wont be surprised that this nasri to city thing is just a deduction made based on the idea that we cannot sign both sneijder and nasri - assuming that we are close to signing nasri.

not to mention that nasri have the same agent as clichy....the son of former arsenal chief executive dein. Perhaps is this some sort of revenge?
Not condoning NotW at all, but the answer phones of the people they were writing about probably were extremely reliable sources.

My point was that they still needed much more stuff in order to fill their filthy paper....
Id like to point out that ABUs would love Nasri to turn us down. that would go nicely down with shit about United not being the main club in Manchaster, fadding kingdom blah blah

Getting Sneijder would make those ABUs look even more stupid than usual then.
seem happy enough, but who knows....

seem happy enough, but who knows....

He should be bloody happy. He's either going to:

a) get a huge new contract deal with Arsenal

b) see out the final year and get a huge signing on fee as a free transfer next year

c) get a move to a bigger club (or City) and more money.
Almost 100 pages! I hate when Saga's last forever.. Just announce that he has signed a new deal or that he is staying on for another year/leaving already!
I've been keeping a close eye on the Nasri/Sneijder situation but it's just far too up and down to persist with.

The fact is that we know hardly anything so i think i'm just going to take a back seat because the media constantly changing their minds about who we're after has started to wear very, very thin.
Hey, I just used the smart sharpen feature on Nasri's face to see whether it uncovered any hidden signs of intent in his eyes, but look at this, I couldn't believe it!

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