Nasri To City - Done Deal!

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Not like you to come in with a content-free post, eh?

Nothing wrong with pointing you out for what you are, Pete. You've managed to drag the thread way off topic though so congratulations.

The NoTW was more worthwhile than your posts on here.
Nothing wrong with pointing you out for what you are, Pete. You've managed to drag the thread way off topic though so congratulations. .
I sometimes do that if it's a shit Arsenal-slagging thread, in this case it just evolved and Team Brain set himself up for a nice (unanswered) salvo at Chelsea (sunk without trace).
With the backing of a billionaire to the tune of £800mil+ while being paid salaries no one could compete with. Our clubs operate on completely different scales, we have a wage structure in place and limits to our financial potential in the transfer market. We can't afford to have players on 100k salaries sitting on the can. We operate on a tight budget while you've spent lavishly for your recent success. We're run as a responsible business, we operate within our means and that's meant having to concede trophies. Enjoy your success, I get the feeling you're not completely satisfied. Patience is a virtue, we'll have our time again where any success will be the result of the hard work done over the years and not living off a criminal's bank account.

Looks like Arsenal have a press conference on Monday, according to BBC News, so maybe then we'll get some answers about Nasri/Cesc etc.
Looks like Arsenal have a press conference on Monday, according to BBC News, so maybe then we'll get some answers about Nasri/Cesc etc.

I imagine it will be one of the dullest press conferences ever.

What's the update on the Cesc/Nasri situation Mr Wenger?

'Both are great players we intend to keep hold of.'

Ten minutes of padding.

What we need to realise is that why wouldn't wenger take nasri on the pre season tour. Arsenal by the sounds of things have not had a concrete offer for him. It's all been press speculation.
With the backing of a billionaire to the tune of £800mil+ while being paid salaries no one could compete with. Our clubs operate on completely different scales, we have a wage structure in place and limits to our financial potential in the transfer market. We can't afford to have players on 100k salaries sitting on the can. We operate on a tight budget while you've spent lavishly for your recent success. We're run as a responsible business, we operate within our means and that's meant having to concede trophies. Enjoy your success, I get the feeling you're not completely satisfied. Patience is a virtue, we'll have our time again where any success will be the result of the hard work done over the years and not living off a criminal's bank account.

Deep at the back of every Chelsea fans mind they must have that feeling of not quite deserving it. It's like cheating at monopoly. Or football manager with the cheats on. They've won stuff, sure, but not in the way any other team (barring City) has managed to achieve
One thing that struck me is the contrast between Wenger's and Levy's stances.

'We want to keep Cesc and I will fight to keep him.'

'Samir is exactly the same. We will do everything we can to keep him.'

"We had a very good conversation and, as I've said previously, Luka Modric will not be sold.

That's the end of it.
That's because Levy's just a functionary - he doesn't actually know the players or deal with them day to day.
I imagine it will be one of the dullest press conferences ever.

What's the update on the Cesc/Nasri situation Mr Wenger?

'Both are great players we intend to keep hold of.'

Ten minutes of padding.


I reckon it'll be to inform everyone that he has just signed a new contract with ye.
A bit like shagging a whore. It wouldn't have happened without the money.


[/brown nosing] I know the a lot of people on here seem to hate peterstorey, but I think he's great personally. Some of his one liners are genius. [/brown nosing]
Another transfer that is likely to drag on into August. He's travelling on Sunday with the club for pre season? They're probably going to ensure they have replacements for him and Fabregas before they let em go. You would expect if the opposite was to happen Arsenal would be paying a premium on players.
The Arsenal boss is now trying to hijack Liverpool’s move for Aston Villa star Stewart Downing because he wants a guaranteed replacement for Nasri before he will even consider selling.

Nasri has a year left on his contract but wants out of The Emirates and last night Wenger was preparing a £17m bid for Downing.

All hinges on Downing.

[/brown nosing] I know the a lot of people on here seem to hate peterstorey, but I think he's great personally. Some of his one liners are genius. [/brown nosing]

I'll let you off. Considering you never opened the brown nosing tag no harm has been done.
What will happen is that Nasri will give Arsenal a deadline to settle his future down. It will be 7-14 days before the transfer deadline. He'll tell Arsenal that if they don't sell him by [date] then he' definitely staying until next season.

Then Arsenal might decide that they did, after all, receive a formal offer from us!
It's in the Times but I can't copy it from my free trial iPhone app.

£185000 a week.
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