Nasri To City - Done Deal!

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Will be an interesting scenario if Wenger becomes stubborn and decides to play Nasri in against Udinese. I wonder if Nasri would refuse to play, knowing he'd lose out on huge wages at City if he plays.
Will be an interesting scenario if Wenger becomes stubborn and decides to play Nasri in against Udinese. I wonder if Nasri would refuse to play, knowing he'd lose out on huge wages at City if he plays.

I imagine his agent is in Wengers ear constantly about that. I can't imagine Nasri will forgo his payday to play the game!
I don't think anyone's trying to claim that gazumping our transfer targets is an unsuccesful strategy.

How would you classify them as "our" targets. I'm sure Chelsea and City's people are atleast smart enough to know that players like Nasri, Mata etc. are talented players. Doesn't take much to figure that out.
I don't think anyone's trying to claim that gazumping our transfer targets is an unsuccesful strategy.

Seems more likely they're just good players who've been scouted by good scouts. How do you feel about the idea that we've only signed Young and Jones to stop Liverpool from getting them?
Seems to me Wenger is trying to convince his board to let Nasri see out his contract, I mean, how much is CL qualification worth to them? Not just this season in the qualifier but next season too?

Normally I'd say £25m for a player in the last year of his contract is more than too good to refuse, it's a no brainer, but considering Arsenal's situation I think letting him go will do them more damage than good.

Keep Nasri, buy Jagielka, get someone else in too (M'Villa?) and well, they are looking like a fecking good team again.

FFP? Doesn't apply to us, Platini
Only just realised that if he played against Udinese and Arsenal lost, he wouldn't be cup-tied. Only if he plays and Arsenal win. What a head-feck. No wonder Wenger decided to leave him out.

Oh, I didn't know that either. That's clever. Can you imagine if he had played and they lost and was then cup tied. They wouldn't be able to sell him and he would leave on a free after the 9 months.
Only just realised that if he played against Udinese and Arsenal lost, he wouldn't be cup-tied. Only if he plays and Arsenal win. What a head-feck. No wonder Wenger decided to leave him out.

No, that's not true.

18.07 As a rule, a player may not play in a UEFA club competition (i.e. UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League, but not UEFA Super Cup) for more than one club in the course of the same season. Exceptionally, however, a player who has been fielded in the first, second or third qualifying round of the UEFA Champions League or UEFA Europa League is entitled to play in the UEFA Champions League or UEFA Europa League for another club as from the group stage, provided that his former club did not qualify for the group stage of either the UEFA Champions League or the UEFA Europa League.

What you have to realise is that it's not the third qualifying round, it is the playoffs. If he's on the pitch for even a minute in a Champions League playoff game, that's it, he's cup-tied for the rest of the CL campaign (obviously, only if he leaves Arsenal afterwards).
BBC say he will be on the plane.Looking like a stalemate on contract talks.
Are we really going to have snide FFP comments everytime city sign a player?

It's going to be two years before any action is to be taken. We've barely even started the monitoring period.

Let's just wait and see before deciding the FFP aren't worth a damn.
BBC say he will be on the plane.Looking like a stalemate on contract talks.

Nasri arrives, City agree to pay whatever needs to be paid and he doesn't play. Arsenal probably don't intend to play him, the threat will be enough.
Are we really going to have snide FFP comments everytime city sign a player?

It's going to be two years before any action is to be taken. We've barely even started the monitoring period.

Let's just wait and see before deciding the FFP aren't worth a damn.

I suppose it's to be expected in circumstances where City's owners have gotten their mates to chuck them £400m to help balance things out.
BBC London report that unsettled midfielder Samir Nasri will travel to Udinese for Wednesday's second leg of the Champions League play-off but Jack Wilshere will not as he is not fully fit.
Will be an interesting scenario if Wenger becomes stubborn and decides to play Nasri in against Udinese. I wonder if Nasri would refuse to play, knowing he'd lose out on huge wages at City if he plays.

Would put the final nail in the coffin of any move - but would leave him free to negotiate huge wages and a massive signing on fee next summer. says he's travelling.

Do it Wenger, cup tie him. Show some balls.
I suppose it's to be expected in circumstances where City's owners have gotten their mates to chuck them £400m to help balance things out.

It's a bit like snidely remarking that the justice system is corrupt because someone hasn't been sentenced as soon as the trial begins.

UEFA have already said they will scrutinize deals such as city's naming deal. Can't do much more at the moment.
Deal done. 24 mil according to Matt Law of Express.
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