Nasri To City - Done Deal!

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I think we probably tried to talk to Arsenal, maybe a bit to early, when they were still in talks about a contract for Nasri and was turned away. City have waited till it was 100% certain that he wasnt signing a new contract and got in there.

Doubt it was anything to do with timing.

Arsenel made it clear they preferred to sell to anyone other than United from the outset. With City willing and able to top any offer, there was only ever going to be one outcome.
Doubt it was anything to do with timing.

Arsenel made it clear they preferred to sell to anyone other than United from the outset. With City willing and able to top any offer, there was only ever going to be one outcome.

An alternative was that Nasri played one more season at Arsenal and then joined us/barca/real on a free next summer. Arsenal fans would likely tolerate this if he played his bollocks off on the pitch and kept silent about leaving.
UK GDP per capita: $35,000
UAE GDP per capita: $50,000

Use a median system on the average earnings. Also the UAE is now pretty much 50/50 migrant workers to natural pop and the migrant workers average monthly wage is about $150.
As in money from one of the wealthiest economies on the planet, that was for all intents and purpose tribal within living memory?

What people in the UAE decide to spend their money on is up to them, as it is here.

Err..not when the people spending it are the ruling family.
What's more of a joke is that all this money would be better off going to Sheikh Mansour's countrymen, instead he just pisses his country's money up the wall. Despicable really.
Agreed, I would have thought Arabic Oil money would be better invested exploring alternative and more secure souces of revenue for when the Oil runs out.

Rather than pissing Millions upon Millions on a club that will always be Manchesters second best no matter what they win.
Agreed, I would have thought Arabic Oil money would be better invested exploring alternative and more secure souces of revenue for when the Oil runs out.

Indeed, because when Abu Dhabi's oil runs out, and run out it will, problems will certainly arise due to the baron landscape.

That aside, I think it's fine that their royal family spends some money on increasing awareness of their country across the world, but seriously, £160,000 of their countries money goes to Adebayor every week, around £200,000 to Yaya Toure, Gareth fecking Barry is no doubt on more than £100k per week.... what the feck! It's pretty embarrassing really and a ridiculous way to piss away your countries riches.
Indeed, because when Abu Dhabi's oil runs out, and run out it will, problems will certainly arise due to the baron landscape.

That aside, I think it's fine that their royal family spends some money on increasing awareness of their country across the world, but seriously, £160,000 of their countries money goes to Adebayor every week, around £200,000 to Yaya Toure, Gareth fecking Barry is no doubt on more than £100k per week.... what the feck! It's pretty embarrassing really and a ridiculous way to piss away your countries riches.

That's an unintentionally brilliant misspelling. Barren. Baron. Oil baron. Get it?
Indeed, because when Abu Dhabi's oil runs out, and run out it will, problems will certainly arise due to the baron landscape.

That aside, I think it's fine that their royal family spends some money on increasing awareness of their country across the world, but seriously, £160,000 of their countries money goes to Adebayor every week, around £200,000 to Yaya Toure, Gareth fecking Barry is no doubt on more than £100k per week.... what the feck! It's pretty embarrassing really and a ridiculous way to piss away your countries riches.

What? Haven't you heard, he's the English Andrea Pirlo.
I think we probably tried to talk to Arsenal, maybe a bit to early, when they were still in talks about a contract for Nasri and was turned away. City have waited till it was 100% certain that he wasnt signing a new contract and got in there.

If rumours are to be believed we offered him a very good contract last year October. However City came along and offered a £5mill signing on fee and £200k a week and his head was turned and has been stringing us along ever since

Agreed, I would have thought Arabic Oil money would be better invested exploring alternative and more secure souces of revenue for when the Oil runs out.

Rather than pissing Millions upon Millions on a club that will always be Manchesters second best no matter what they win.

They are probably pumping out millions and millions per day and making god knows how many more millions, this Man City thing isn't an investment if that is what you are thinking. This is a like a little play object for them, kind of like when they spend £500mill a yacht or something, they know they aren't gonna get any return for it, excess money if there is such a thing....
have we ever really been in for this guy?
wishful thinking but the money shitty are throwing about is crazy
He is in Arsenal's squad for Liverpool tomorrow.
Abu Dhabi's oil won't run out for at least another hundred years. If there are 2 things Abu Dhabi don't lack it's oil and money.
Aye. Most of the middle east oil isnt running out anytime soon.


56% for the world's oil reserves is in the middle east, so we'll all be dead and burried (including Mansoor) long before the oil runs out.

So why people are even thinking about it is beyond me. We need to accept the fact that Mansoor is going to get richer and richer.
TBGB speaking out in support of an ultra-conservative regime, with horrendous inequality of wealth? Surely not.

I speak out for the Westphalian system, what an individual, in another country, does with his wealth is up to him. If he wants to spend it on a football club that is his prerogative.
Aye. Most of the middle east oil isnt running out anytime soon.

Which is why I find the constant hikes in prices blamed on the fact it's meant to be running out hysterical and one of the biggest cons of the last 15 years.
Which is why I find the constant hikes in prices blamed on the fact it's meant to be running out hysterical and one of the biggest cons of the last 15 years.

It is that supply lines are strained, not because it is running out - in five of the last ten years demand has exceeded supply because we cannot increase production fast enough - basically because there was very little investment before the last five years because oil prices were too low to afford it.
I speak out for the Westphalian system, what an individual, in another country, does with his wealth is up to him. If he wants to spend it on a football club that is his prerogative.
Well I suppose that's progress, you championing 17th-century stuff rather that your usual feudal approach.
Agreed, I would have thought Arabic Oil money would be better invested exploring alternative and more secure souces of revenue for when the Oil runs out.

Rather than pissing Millions upon Millions on a club that will always be Manchesters second best no matter what they win.

On the contrary, that is the absolute last thing the Middle East wants and that is why in times of acute suppy OPEC increases production to prevent prices become cost prohibitive.

They have no interest whatsoever in developing alternatives because it would make their oil reserves redundant.
Well I suppose that's progress, you championing 17th-century stuff rather that your usual feudal approach.

It may have been born in the 1600s but it is why political sovereignty remains to this day, and nationalism will likely maintain that status quo.

I find it interesting how you refer to my views as feudal, as the last time the UK was approaching anything communist was before the advent of capitalism in the medieval era when the state and its vassals were all powerful and dominating, and north of 95% of the population was working for it in the fields.
On the contrary, that is the absolute last thing the Middle East wants and that is why in times of acute suppy OPEC increases production to prevent prices become cost prohibitive.

They have no interest whatsoever in developing alternatives because it would make their oil reserves redundant.

You seem to have misunderstood his point. He's not suggesting they invest in developing alternative forms of energy, just alternative sources of revenue. Their oil reserves may not run out for 100 years or more but they will run out. They are finite.
You seem to have misunderstood his point. He's not suggesting they invest in developing alternative forms of energy, just alternative sources of revenue. Their oil reserves may not run out for 100 years or more but they will run out. They are finite.

I see, well that is what the development of Dubai and Abu Dhabi is all about - Abu Dhabi is dependent on oil production but Dubai isn't.
It is that supply lines are strained, not because it is running out - in five of the last ten years demand has exceeded supply because we cannot increase production fast enough - basically because there was very little investment before the last five years because oil prices were too low to afford it.

Supply or production is not contrained the refining capacity is with the dumb ass US due to green concerns limiting or even cuting back refinery capacity which is why India and Reliance are building a new refinery in India.

There is enough oil produced to satisfy demand - we dont have petrol shortages. Petrol is fecking inelastic so our demand wont alter much when prices shift subsequently factor in the feckING Traders cornering the market then oil prices have shot up.

They will fall back once again only for the cycle to start up - the markets just add an unnneccesary cost for all of us to bear.
He's pissing about. Or he better be because that will not go down at all well with the faithful.

Even forgetting the reaction he'll get there's no chance he can pick him if he's already standing by the door. What happens the first time there's a challenge coming in? Nasri will just duck it so he doesn't ruin his chances of a move. Better to have someone who actually cares about the result.
Maybe AW will pick Nasri because he (Arsene) needs a positive result?
Supply or production is not contrained the refining capacity is with the dumb ass US due to green concerns limiting or even cuting back refinery capacity which is why India and Reliance are building a new refinery in India.

There is enough oil produced to satisfy demand - we dont have petrol shortages. Petrol is fecking inelastic so our demand wont alter much when prices shift subsequently factor in the feckING Traders cornering the market then oil prices have shot up.

They will fall back once again only for the cycle to start up - the markets just add an unnneccesary cost for all of us to bear.

Those dumb yanks and their excessive concerns about green issues.
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