Nasri To City - Done Deal!

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You can't blame Arsenal for this, they've been offered a rediculous price for a player with a year on his contract, any sense at all means you take it.

What they can be blamed for is if they don't heavily reinvest in the squad. They've lost last seasons best player in Nasri and there best player of the last 4 years or so in Fabregas.

Wenger needs to strengthen the squad now, will he though?
See, that's just it, just thinking about the money that's it. That's the problem, all Arsenal care about is money, they'd sell anyone to anyone for the right price and that is not how a top team should operate.

And Nasri wouldn't turn down a move back to France with PSG. I was actually expecting them to make a move.

I'm sure Arsenal would've preferred to kept him, but it was clear that he was unhappy and had his head turned around by City's money.

And also I find it hard to believe that PSG didn't tried for him, they are loading with money and I'm sure even Wenger would've preferred to sell him to them rather than City.
I honestly think that Sneijder would've been better for them. He wanted to play centrally for Arsenal too but I don't think City will play him centrally.
Show me the bids and maybe I'll believe you. AW would have done anything to keep him or sell him abroad. The money is at's inescapable.

No he wouldn't have, during this whole Fabregas/Nasri saga all Arsenal have wanted to do is get as much money as possible.
It's how your club is being run at the moment, it's sad and I do feel sorry for Arsenal supporters, I know a lot gooners and they're seriously disillusioned with things right now.

Everyone knows that money won't be reinvested significantly, yeah you may sign some 21 year old French winger for 9 million who turns out to be a gem.
But then as soon as he starts to peak no doubt you'll "fail to renew his contract" and then sell him for silly money a year before it expires cos you "had no choice".
No he wouldn't have, during this whole Fabregas/Nasri saga all Arsenal have wanted to do is get as much money as possible.
It's how your club is being run at the moment, it's sad and I do feel sorry for Arsenal supporters, I know a lot gooners and they're seriously disillusioned with things right now.

Everyone knows that money won't be reinvested significantly, yeah you may sign some 21 year old French winger for 9 million who turns out to be a gem.
But then as soon as he starts to peak no doubt you'll "fail to renew his contract" and then sell him for silly money a year before it expires cos you "had no choice".

Not true...AW wanted to run out the year on Nasri's deal but he was over-ruled by the board (which is a good thing).
If this Twatter shit is true (and I stress if), Shitty are the biggest mugs on the planet. Arse will be laughing their heads off.
Not really. We'd all rather he stayed. Losing three superstars in Cesc, Nasri & Eboue within a few days is very disheartening.

You've also lost Denilson who'll be a bigger loss than Fabregas.
City have to overpay, otherwise they wouldn't be able to compete with the big clubs. Still, it's a joke mind, no one can compete with them, they're Chelsea X the amount of cock Elv has seen.
Arsenal can hardly be happy. The contract situation is a sideshow - they have got significantly less than market value for two of their best players because they were both determined to leave. They will be hard to replace.
Not sure about that. Why would he come out and say the following:

"Imagine the worst situation, that we lose Fábregas and Nasri; you cannot convince people that you are ambitious after that."

...only to sanction their sales a few weeks later?

Exactly...the Board give him a lot of freedom but there's no way they'll let 25 million slip by.
Not sure about that. Why would he come out and say the following:

"Imagine the worst situation, that we lose Fábregas and Nasri; you cannot convince people that you are ambitious after that."

...only to sanction their sales a few weeks later?
As he said at the time they have to be committed else there's no point in keeping them. Wenger is god in the boardroom.
Arsenal can hardly be happy. The contract situation is a sideshow - they have got significantly less than market value for two of their best players because they were both determined to leave. They will be hard to replace.

Two of them?
Yeah, on that thought, do you reckon that when Nasri masturbates he basically fists himself with a pillow* in his mouth?

* Smart money is on a Man United pillow case.
We'll have to let her be the judge of that...

See, that's just it, just thinking about the money that's it. That's the problem, all Arsenal care about is money, they'd sell anyone to anyone for the right price and that is not how a top team should operate.

And Nasri wouldn't turn down a move back to France with PSG. I was actually expecting them to make a move.

Too many assumptions in your posts. We really don't know the reality on the ground. Arsenal have been in football business for over a century and I would think they know what they're doing.
Wenger said:
"Imagine the worst situation - we lose Fabregas and Nasri," stated Wenger. "You cannot convince people you are ambitious after that. You cannot pretend you are a big club.

"A big club holds onto its big players and gives a message out to all the other big clubs that they just cannot come in and take [players] away from you."

IMO Wenger should have sold both Cesc and Nasri at the beginning of the summer, buy quality replacement and bed him/them in. He should've done what Fergie did with Ronnie.
The thing about the Wenger quote is that it wasn't simply a case of big clubs coming in and turning the player's heads...the players themselves got fed up and decided they wanted more money and success elsewhere.
IMO Wenger should have sold both Cesc and Nasri at the beginning of the summer, buy quality replacement and bed him/them in. He should've done what Fergie did with Ronnie.
He was trying to tough it out. Fabregas for example just dumped his long-term Spanish girlfriend and is going out with a woman with two young kids. If it was a big deal he might decide to stay in London for another year to sort that out. I thought we could persuade Nasri to give it another year's extension at least.
He was trying to tough it out. Fabregas for example just dumped his long-term Spanish girlfriend and is going out with a woman with two young kids. If it was a big deal he might decide to stay in London for another year to sort that out. I thought we could persuade Nasri to give it another year's extension at least.

All of this has gone down a season too early for everybody involved....apart from Eboue leaving.
By everybody involved you mean gooners. Everyone else seems quite happy.
The thing about the Wenger quote is that it wasn't simply a case of big clubs coming in and turning the player's heads...the players themselves got fed up and decided they wanted more money and success elsewhere.
Fabregas said about 5 years ago that one day he wanted to go back and play in his own country, I thought he would be gone by the time he was 25 at the latest. I'd say Nasri's just after the money but while I've turned down 25/30% rises offers to change jobs no one's ever offered me a double-your-money deal. In fact when I got offered 50% I went like a rat up a drainpipe.
Not to mention an increased likelihood of winning trophies.

I'm sure it's comforting to assume this is all about childhood dreams/filthy lucre but season after season winning nowt will weigh heavy on the mind of any ambitious young footballer thinking about his next contract. Combine that with any kind of decent pay-rise and it's a no-brainer.
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