Nasri To City - Done Deal!

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We should have tried a bit harder to sign him.

You have no idea how much we "tried" to sign him. City have been interested since day 1 and no doubt made it absolutely clear to him they would pay him a fortune so when we got involved he might have been asking for too much money.
Wenger has changed his tune from last month:

"Imagine the worst situation - we lose Fabregas and Nasri - you cannot convince people you are ambitious after that."

"I believe for us it is important the message we give out. For example, you talk about Fabregas leaving, Nasri leaving.

"If you give that message out, you cannot pretend you are a big club, because a big club first of all holds onto its big players and gives a message out to all the other big clubs that they just cannot come in and take away from you.
That was always a crazy stupid statement to make. The inevitable transfers now seemingly happening (not to mention so close to the start of the season) and by his own words Arsenal are not a big club.
Day 4

He stifled a yawn, there was no time for reflex human actions, he would need his entire concentration and physical performance to be at it's very peak. He swung his legs out of his bed, and without actually standing, shifted himself onto the computer chair. Soon he wouldn't need the use of his legs at all, he had almost finished 'walk-proofing' his home, so that he could access all areas without the need of ever standing again. His face was slack, saving the muscles used to re-arrange his face into that of a near-normal one, to re-invest into transfer strategem. He started the routine, donning the hands-free headset, he whispered command after command, "open tab", "refresh tab", "scroll, scroll, scroll". He was a master tactician, his battlefield laid out before him, his soldiers slowly advancing on enemy territory, except this wasn't war and they weren't soldiers, they were scouts, slowly moving towards their targets. He laughed, and cried, simultaneously. Samir was surrounded, completely surrounded by scouts. United scouts. It was a beautiful pain, for so long he had yearned for Samir, for so long he had appreciated the skills and dedication of the butch lesbian. He raised a swollen-hand, he has slept on it again, and clumsily wiped away a lone tear, the time was almost there now, finally, he could breathe a sigh of relief.

He glanced towards the shrine. They were all there, the chosen transfer targets. A stick of incense burned below, swirling smoke around their awesome figures. He wheeled himself over there and began to spit-polish each one, humming a silent prayer for the players and their families. After an hour or so, he had finished, and propelled himself back towards his computer desk, he had almost entirely lost the sensation of feeling in his legs now, he was close. Absent-mindedly he whispered 'f5', the page refreshed. It took three whole minutes for the story on the page to manifest into understanding in his brain. He started to twitch, uncontrallably, his head jerking from side to side, like a deranged churchill dog. Whining sounds, like that of a cat in heat escaped his drawn lips, a vein by his temple began to throb, outlining itself against his skin like an internal worm. His eyes scanned the two words over and over again, for hours, but he still couldn't understand them, 'Manchester City'. It was wrong. He had obtained confirmation from the source itself, he had performed the transfer ritual to perfection, even given up the use of his legs as a sacrifice to make Nasri stronger. And now he saw the fruits of his labor, his rivals, bitter rivals, would be stealing his player, stealing his dreams, stealing his legs. Fury erupted from every orifice, to the human eye, he was almost a blur, as his entire body racked in angry spasms.
Difference is everyone else find a way to live with mine.
Don't feel bad Hectic, you're a funny guy but you can't compete with the humour provided by storey's meltdowns.
Because peter is actually a decent poster when not discussing Arsenal. I've never seen a more deluded poster in my life on here, and everyone recognizes it and takes it for what it is. I think he does it to feel better about himself, or thinks that by wumming these weird points he is achieving something, he isn't, and it doesn't. Outside of the football forums, he's good.
storey makes me sad. He has obviously given up, but still posts as if he hadn't. A modern-day tragic Sisyphus.
Save your tears for yourselves. You're the sad bastards who haven't won the league for 20 years and counting.
Save your tears for yourselves. You're the sad bastards who haven't won the league for 20 years and counting.

I will cry for you tonight, Peter.

In fact I am sending out a call to all caftards:

We will all cry at the same time tonight.

We can change the world.
I'd have been crying all summer if I'd wasted £55M on a pair of donkeys like Carroll and Henderson.
United need players who want to play for us. Nasri, if the papers are to be believed, doesn't meet that criteria. He wants to go to City. We can all speculate as to why but ultimately its irrelevant. His heart isn't set on United and as such who cares that he's not coming?

I don't understand some fans. Last season, for instance, even as Chico was banging them in people were still talking about Benzema. Why? Why pine for players who don't want to play for your club?

The United way is about more than pretty football its about pulling together in the face of adversity and fighting for victory. You gotta be willing to fight for your teammates and to believe in our club and if you don't want to really be there I can't see how that would be possible.

Lets stick to buying hungry players like Hernandez, Young and Jones who actually want to be at our club instead of worrying about players who do not. If the papers are correct Nasri's made his choice. Good luck to him. If he thinks City are a better choice than United then not signing him was the best outcome for all involved.

Bloody good post but you're never going to convince the muppets in this thread - they spend far too much time playing Football Manager and watching their illegal streams, masturbating over the thought of having a front 3 of Benzema, Ronaldo and Messi.

United have always been about producing quality players. It's very rare that we sign the finished product. Don't get me wrong, we've brought in players like Ferdinand and Berbatov in the past who some might call "the finished product" but generally we turn youngsters into superstars.

Sneijder can do one - I'm happy to watch Cleverly and the youngsters turn into stars.


(Yes, I'm a top red)
Yay this thread has turned into a "our signings are better than your signings" playground scrap.

I'm off for a dump...
whatever happened to jobup?

I imagine he must be exploding with Wenger rage at the moment. Always a good laugh.
Because peter is actually a decent poster when not discussing Arsenal. I've never seen a more deluded poster in my life on here, and everyone recognizes it and takes it for what it is. I think he does it to feel better about himself, or thinks that by wumming these weird points he is achieving something, he isn't, and it doesn't. Outside of the football forums, he's good.

Which is unfortunate, considering that this is primarily a football board.
Wenger reckons we'll finish ahead of City and Chelsea without Nasri. The aim of the game is to win the league so you don't strengthen the favourites.

I doubt Wenger is using that logic. Chelsea finished ahead of you in the last seven seasons. City has probably a better squad already and will keep buying quality. You're losing two of your best midfielders a week before the start of the season. You'd have to be extremely optimistic to think Arsenal will finish ahead of either team as things stand now.

It's simple, really. Nasri wants money and trophies. City will offer him more money than any other club and with their huge spending they're bound to continue adding trophies to the last season's FA Cup. With the player out of contract next year and refusing to commit, Arsenal has no other choice but to sell Nasri to the highest bidder. They'd deal with Chelsea or United or any other club as long as they could get a bigger fee. At this point it's irrelevant where he goes, it's all about money.
As a matter of interest were there talks with Nasri last season about extending his deal, or did they assume they'd be able to tie it up the summer before it expired. I presume the former?
How much are city going to pay Nasri? If its within United's salary structure they should make a cheeky last minute bid for him. Maybe match City's bid and throw in a player that could help Arsenal a little.
As a matter of interest were there talks with Nasri last season about extending his deal, or did they assume they'd be able to tie it up the summer before it expired. I presume the former?
They started ages ago but he's been dragging it out, clearly to run his contract down. Gazidis accepted some criticism for it but said recently that there's not much you can do if the player is determined not to sign.
Makes sense. I figured they'd have learned their lesson from Flamini, albeit he wasn't nearly as big a loss as Nasri might be. What's this Jadson like?
Flamini was different in that we were going to let his contract expire before his turnaround season so he only had 6 months to go (and he only cost £1M). Jadson is another techno midget.
They started ages ago but he's been dragging it out, clearly to run his contract down. Gazidis accepted some criticism for it but said recently that there's not much you can do if the player is determined not to sign.
Gazidis is to blame. If they had offered Nasri a deal when he was out for a while about 1.5 years ago I bet he'd have taken it.
You don't want to be offering a new contract after 18 months of a 4-year deal. Two years is plenty. I think before too long transfer fees will be a thing of the past and you'll effectively lease a player for the duration of his contract when he'll become a free agent again.
You don't want to be offering a new contract after 18 months of a 4-year deal. Two years is plenty. I think before too long transfer fees will be a thing of the past and you'll effectively lease a player for the duration of his contract when he'll become a free agent again.

You don't want to be offering a new contract after 18 months of a 4-year deal. Two years is plenty. I think before too long transfer fees will be a thing of the past and you'll effectively lease a player for the duration of his contract when he'll become a free agent again.

Yeah, I'm surprised transfer fees have lasted this long past Bosman, or at least have risen as high as they have. I think with the Fabregas and Nasri examples it may become ever more apparent to the clubs that the players are the ones with the power, so paying large transfer fees is not the best use of finance.
Yeah smash the wage structure for someone who doesn't want to play for you - good idea.
Yeah smash the wage structure for someone who doesn't want to play for you - good idea.

Why not? Sell him next summer for what he's worth and get replacements while at the same time not jeopardize your current season by losing two of your most influential players.

As for not playing for you, that's on Wenger to begin with. This should have been the solution all along way before it got to where it is. Get him on a fatter contract, keep him a year on a gentleman's agreement and then sell him. He left it too late.

Anyway, I don't expect any of this to happen, too late now anyway. Enjoy your Nasri replacement in a 17 year old.
The current cockbull story going around is that Arsenal will let Nasri go in exchange for a deal with Tevez going the other way
Arsenal play their one striker up front anyway and I can't see RvP getting dropped for Tevez which could lead to Tevez getting quite pissed. That would be fun.
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