The reality of the situation is starting to dawn on us all, Moyes has complete immunity from the sack this year, Bayern will knock us out, based on the reality of the two teams performances in big games this year, its just a question of how many the put past us, and still Moyes won't get sacked, it's pointless to wish for a heavy defeat in hopes of a change, because it just won't happen.
The more interesting game for me is the one at Goodison coming up, where 40,000 Evertonians will no doubt, from start to finish riddicule him, and God alone help him if his team doesn't turn up that day, the reaction would be beyond humiliating.
The reality is he's going to get the summer come what may, to rebuild, but again we see nothing, literally nothing that indicates a turn around could be possible next year, and at which point the moneymen at our club may just be starting to bite their fingernails at the reality of missing Champions League revenue for a second season running, then we'll see if the clubs mantra "We're different, we're better, we stand by our manager" actually rings true.
Until that point i'm not getting my hopes up of a managerial switch, I'm strapping myself in for another year of this horror show, sad but the reality of the situation.