You kind of get the impression he's setting himself up for damage limitation. Essentially writing us off in the Champions League, playing down our losses in the league with comments such as "every team loses games". Title winning squad or not, this is not Moyes' team and I think he's suffering as a result. As good as our squad is, our best eleven doesn't match up to the top European clubs anymore and unlike Fergie, he's seems to be unable get the best out of what is actually an excellent squad.
He's clearly struggling to identify what his best eleven would be. It's tricky for him because we are at a time where our once world class defenders in Evra, Rio and Vidic are on the decline, and our young defenders, while promising, are still not quite there yet. Our centre midfield is a mess, either having to play players out of position, aren't good enough yet or will never be good enough. Our wide options, while fairly strong, are limited by average players who seem to be getting games ahead of the others. Our striking options are seemingly our best asset, but with the miss that is our midfield we aren't half making life difficult for our strikers.
He should have solved this in the transfer window, but didn't, and he and Woody should be held accountable. I do think we should give him the benefit of the doubt for now and let him have a season to prepare targets properly and at least get a feel for players that would actually consider joining us. The good news is that he has established the need for world class players and hopefully with a sufficient amount of time to identify targets, that's what we'll get next summer, as well as clearing out the deadwood.
Things are looking shit right lets to be honest, but he does need a season to begin to make his mark. However, I do believe it's unacceptable for our club, with the squad of players it has, to even entertain the possibility of falling outside of the top 4. If this does actually happen then he should be out of the door straight away. If a manager cannot take our squad of players from day 1 and achieve what I would see as the minimum requirement (top 4) for our club in the modern footballing era, then he is not good enough.
A lot has changed in football since Liverpool's fall from grace, and it would take a major balls-up for a club of our size to follow suit. Lets hope David Moyes is not that balls-up.
At this point, i'd be happy if we get top 4 and a decent run in one or two of the cups, and I wouldn't be surprised if that isn't Moyes' target now himself (or maybe even from the start?)