Coutinho has been terrible, he's looking for all the world immensely overrated, a typical Liverpool player you could say. I will say you can make a case for Henderson but he's in great form, form which not one player at our club has been in, god knows what's happened to Valencia perhaps that leg break has taken away more than we know but he's still got more to offer than either.
I can see this

have you watched Liverpool recently ? They have been bordering on garbage, beating teams without the ball and relying hugely on pace as an attacking force, SOS have been the difference and yes Sterling also has been a great input going forward.
Young and Valencia are nowhere near performing to ability but the shocker is that both players have scored and chipped in a couple of goals despite looking largely poor for the best part of the season in a team that has had nowhere near Liverpool's form nor luck.
Yes I want rid of both come Summer but your both massively overrating Liverpool's midfield, it's just as fecking shit if not worse than ours, they have just had a good rub of the green and a forward line that's been fit.