Gaming Modern Warfare 2

Sentry guns aren't bad if you know where to put them. Unfortunately, they arrive in care packages. Meaning you have to put yourself at risk in order to use them.

I dont see why they have to be in a care package.

I got 2 once on Terminal and put one at either end of the Boarding Bridge.

Racked up loads of kills.

Putting one in the radiation zone on Wasteland works well - people cant get to it.

If makes me laugh how people will fight to destroy a sentry gun, even if it means they get killed a few times.
£10.20 for three new maps? Pffffffffffffffffffffttt.

The Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Pack is to receive a plump 1200 Microsoft Point (£10.20) price point, it's been confirmed.

The price tag - announced in the Major Nelson podcast - covers three new maps and two old ones and has naturally caused the community to pick up its flaming torches and pitchforks and take to the streets.

"Like others have said, the amount IW has made from mw2 you'd think that it would be around the 600-800MP range," said one disappointed user on the game's official forums.

"1200 pts is a slap in the face to all the players who have stuck with MW2 from day 1," said another, slightly angrier fan.

The pack is set to include five maps; Mp_Crash, MP_Overgrown, MP_Complex, MP_Compact and MP_Storm, the first pair of which are from the original Modern Warfare.

EA slammed the move in the announcement of its own DLC, which will be available on the same day as Modern Warfare 2's - March 30 - but for absolutely free.

"These map packs are available at no extra cost, contradicting the industry standard and what our direct competitors are doing," it said. "Of course, it also helps avoid segmenting the community, making sure everyone can play together having the same maps available."

£10.20 for three new maps? Pffffffffffffffffffffttt.
EA slammed the move in the announcement of its own DLC, which will be available on the same day as Modern Warfare 2's - March 30 - but for absolutely free.

"These map packs are available at no extra cost, contradicting the industry standard and what our direct competitors are doing," it said. "Of course, it also helps avoid segmenting the community, making sure everyone can play together having the same maps available."

Somebody explain? I never understood the map thing either, in the past maps have come out and I haven't been able to play with mates... so I've lost interest and moved on to other games.
Somebody explain? I never understood the map thing either, in the past maps have come out and I haven't been able to play with mates... so I've lost interest and moved on to other games.
You pay for the maps, then download them. You can only play the new maps with your friends if they have also paid for them.
It's the fact that they threw in two from the previous game, coupled with the price for me. It might be worth it for people who have never played MW1.

Anyway, my copy of BC2 should be here tomorrow.
How many hours have you put into MW2?

For £2 per new map, its not bad.

Well an excessive amount yes, and if you look at it that way it doesn't seem too much. But i play it a lot more than the average player, and I still feel ripped of especially so when you consider the competitors add additional maps for free.

I'm getting messages every other game now about 10th prestige lobbies. Annoying as feck, I don't want to pay extra to play and have someone telling me how to do it. What's the point?

You need to get into a modded lobby to get it all. In there you can get the 10th prestige mod, shotgun camos, 4th perk, golden desert eagle, all titles and emblems, all challenges complete, spinning 10th prestige emblem (which is only available through mod), and tank as a killstreak. Pretty much no one offering to do the 10th prestige mod will actually be able to do it. You need a special £400 jtag Xbox/PS3, and a vast amount of knowledge to host them.

Can you use the 4th perk and the tank killstreak against normal lobbies?

Yeah. You can use all of the things i listed in normal lobbies. The 4th perk replaces your special grenade slot. oyeah, also remembered you can make a class with 4 primary weapons, instead of just a primary and a secondary weapon. Is nuts.
Think I was in one of them lobbies before.

Everyone was moving around at 100mph was mental.
Think I was in one of them lobbies before.

Everyone was moving around at 100mph was mental.

If you were in one, you'd be 10th prestige after it. There are other mods where the game speed is upped. Something different though.
If you were in one, you'd be 10th prestige after it. There are other mods where the game speed is upped. Something different though.

Ah right, glad I wasn't in one then..

Yea must have been something else, was well weird!
If you were in one, you'd be 10th prestige after it. There are other mods where the game speed is upped. Something different though.

I'd be pretty pissed off if some no life twat caused that. In all honesty, cheating on Xbox Live is gay. I don't see the fun in it?
If you were in one, you'd be 10th prestige after it. There are other mods where the game speed is upped. Something different though.
Yesterday I was in one like that. I jumped in right before it ended and thought it was lagging. Next game started and it was the same so I got out. The very next lobby I got in was the same so I jumped out again. Today I got in a game like that and jumped out right away. It's not fun at all and very uncontrollable. The first one where I jumped in right before it ended ran out of time instead of one team winning on points. The top person in it had 5 kills cause it was so hard to do anything.

What's a jtagged xbox?
The good news: The Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Pack DLC launched on Xbox Live today. The bad news: it doesn't work. Whoops.

Inside Xbox man Daniel Maher has Tweeted: "Stimulus Package update: We're looking into why they aren't working, but we suspect a new title update is required and is due shortly," in response to the outcries of angry gamers.

A separate title update was due to go live today which would presumably enable the hook to trigger the DLC content on your hard drive, as well as fix a few matchmaking issues.

The Stimulus DLC includes five new maps: Bailout, Salvage, Storm, and classic maps Crash and Overgrown. The DLC is exclusive to Xbox 360 for now, but will be coming to PS3 and PC down the line. Lots more info on that here.

Expect more info and, possibly, another update very soon. Don't go mental yet.



I've spent the last half hour and £15 on downloading the map packs and now I can't even play COD? feck off!
Well, they released arguably the most broken game in history, it's not surprising that the DLC is broken, too.

this is annoying i cant even play the normal maps now as it wont let me on the game without the update