Gaming Modern Warfare 2

Them pair are going to land on their feet wherever they end up, if I was a publisher with abit of clout I would be contacting them right now if I was interested in creating a decent series, and not necessarily in the fps genre.
I imagine Blizzard's profits (while still amazing) are dropping quite rapidly. WoW was gasping for breath about a year ago.
Someone please clear this up for me: Surely activision haven't got rid of those guys to just save a few million? Let's face it without them, MW 3 might not even happen and even if they do make it, I doubt it'd be anywhere near as good. So in the long term they stand to lose out big time. So can someone please clear that up for me? Weaste? Anyone?

I think that IW decided that their association with Activision and the milking of their product wasn't really to their liking, and those two tried to get funding to buy themselves out of it, thus becoming an independent studio again. Activision went bonkers, and thus that's that.
I imagine Blizzard's profits (while still amazing) are dropping quite rapidly. WoW was gasping for breath about a year ago.

The number of paying accounts is at an all-time high, and the Wrath of the Lich King expansion sold millions of units only a year ago.

Not to mention that there's another expansion in six months or so that will bring in the megabucks.

Seriously, WoW is making more money than ever.
I believe most informed gamers will find a reason not to buy Activision products. If Inifinity Ward leaves Activision, there's enough evidence to suggest that a game under a different guise made by the original developers will outdo a game with just the original franchise name.

What Activision has done is shot itself in the foot, again, after the Guitar Hero debacle. Now all they have are Blizzard games. And with their track record with creative developers, I highly doubt that they'll be churning out other AAA games in the near future. Remember how and why EA were so poor in quality games for a period of time? Activision really are the new EA.

The difference this time is that this has to be settled in a courtroom.
Had a couple of good Domination games earlier with coldzebra, he didn't stab me this time.

Now, someone just looking at that post without understanding what the thread was about could take you completely the wrong way. So to speak.
Bit of a cop out if two of the "new" maps aren't actually new at all.
The number of paying accounts is at an all-time high, and the Wrath of the Lich King expansion sold millions of units only a year ago.

Not to mention that there's another expansion in six months or so that will bring in the megabucks.

Seriously, WoW is making more money than ever.

Let me guess, still 11 million accounts? Virtually everyone I know (who were hardcore) have completely quit the game.
Your a fecker for that CZ sneaky cnut :D


I am partial to the odd stab or two or twenty.

I've taken up sniping of late though. No better feeling than a headsht from one side of the map to the other.
Are any of you diehards going to give Bad Company 2 a try then?
Will they relase any of the maps from the original set into the other games they're not in atm?

Like Terminal to Hqs?

I am partial to the odd stab or two or twenty.

I've taken up sniping of late though. No better feeling than a headsht from one side of the map to the other.

yeah ive been forcing myself to use the intervention the last while and when you get used to it, it actually seems like the only sniper rifle you should be using. Im seriously loving the throwing knife so much fun !!! :drool:
I just went 19-0 on Karachi sniping :cool:

Some fella came on the mic afterwards and started singing "snipers are gay" repeatedly before finally saying "that's you zebra" and quitting the match. :lol:
I just went 19-0 on Karachi sniping :cool:

Some fella came on the mic afterwards and started singing "snipers are gay" repeatedly before finally saying "that's you zebra" and quitting the match. :lol:

There's nothing :cool: or :lol: about sniping.

That's you Zebra!
None of the modern CoDs are as good as CoD2. Have that.
I'd be surprised if they did.

A lad I play with reckons they would do, he said they did it on 4.. And they did it on WaW did they not?

Its the easiest way to mix things up a bit for a while...

I'm gutted I don't get to play terminal more, its an ace map, but we play HC HQ

Had our best night on it last, currently 15 for 0 in terms of games :)
I'm also a fan of sniping, I've mastered the .50 cal and have now moved on to the ebr which seriously lacks power but I'm loving the fire rate and lack of recoil, even if i don't hit your head you're going down with a double tap.
I'm also a fan of sniping, I've mastered the .50 cal and have now moved on to the ebr which seriously lacks power but I'm loving the fire rate and lack of recoil, even if i don't hit your head you're going down with a double tap.

EBR is the one I'm using. Have everything unlocked except for extra mags on it.
I went 28-0-1 on Underpass with a 24 killstreak. It was beautiful, easily my best ever game.

Ive started to get a lot better though, I normally at least get a decent K-D ratio now. I find my riot build very fun - M101A4 (or whatever its called) Shotgun with a grip, and a Riot shield on my back for protection. Marathon Lightweight and Commando and I go around blasting peoples faces with my shotgun - and can bring out the shield when in dire need.
Predator, Harrier, and Chopper Gunner is what I use.

Also, I wouldn't say people who sit on 70 are "cheating." I do, however, agree that it's pretty gay. I would lose all interest in the game.

By the way, the map pack is coming to the 360 on 30th of March. PS3 30 days later apparently.
Sentry guns aren't bad if you know where to put them. Unfortunately, they arrive in care packages. Meaning you have to put yourself at risk in order to use them.
I've long since lost count of what has been patched and when. I think the PS3 is on it's ninth.