Gaming Modern Warfare 2

I'd say it's impressive if you're able to work out where they spawn from.

I mean sometimes you could kill a player in a building and then go to leave that building and he's spawned right outside and as soon as you leave...BANG!

You're dead
That's the trick, though. If you are a sneaky fecker (like me) when you kill someone, you change your position slightly. Then when the person you killed comes storming back for revenge, you kill them again. :lol:
I have become absolutely shite at this game.

I was never great, but I was OK and would usually get near the top if not the top of the team board and always got more kills than deaths, at the moment I'm getting completely slaughtered every game and it's doing my head in!
i did the achievement for no kills and 10+ deaths earlier (deliberately!). And then also the one for staying alive for an entire round (which i pretty much cheated - went silencer/riot shield/ninja/cold blooded and hid in a deserted corner of the map on Highrise). Felt very dirty afterwards, especially since on the one where i got no kills and died, my team ended up losing by like 200 points, felt very guilty :(
I died a large number of times jumping off the building on highrise trying to get onto the broken lift to get on the roof.
I died a large number of times jumping off the building on highrise trying to get onto the broken lift to get on the roof.

i discovered a remote little office area in one of the buildings near the initial spawnpoitn that i hadnt noticed before - got the old riot shield out and hid in a corner...... 8 mins later and i get killed by a random bullet through the wall. killcam reveals it was from the other side of the map with an LMG that the guy had speculatively fired and headshotted me through the damn wall.

I have become absolutely shite at this game.

I was never great, but I was OK and would usually get near the top if not the top of the team board and always got more kills than deaths, at the moment I'm getting completely slaughtered every game and it's doing my head in!
You're probably being matched up with better players.
Nah it's not that, I've just gone full retard. I couldn't get a headshot if there was a DK mode cheat like in Goldeneye.
Online now and up for a game if anyone's on.

PSN: coldzebra
I died a large number of times jumping off the building on highrise trying to get onto the broken lift to get on the roof.

Run, jump, and once you're in the air - don't press anything.

You'll get onto it more often than not that way.
Lag's really beginning to annoy me in this game. I'll knife someone, but it'll "miss" and then they'll shoot me. On the killcam I won't have got anywhere near them.

This is the problem when every cnut is playing over a wireless connection - the latency is three times higher.

1. Infinite Care Package glitch is fixed.

2. You can no longer sprint faster with the care package marker in your hand.

3. FMJ + Akimbo with the 1887's does not give you the old range back. It's now fully banked.

4. You can no longer put Sentry Guns within' certain rocks/pillars in the maps.
Lag's really beginning to annoy me in this game. I'll knife someone, but it'll "miss" and then they'll shoot me. On the killcam I won't have got anywhere near them.

This is the problem when every cnut is playing over a wireless connection - the latency is three times higher.

Having the same problem. Start shooting at someone and nothing happens, apart from they shoot me in the face successfully.

1. Infinite Care Package glitch is fixed.

2. You can no longer sprint faster with the care package marker in your hand.

3. FMJ + Akimbo with the 1887's does not give you the old range back. It's now fully banked.

4. You can no longer put Sentry Guns within' certain rocks/pillars in the maps.

Still not sorted the Pavelow thing out?

Anyone know the way around that?
I think I just played a game with ColdZebra. :lol:

Oh yeh? I was probably shit I was on the phone half the time I was playing yesterday :lol:

Edit: Oh at 3am... hmm can't remember how I played then.
Oh yeh? I was probably shit I was on the phone half the time I was playing yesterday :lol:

Edit: Oh at 3am... hmm can't remember how I played then.
I think you came last. I came first, although it was a shitty round. I had 15 kills and 13 deaths or something like that. I don't recall what you had. You were on my team, I recognised your name so I gave you a friendly stab. It was on Wasteland.

Quite a coincidence that we ended up in the same game.
I do remember a lad stabbing me come to think of it. Yeh I pretty much just ran around like a headless chicken in Wasteland. Sometimes get unbelievable kill streaks or other times ridiculous death streaks. All about luck really.
Gave Spammy a good seeing to earlier :p
Playing with Planet Parade Monday I see KK. They're a class act for such young lads.
As was I. Well the hungover bit anyway.
finally managed to get my first nuke this weekend, ended on 44-4, in my opinion the best kill streak rewards to get it are 1. harrier 2. chopper gunner 3. nuke