Gaming Modern Warfare 2

Nah, if there's spaces in the game then you can join your friends in it. If you click on a friend then you can "invite to game", but if he's in a game or lobby with spaces then you also get an option to "join session", which is what they all do. And it only takes one random person from a friend's list to join, and then it's like a chain with all his mates turning up in what was supposed to be our private match.

get rid of the vague randoms on your friends lists!
My God, this has been pushed onto page two!

This is probably going to sound like a stupid question, but on the PS3 is there a way to password private games? I've got a few real life mates and we all went and got this game together a few weeks ago, so we like to have games against each other every so often. The problem arises when - without fail - halfway through the private match some vague person on one of their friends lists they barely know will join, and then all that person's friends will start joining, and soon enough there's ten people and none of us knows at least half of them.

It's a bit shit if the only way to make sure it's just the four of us is to either play it on a split screen or bring all our PS3s and TVs round to one house and play over a LAN.

Well if you were on Xbox, what your friends and yourself could do is all appear offline. That way it doesn't offer the option to join the session. I don't know if the PS3 has this capability however.
I'm assuming you object to these people joining your game because they are turding you up with extreme prejudice?

What do you play with four people, out of interest? Surely you would spend the majority of the time just searching for someone on the map?

Well, most of the time we just join normal games as a party, or even just individually since we're all obssessed but not on at the same time. But every so often we just want to play a small game with just the four of us for shits and giggles. So don't get the impression we're always just playing as a four - we're not. It would just be nice to be able to do so occasionally without having a load of randomers turn up. If we wanted to just play against a load of random people we'd join a normal game!

But we tend to play some of the smaller to medium maps. I don't mind not finding someone for a minute or so; it raises the tension. Scrapyard and some of the urban levels are the ones we usually do - that one with the American base up in the corner and the ruined tanks is a favourite. We tried Rust, but it was insanely shit.

Also by "turding you up" I assume you mean being better than the rest of us? It's partly that, yes, although we've all started to hold our own now, but also just because it'll be the four of us and then suddenly some randomer I don't know. Nothing to do with his skill, just his presence!

get rid of the vague randoms on your friends lists!

They're not on my friends lists, they're on my friends' :p But some of those people are friends, we just don't want them in our personal match.

Well if you were on Xbox, what your friends and yourself could do is all appear offline. That way it doesn't offer the option to join the session. I don't know if you are able to do that on PS3.

Haven't ever seen a way to do that :(
Well, I think you're screwed, short of having them removed from your friend's friend list. Other than that, I don't know how you can prevent it.

I love Rust, for the record, it's one of my favourite maps. You can really throw people under the bus on that one. The one with the base is Invasion. I like that one, too.

I despise Derail and Estate.
I love Derail and Estate. Estate is one of my favourite maps, can rack up great numbers of kills with a sniper rifle on there. As well as Wasteland.
That's why I hate them. They're both camp fests. Derail is just too big, IMO. I'm not fussed on Underpass, either.

Wasteland, on the other hand, I really do like. The underground area in the middle sees some quality action.
The underground area in the middle is where the mugs are introduced to my .50cal full metal jacket rounds from distance.

I didn't like underpass until last night when I discovered a better approach to the map, don't mind it now. I don't mind snipers camping because you can almost always still get a shot at them, camping only really pisses me off when it's some gimp hid in a room waiting for you to run past him. Snipers have a view of a large area of map.
It's quite satisfying getting a headshot when somebody runs across the screen and you instinctively flick to the side and shoot. Much more so than firing an automatic into them from 20 yards.

I played 'sniper fi' on spec ops last night because PSN was being shit, and the total lack of recoil made sniping piss easy!
That's why I hate them. They're both camp fests. Derail is just too big, IMO. I'm not fussed on Underpass, either.

Wasteland, on the other hand, I really do like. The underground area in the middle sees some quality action.

Yes it does, one of my best maps. Noob Tubes all the way
I got the game winning kill doing that last week, the time was running out and my team needed 3 kills so I ran in and three of them were sat looking the other way :lol:
I just knifed six people in a row in that middle section of Wasteland :lol: I snuck round the back of their side and just ran in knifing like a maniac :D

did that recently with shotgun with silencer, about 4 of them all in a line waiting outside the middle section.

It made me hard
Was playing this last night with a mate of mine in Team Deathmatch. It started off 6 on 6 but then after 30 seconds 4 of our teammates left but the game didn't shut down it stayed as a 6 on 2 for some reason. Was great craic altogether. We lost 7500 to 6200 in the end, quite the effort if I do say so myself.
I got the game winning kill doing that last week, the time was running out and my team needed 3 kills so I ran in and three of them were sat looking the other way :lol:

i joined a game once there wasnt long left
i went out of the bunker on afgan, shot a grenade and it killed 2 people

then the game finished with me getting the game winning kill and the score was 7500- 7400.


2 kills 0 deaths!
anyone killed a couple of guys in one shot?
i was sniping on waste land, one ran from the left the other from the right, i shot as they cross and killed both the feckers!
Yea double kills are cool. That reminds me I got a chopper gunner in a care package for the first time the other day, it's feckin awesome!
Yea double kills are cool. That reminds me I got a chopper gunner in a care package for the first time the other day, it's feckin awesome!
It is, but it's effectiveness varies depending on what map you're on. Get one on Wasteland, for example, you can expect to achieve anything up to 10 kills. Get one on Skidrow, you're lucky to manage five.
Hm yea, I got it on wasteland and got around 10 because the whole oppo team were stood together outside and respawned in the same place hehe.

I can imagine it not being too good on other maps though like you say.
It's still my favourite killstreak reward. I use Predator, Harrier and Chopper Gunner.

I suck with any and all air strikes. I'm just as likely to blow myself up. I try to call them into an area that most of my team are facing but it's still a lottery.
Nothing worse than getting a predator and all the oppositon being inside. Watching it fall aimlessly to the ground is depressing.
Not as depressing as getting a Chopper Gunner only for some prick to shoot you down immediately.
I'm just getting the hang of COD MW 1 and its ok'ish. I hate the hackers and the massive spawn killls and lack of tactics etc. Ive always been a big fan of MOHAA you see. Anyway, what is modern warfare 2 like in rough? Is it a vast improvement of the first one? Is it worth buying? Many stupid hackers out on it yet etc. I love playing online and being with good clans in matches etc. Any of you do that?
It's more of the same, but better. Better weapons, perks, etc.

As for tactics, the best tactic you can utilize in both games is to learn the maps thoroughly. Do that, and you'll notice your game improving.
I'm just getting the hang of COD MW 1 and its ok'ish. I hate the hackers and the massive spawn killls and lack of tactics etc. Ive always been a big fan of MOHAA you see. Anyway, what is modern warfare 2 like in rough? Is it a vast improvement of the first one? Is it worth buying? Many stupid hackers out on it yet etc. I love playing online and being with good clans in matches etc. Any of you do that?

Hackers? You playing on PC or something?
You don't need to duck up and down and stab boxes like a spastic to collect points, you carry on with the game.
You don't need to duck up and down and stab boxes like a spastic to collect points, you carry on with the game.

If he had died though the congratulations that pop up stop don't they?
He'd still get the points though. So unless he's just a geek (which I guess making the video in the first place kind of proves) there's no reason to not carry on. Also, if he was just trying not to die, surely hiding round the corner would make more sense than jumping up and down and running in circles?!
It's more of the same, but better. Better weapons, perks, etc.

As for tactics, the best tactic you can utilize in both games is to learn the maps thoroughly. Do that, and you'll notice your game improving.
Cheers. I'll get used to mw1 before i buy mw2

Hackers? You playing on PC or something?
yep, PC. I cant use a hand controller to aim on a ps3. I need a mouse and as my PC is the dog bollox its pretty good, just tons of hackers on the pc servers :(
I've not played a FPS on the PC since counter strike beta versions when I was in high school. I did like using the mouse to aim, but you soon get used to the controller on a console.
Killng someone by setting off a string of explosives I think deco. Not quite sure how it works to be honest.
I got one i was well proud of... killing the entire enemy team within 10 seconds!

It was on free for all and i had a pavelow but still i was well chuffed!
There's quite a few comical challenges, like sticking semtex to an enemy and then getting multiple kills when he runs into a group of his team mates :lol: