Yaaas Broncos!
There's one I keep meaning to do but forgetting, which is killing yourself and at least one other person by holding a grenade till it goes off 

I'm confused, is this one shot that kills multiple people? there are only 3 people on the other team so... aah fcuk it, you can tell I don't play this as much as you lot. I'm baffled...
More people have joined the game by the time he shoots the bullet.
There's quite a few comical challenges, like sticking semtex to an enemy and then getting multiple kills when he runs into a group of his team mates![]()
What's everyones K/D ratio then?
Mines 1.35
I'm confused, is this one shot that kills multiple people? there are only 3 people on the other team so... aah fcuk it, you can tell I don't play this as much as you lot. I'm baffled...
More people have joined the game by the time he shoots the bullet.
The melee attack is a massive load of bollocks. I've watched kill cam and seen me stab someone first, it didn't register then they've turned around and stabbed me from a mile away. People walk through a point blank shotgun blast to the chest/face to stab - where does the shot go then? Does it just disappear into thin air??
Also, yesterday I was playing, I jumped out of a window, dropped about 10 feet down and started running for about 2 seconds then I died. Watched the kill cam - the cnut was in the window 10 feet above me and I was 5 feet away from where I landed, complete and utter bullshit. I nearly threw the controller through the fecking tele.
You just have to stick at it, and learn the maps. I think I'm ranked 43 having prestige'd once, and a good percentage of the time the game drives me fecking nuts.I'm so shit at this game online that I just die every few seconds, which basically makes playing it no fun![]()
feck no, my rank is 43. My score ranking is 1.1 million or so. At one stage I was down as low as 600,000 and something, but I went a couple of weeks without playing. I dropped well over a million places.43 in the entire world? Out of like 5.000.000?
You just have to stick at it, and learn the maps. I think I'm ranked 43 having prestige'd once, and a good percentage of the time the game drives me fecking nuts.
Probably Free For All. When I first started playing Call of Duty 4 online, I tried Team Death Match. One of the first major obstacles I encountered was distinguishing who was my teammate and who wasn't. Same with Modern Warfare 2 (although I figured it out quite quickly having now had a bit of experience). Free For All is every man for himself. So just shoot everybody.I'm going to give it another go now, what are the best type of games to play for someone who is rubbish? I.e Ground war? Deathmatch? etc
It's because they know the maps, they know where people are likely to head to, and they know where they spawn from. It just comes from experience.The thing that amazes me on this game is that when you watch youtube vids of people going on ridiculous K/D ratios like 44-3 is that they are always in open space and running around alot yet no one ever seems to sneak up on them and kill them.
I tried doing it on mine but some fecker is always creeps up on me, nowadays just need to take the cautious approach
It's because they know the maps, they know where people are likely to head to, and they know where they spawn from. It just comes from experience.
I'm going to give it another go now, what are the best type of games to play for someone who is rubbish? I.e Ground war? Deathmatch? etc