Gaming Modern Warfare 2

Well by your apparent discovery you seem to miss the 'connecting to match making server' at the start of the multi-player screen!

Of course the game has a skill level which determines what lobby you're placed into.

well surely this just confirms my theory?
The riot shield. What is the point? Anyone use it?

I love stabbing/shooting in the feet, dummies who use this crap. I encountered a couple earlier. I really don't get it.
I'm bad at this game but very addicted. I was getting so I was averaging 14 kills a game and 8 deaths probably. I planned on unlocking guns instead of prestiging but my friends all talked me into taking the plunge. Now I'm getting into lobbies where very few people are on their first prestige and most are 4th or higher. I've had a couple games 0-1-9 or the like. If I had it to do over, I would have just stayed at level 70.
Lance I agree with your views on the idiots with riot shields. It is amusing to pick them off from an angle with a sniper rifle when they seem to believe they are invincible.
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The riot shield tools are hilarious. I don't tend to see them very often, though. The worst thing in the game as far as I'm concerned, is the lightweight, marathon, commando, tactical knife fags. At worst it's cheating, at very best it's fecking cheap ass.

It's even given a name now, "the witch", because you disappear from 10 foot away and reappear in stabbing range when you use it.

By all accounts it's a glitch. The algorithm they use to compensate for lag (which doesn't fecking work anyway) can't deal with the speed, so to everyone else you look like you're lag switching.

Pure fecking gayness.
Yeah agreed. I must have been editing my post as you typed.

Therefore MW2 doesn't have any 'cheats' because we are talking about online play, so the programmes wouldn't have wanted to give any unfair advantages, where as the cheats on GTA were offline, so it didn't really matter.

It would have been good if they put some old school cheats in MW2 single player. You know, like Big Head mode which would make headshots easier.

I used to have little books that came with magazines that revealed cheats for hundreds of games. Most you had to press a crazy combination to do, GTA was by far the best for them. I think in Vice City there was a code for nearly every car to make it drop from the sky infront of you.
R1 R2 L1 L2 left down right up left down right up.
R1 R2 L1 L2 left down right up left down right up.

What have you done!


Quick cancel it, cancel it!
The riot shield tools are hilarious. I don't tend to see them very often, though. The worst thing in the game as far as I'm concerned, is the lightweight, marathon, commando, tactical knife fags. At worst it's cheating, at very best it's fecking cheap ass.

It's even given a name now, "the witch", because you disappear from 10 foot away and reappear in stabbing range when you use it.

By all accounts it's a glitch. The algorithm they use to compensate for lag (which doesn't fecking work anyway) can't deal with the speed, so to everyone else you look like you're lag switching.

Pure fecking gayness.

I encountered an entire clan of these cocoa shunters once on a TDM in terminal. They all had the clan tag [SHNK].

Needless to say they all quickly left when I put my back against a wall and proceeded to pick them all off from distance with my SCAR. Shottie to the face is quite effective also.

I need to get back on this.

When it's fixed.
I love riot shields, it's fecking fun. Of course you do die quite often when playing against decent players, but seeing an idiot unload a clip into your shield and then smacking them about is a laugh.
I love riot shields, it's fecking fun. Of course you do die quite often when playing against decent players, but seeing an idiot unload a clip into your shield and then smacking them about is a laugh.

tut tut hemming :P
:lol: You should have seen it when me Molesy and Jackson were running around doing a riot shield challenge! The other team didn't know what was going on seeing a wall of riot shields coming at them.
I encountered an entire clan of these cocoa shunters once on a TDM in terminal. They all had the clan tag [SHNK].

Needless to say they all quickly left when I put my back against a wall and proceeded to pick them all off from distance with my SCAR. Shottie to the face is quite effective also.

I need to get back on this.

When it's fixed.
The first time I encountered it I had no idea what the hell was going on. The prick must have racked up double figures in kills from me alone.

I've been wise to it for some time now, but it doesn't make it any less irritating.

As for it ever being completely fixed, I'm not holding my breath. It seems like each patch fixes one problem, but causes two more.
The first time I encountered it I had no idea what the hell was going on. The prick must have racked up double figures in kills from me alone.

I've been wise to it for some time now, but it doesn't make it any less irritating.

As for it ever being completely fixed, I'm not holding my breath. It seems like each patch fixes one problem, but causes two more.

What are the current problems then?
Yep, the AUG HBAR is very good actually... Just be sure to use a Grip on it!

The only gun I've used since I've Prestiged, though, is the Intervention. Using Assault Rifles gets really boring after a while. So now all I do is snipe and occasionally use my Raffica. :D

The only game mode I play these days is Search and Destroy. Good fun... I'm getting quite good too, I'd say I average about 9 kills and 2 deaths each game with just my Intervention/Raffica combo.
Yeah, the AUG and the RPD are both good (although the load time on the RPD is quite lengthy, large magazines make up for it, though).
Yep, the AUG HBAR is very good actually... Just be sure to use a Grip on it!

The only gun I've used since I've Prestiged, though, is the Intervention. Using Assault Rifles gets really boring after a while. So now all I do is snipe and occasionally use my Raffica. :D

The only game mode I play these days is Search and Destroy. Good fun... I'm getting quite good too, I'd say I average about 9 kills and 2 deaths each game with just my Intervention/Raffica combo.

Thats not bad. What prestige are you?
I'm level 22 and use a light machine gun. HTH.
Jeez this multiplayer thingy seems way too complicated if you ask me. far too many parameters.... and stuff like that.

Give me Counter Strike Source any day of the week.

*runs for cover
I prestiged. It is well worth it.

Its a great way to learn new guns. I only really used SCARs and ACRs. Now im using the UMPs - there pretty good as akimbos.

fecking akimbo's - because one gun isn't enough these days.

For some reason i despise akimbos.
Never bothered with akimbo. I've tried it, but didn't like the lack of accuracy.

Plus you look like a retarded zombie.
ive been doing quite well with my riot shield build over the last couple of days.

when i started, at around lvl10-20, i used the old shield a lot but rarely used any weapons etc, now i am more experienced i have started getting my shotgun out a lot more with it (i use the "M" shotgun, cant remember the full name for it).

Using marathon, lightweight and commando and a damn lot of throwing knives, its proving quite successful. A few riot shield kills, a few shotguns, a few throwing knives, tis good.
My God, this has been pushed onto page two!

This is probably going to sound like a stupid question, but on the PS3 is there a way to password private games? I've got a few real life mates and we all went and got this game together a few weeks ago, so we like to have games against each other every so often. The problem arises when - without fail - halfway through the private match some vague person on one of their friends lists they barely know will join, and then all that person's friends will start joining, and soon enough there's ten people and none of us knows at least half of them.

It's a bit shit if the only way to make sure it's just the four of us is to either play it on a split screen or bring all our PS3s and TVs round to one house and play over a LAN.
My God, this has been pushed onto page two!

This is probably going to sound like a stupid question, but on the PS3 is there a way to password private games? I've got a few real life mates and we all went and got this game together a few weeks ago, so we like to have games against each other every so often. The problem arises when - without fail - halfway through the private match some vague person on one of their friends lists they barely know will join, and then all that person's friends will start joining, and soon enough there's ten people and none of us knows at least half of them.

It's a bit shit if the only way to make sure it's just the four of us is to either play it on a split screen or bring all our PS3s and TVs round to one house and play over a LAN.

New one coming this year.

Activision publishing CEO Mike Griffith has admitted that the firm isn't expecting this year's Treyarch-developed Call Of Duty 7 to eclipse sales of Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2.

But before you IW lovers get too high and mighty, Activision's caution has nothing to do with the game's developer: It's because the firm expects a tougher set of rival titles will hit shelves in the lead up to Christmas this year.

Modern Warfare 2's dominance of the market is widely seen as the main reason some publishers postponed the release of triple-A releases from Christmas 2009 to the first quarter of this year.

Speaking to investors earlier this evening about Activision's expectations for Call Of Duty 7, however, Griffith forecast that the same situation would not apply in 2010:

"We've consistsently grown the Call Of Duty franchise revenues year-on-year for the past seven years. We expect to continue our stategy of annualising this franchise opportuntiy. At the same time, we recognise that Modern Wardfare 2 was an unprecedented success, driven in part by the game quality, our retail and marketing execution, and by the relatively friendly competitive environment [at Christmas].

"We expect to have a more difficult competitive environment this year, and therefore we've not planned on the same level of success [with 2010's CoD title] as we enjoyed in 2009. That said, we're still bullish on this year's title, and we do see upside potential if we execute well by engaging the much larger set of consumers who were introduced to the Call Of Duty franchise in 2009."
:lol: I'm not sure mate.

I've played in private matches before, but I didn't realise people could just invite themselves into it, I thought they had to be invited by the host.
:lol: I'm not sure mate.

I've played in private matches before, but I didn't realise people could just invite themselves into it, I thought they had to be invited by the host.

Nah, if there's spaces in the game then you can join your friends in it. If you click on a friend then you can "invite to game", but if he's in a game or lobby with spaces then you also get an option to "join session", which is what they all do. And it only takes one random person from a friend's list to join, and then it's like a chain with all his mates turning up in what was supposed to be our private match.
Cheeky tramps.

In that case I have no answer to your particular dilemma. I offer my most sincere apologies.
Nah, if there's spaces in the game then you can join your friends in it. If you click on a friend then you can "invite to game", but if he's in a game or lobby with spaces then you also get an option to "join session", which is what they all do. And it only takes one random person from a friend's list to join, and then it's like a chain with all his mates turning up in what was supposed to be our private match.
I'm assuming you object to these people joining your game because they are turding you up with extreme prejudice?

What do you play with four people, out of interest? Surely you would spend the majority of the time just searching for someone on the map?