Gaming Modern Warfare 2

I played a bit last night and have become absolutely awful!

When I get to the point of 'prestige or not' I won't be bothering, I will instead carry on trying to complete every challenge for every gun.
I played a bit last night and have become absolutely awful!

When I get to the point of 'prestige or not' I won't be bothering, I will instead carry on trying to complete every challenge for every gun.

if you intend to get every challenge, then you need to prestige
Why? The guns challenges are X number of kills and X number of head shots with each gun etc.
Prestige isn't for everyone. If you plan on playing the game extensively than i would reccomend it though as it gives you something to continue working towards.
this care package/emergency air drop glitch is getting annoying now, every game seem to join people are using it
What glitch is that?

I've noticed the last few games people seem to be getting them but didn't think nothing of it

basically you get a care package or emergency air drop then they do this glitch, which is pretty simple to do, which means they have another one, then they just keep on repeating it doing the same thing over and over. I just played a game where two of my team mates just kept on calling in emergency air drops, so they had continous helcopters, ac130s, airstrikes ect. They finished with about 70 kills and hardly any deaths
The care package glitch was supposed to be patched last week, at least is was on the PS3. God knows what they're playing at. As you say it is quite irritating and very easy to do.
I'm on PS3 and I saw some guy collecting about 4 care packages at the same time on wasteland last night, I wondered how the hell he'd managed it. What do you do to get that?
Just done a quick search and apparently there's a new way to do it involving climbing over something whilst keeping hold of the care package marker.
I don't know i've not tried it. Google it.

And Biscuit i don't use care packages they slow me down!
Am I the only one that finds the Juggernauts a bit of a flippin nightmare on spec ops. Any advice? Do they have a weakness?
im starting to get better at this now. over the last few games i must have about a 2:1 K:D ratio. one thing i have found (and my girlfriend can back me up on this!) is that every damn care package i get is bloody ammo, or at best a UAV. Quite literally the last 10 or so packages i have had have been one of these two. Ammo wouldnt be that bad if it wasnt for the fact that i normally wait until i die and respawn before calling in my packages on a cramped map, making the ammo utterly useless.
im starting to get better at this now. over the last few games i must have about a 2:1 K:D ratio. one thing i have found (and my girlfriend can back me up on this!) is that every damn care package i get is bloody ammo, or at best a UAV. Quite literally the last 10 or so packages i have had have been one of these two. Ammo wouldnt be that bad if it wasnt for the fact that i normally wait until i die and respawn before calling in my packages on a cramped map, making the ammo utterly useless.

You force your girlfriend to sit and watch you play COD? or was this just a 'subtle' way of mentioning you have a gf, boothy-esk? :)
use the gun that they use, just pick one off them as you kill the first one.

theres a level where theres like 6 plus juggers.

There's one with 10 of them and you can only kill them with explosives it is feckin ridiculously hard!
There's one with 10 of them and you can only kill them with explosives it is feckin ridiculously hard!

is that one of the ones on the last level thing? echo isit?

thats the only one i have failed to do :(
Me and my mate spent bloody ages trying it on co-op and finally did it last week. The best way to kill them is to use the grenade launcher and get the grenade to hit them in the head, if you get it right it'll kill them with one hit but it's tricky with them firing at you so heavily. Especially when there's 3 or 4 of the bastards after you at once.
hope they release the patch for the unlimited care package glitch quickly, literally every game you join in hardcore headquarters there is somebody using it.
I'm now utterly obssessed with this game, even though I'm shite with it. And I mean really, really shite. 1 kill 20 deaths is not an uncommon statistic for me at the moment, though in my defence I'm really struggling to get to grips with playing a shooter with a controller, having used a mouse and keyboard for nigh on twenty years.
I am also pretty shite at this

add me if you want PS3'ers

PSN = michaelness
I'm now utterly obssessed with this game, even though I'm shite with it. And I mean really, really shite. 1 kill 20 deaths is not an uncommon statistic for me at the moment, though in my defence I'm really struggling to get to grips with playing a shooter with a controller, having used a mouse and keyboard for nigh on twenty years.

Ahh, at least I'm not alone. You've just described me to a tee.

Have to say though, the more you play the better you get, slowly.
I played two games this morning, a team death match and a free-for-all. Came about halfway up the scoreboard in both, my little level 11 above people in their mid 30s and 40s! Pleased me no end.

I was going to try and learn to snipe, but I've got comfortable with assault rifles now. I can actually string together kill streaks, and this morning and last night I finished with more kills than deaths!

One of the reasons I reckon is because I'm playing it better now. I used to play the old CoDs on PC, but since then have played much sillier faster paced shooters (like Team Fortress 2) and so I was running around like a lemon just getting shot. Now that I'm learning the maps and approaching the game much more like I played the original CoDs (I tend to get the 'most time spent crouched' accolade every game!) I'm doing much better. It helps that I can actually feckin' target people with the controller now, and as you unlock better weapons by levelling up it gets easier.

I'm by no means good at this game, but the improvement is there, which pleases me :D

Started playing with my mate online and that's made my kpd go up. The fecking bullshite melee still really, really pisses me off.

I love knifing people :angel: I'm a proper twitch-clicker (probably a legacy of playing shooters with a mouse) which means in close-quarters, despite being new to this game, I often get the knife kill in. It's silly how one jab of a knife is more effective than three or four basic bullets, but I still love it :D
I played two games this morning, a team death match and a free-for-all. Came about halfway up the scoreboard in both, my little level 11 above people in their mid 30s and 40s! Pleased me no end.

This is interesting, I can't remember the last game i was in where there wasn't at least 4 10th prestiges, and i see non-prestige's extremely rarely.
This pretty much confirms my theory that each player has a 'true rank' level, which determines the skill of the lobbies, you are put into.
You start from rank 1 again, so you have whatever weapons you had when you first played the game. You only keep your symbols and titles I think.

You get the weapons back when you unlock them in the same way you did first time around.
You start from rank 1 again, so you have whatever weapons you had when you first played the game. You only keep your symbols and titles I think.

You get the weapons back when you unlock them in the same way you did first time around.

Do they take longer to get back than normal mode?