Gaming Modern Warfare 2

Are you sure nothing appears above you? I didn't know that, i just thought it meant you didn't appear on heartbeat sensors.

Apologies, its cold-blooded pro, not ninja.

Cold-Blooded | Cold-Blooded Pro
Ability: Undetectable by UAV, air support, Sentry Guns, and thermal.

Pro Ability: No red crosshair or name shown when you are targeted.
Hmm so would i have to decide what was more important to me, bling or cold blooded?
Well cold blooded is in slot 2 so the decision isn't between the two of them.

I use slight of hand in slot 1 though, bling isn't worth losing faster reloads for.
Oh right i thought they were in the same slot. I'm trying to remember what i usually use. I do love the idea of being hidden though!
I mainly use:

Marathon Pro
Cold Blooded Pro/Lightweight Pro
Commando Pro.
The story mode on this game is just amazing.

Wish it was longer mind :(
Just playing hardcore ricochet Search and destroy, and the whole team had to sit there watching 2 guys riot shield boosting when they should be defusing the bomb, so next round i just jump in front of them when he was shooting at the other guys riot shield so he died, and his mate got a bit pissed and try to throw a flashbang at me, evidently he forgot about the ricochet bit about the mode :lol:
I got a nice killstreak together on Free-for-All while on Underpass.

I got a care package and a sentary gun.

I stuck the sentary gun on one of the roofs so it would cover the bridge.

I then chucked the flare for the other care package (a predetor missile) in the middle of the bridge.

Everyone just went running to the care package. I just watched and laughed as my sentary gun got me about 15 kills.

Then went and grabbed my care package!!!
Been getting batter recently all steams from me trying to get a nuke. Need to go back to basics and just stompin ass.

Im currently around 90,000 in terms of kills and around 144,000 in terms of score. I will go down in both unless I step my game up
The first MW was my first COD experience, I may have to get hold of COD4 or World at War to see what they're like.
The first MW was my first COD experience, I may have to get hold of COD4 or World at War to see what they're like.

COD4 is MW mate.

I've started playing HC Search again and it's not easy to get used to but pretty good fun. The most difficult game type by far IMO.
I've forced myself to like this terrible game for the past few months now. I've suddenly remembered that COD games are an unrealistic bag of a lag-ridden shite with one of the worst online communities. Going back to playing Arma 2 and Team Fortress have confirmed this (not that the latter was realistic, but mind you it's still an awesome, balanced online game)

Oh and Mass Effect 2 looks awesomesauce.
Why would anyone want to give it away though? Tell 'your mate' to stop being so stingy and spend a fiver for a month.

meh he doesn't play online normally, just fancies a go of cod, hence a free trial that they give away with practically everygame now would be a better option
I didn't get one in my box either, but that's probably because I've got the PS3 version.
Forgetting the snipers, in your opinion which is the best gun to use?

I cant decide out of the Scar, M16, or ACR

Anyone else prefer something else?

I like the ACR and SCAR. I prefer ACR because it feels smaller and quicker. Probably all in my head but im better with that one i'd say.
Scar and Tar21 are probably the best unless you can manage the burst fire on the likes of the m16, the ACR is great but I dont think it packs enough of a punch even with stopping power and fmj
Scar and Tar21 are probably the best unless you can manage the burst fire on the likes of the m16, the ACR is great but I dont think it packs enough of a punch even with stopping power and fmj

It doesn't need much of a punch when your shooting people in the face! Can't beat that sound of a headshot.
ACR all the way, but I tend to play HC. Barely any recoil makes it a really nice gun to use after I'd been using the TAR.
I'm still enojoying the FAL though, some rewarding one shot kills to be had with it.