Music Michael Jackson is Dead (All general comment)

There's not enough Jackson coverage on the news.
OK, but if I had 2 black children in my house then I'd been claiming where mine I'd expect some questions to be asked. My problem with Jackson, and his fans, is that because he's famous and powerful, they don't expect, or want, these perfectly sensible questions tobe's silly. Bury your head in the sand if you like

This thought had not even registered with me until I read your post.
Interesting stuff!
Some of you lot are quite cold.

Very disrespectful of the dead/dying.

They're just trying to come across as cool. It's all very childish.

I was a huge fan of Michael, growing up. Then as time passed i gained some musical sense and my preference shifted from pop to rock and has been so since. But he's the one artist from the genre of pop music that i still appreciate. He had some brilliant music and seemed to appeal to pretty much everyone. Even here in India, when i comes to western music, i don't think there's still a name bigger than Michael Jackson. That doesn't mean he was the best, far from, but he was insanely famous at his peak in particular.

I've always wanted to believe he's innocent but due to my disengagement from the genre and the love for his music as a kid, i haven't really bothered to read up much. And to be honest, i don't judge the artists, it's something i never do. If i did it would blurs my judgement of their art itself.
Genuine question.

Purely in terms of his music, was Jackson as important and influential as some of the other names listed in the last few posts?

I don't think so at all but that might just be my personal taste and I'd be interested to hear thoughts from some of the musos amongst us.
Genuine question.

Purely in terms of his music, was Jackson as important and influential as some of the other names listed in the last few posts?

I don't think so at all but that might just be my personal taste and I'd be interested to hear thoughts from some of the musos amongst us.

berry gordy, p diddy, madonna, paul mccartney ( to name a few ) seem to think highly of him
The post you quoted isn't pure conjecture though. He definitely dangled one of his children out of the window of a hotel, neither of his kids look mixed-race and the circumstances surrounding their birth are bizarre beyond belief.
You sound like a housewife who has spent too long reading the Daily Mail. Do you judge all celebrities according to sensationalised tabloid stories? He held his kid over the balcony but the child survived this horrendous experience so why are people like you still holding it up as evidence when making sweeping judgments on his ability as a father? On today, of all days?

Your thoughts on the children's ethnicity are pure conjecture. Unless you have copies of their birth certificates? Didn't think so.

Most people who watch Ryan Giggs play for United have no idea his Dad is from Sierra Leone - and I'm sure it was even harder to tell this was the case when he was a child. So how are your thoughts on this anything other than conjecture?

As it happened, mine were cobbled together from my own memory and a newspaper I read coming into work today.

Out of interest, which job in the medical profession is it that enables you to seemingly spend your entire life on here?

You're not club physio at Gus Hiddink's 'League 1 club', are you?
Genuine question.

Purely in terms of his music, was Jackson as important and influential as some of the other names listed in the last few posts?

I don't think so at all but that might just be my personal taste and I'd be interested to hear thoughts from some of the musos amongst us.

Well there's no doubting his music was more popular, he's set some records that probably won't be broken now we've changed how we get music and that
Genuine question.

Purely in terms of his music, was Jackson as important and influential as some of the other names listed in the last few posts?

I don't think so at all but that might just be my personal taste and I'd be interested to hear thoughts from some of the musos amongst us.

Perhaps not as important in a musical sense, but as a popular culture sense, indeed yes I'd say.

As far as artist's go performance wise he was easily one of the best up there with Elvis.

As far as legends go, I'd say Dylan is still the biggest which is amazing considering he's still alive and has much more effect on music than probably jackson and elvis combined.

I like to think I know my music, and I really liked some of Jackson's music. And my idea of a good night of music would The Allman Brothers, Dylan, Barry White and Des O'Connor.
How about if somone you know to have been involved in a high profile child molestation case, 2 in fact, was asking if your son could stay the night at his ranch?...How would you, as a parent, react to that? Cos quite a few people said, yeah, ok..when almost every parent with a brain cell would not. Regardless of whether he was found innocent or not, a decent parents instinct would be to protect their child and even the slightest possibility would deter them..

However, many people STILL let their kids sleep with him...Presumably because the lure of money and influence was too great. These kids parents are idiots for setteling...But it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Just that they're money grabbers

Even putting your child through reliving the experiences and all the rest that comes with being the star witness in the trial of the millennium (so to speak)?

Other than greed this is the only reason for an out of court settlement in these cases as far as I can see.

Fair points, is that what you both believe though? is that how you would act regarding your own kids?

There is always a small minority you can point to and say 'you're wrong because of them' ... not conclusive though.
The most important and influencial pop performing artist for me.

I wouldn't class him as a musical genius like Bowie, Bob Dylan, Prince, Kate Bush. But neither is he a Madonna style fraud. He's produced enough spectacular music to be considered a great.
Fair points, is that what you both believe though? is that how you would act regarding your own kids?

There is always a small minority you can point to and say 'you're wrong because of them' ... not conclusive though.

No one can truly know until they are presented with that situation in their own lives.

It is inconclusive, that's kind of where it stands. As such, everyone is free to draw their own conclusions on the matter. Now isn't exactly the right time to discuss it in depth.
The most important and influencial pop performing artist for me.

I wouldn't class him as a musical genius like Bowie, Bob Dylan, Prince, Kate Bush. But neither is he a Madonna style fraud. He's produced enough spectacular music to be considered a great.

That sounds about right. Probably combined musical talent with mass appeal better than anyone in a long long time. Of course, The Beatles made pop music too.
Ryan Gigg's grandfather was from Seirra Leone. His paternal grandmother was white Welsh. And nah, those kids aren't his(MJ's). Not a chance.
some of you may think he's a paedophile, but you must surely admit that the man was brilliant?

They might concede the music was brilliant

But then no-one has lost the music. That lives on

The man is a different story...

The thing that irritates me is that we don't know, and part of me feels sorry for him and gives him the benefit of the doubt he didn't do anything really sick with these kids, but he did go further than an adult should. All the time I might have been feeling sorry for a paedophile. Not a good situation that really
They might concede the music was brilliant

But then no-one has lost the music. That lives on

The man is a different story...

The thing that irritates me is that we don't know, and part of me feels sorry for him and gives him the benefit of the doubt he didn't do anything really sick with these kids, but he did go further than an adult should. All the time I might have been feeling sorry for a paedophile. Not a good situation that really

yes i know, i always WANTED to believe him, but there was always a part of me that wondered of course - didn't stop me loving his music though.
So you won't answer any of the points? Funny that.

To be honest, I'm ignoring them. I'll tolerate you acting like an obnoxious cnut when you have something interesting to say about football but not when it comes to discussing Michael fecking Jackson.

If you want to continue your peculiar obssession with how and why I post so much on here feel free to send me a PM. I'm sure everyone else would rather keep the thread on topic.
They're just trying to come across as cool. It's all very childish.

Not neccessarily, maybe they genuinely don't give a feck whether Michael Jackson is alive or not. What is childish though is all of the tributes and "I loved him so much, he was my life's inspiration" stuff we are getting splattered all over the T.V. For feck's sake he was a singer and we are getting the same coverage we would get for the assassination of a President/Prime Minister. Apparently, and taken from the Telegraph, "Hundreds of people are expected to attend an impromptu Moonwalk flashmob at London’s Liverpool Street station this evening as a tribute to Michael Jackson". That is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I bet half the feckers who turn up can't actually moonwalk and get in everyone else's way.
the truly terrible thing is that if he was innocent, what a dreadful thing to have to bear.

Yes, that's just it. I find it wrong that people can throw around the paedophile label when someone has been found innocent and there is no clear proof that he was guilty of anything but being a very strange man.

The media, in particular the US media, treated him very harshly. And probably contributed somewhat to his untimely death.
We are all hyprocites as someone said earlier... Our opinions are influenced by the media as much as we deride the rags on here, the only difference is we cherry pick what we believe based on our affinities to the people or things concerned.

Pogue obviously has no real affinity to MJ and mentioned he has some personal experience with paedophilia (u know thats not what I mean ;)) hence his position in this thread. Then there's the flipside, MJ fans who won't look at the various oddities that surround the man. The situation is far from clear, but all I will say is that coming into a thread like this (hours after the fact) and making poor jokes and wumming people that are feeling down over these events shows a serious lack of class (thats right I said it!).
We are all hyprocites as someone said earlier... Our opinions are influenced by the media as much as we deride the rags on here, the only difference is we cherry pick what we believe based on our affinities to the people or things concerned.

Pogue obviously has no real affinity to MJ and mentioned he has some personal experience with paedophilia (u know thats not what I mean ;)) hence his position in this thread. Then there's the flipside, MJ fans who won't look at the various oddities that surround the man. The situation is far from clear, but all I will say is that coming into a thread like this (hours after the fact) and making poor jokes and wumming people that are feeling down over these events shows a serious lack of class (thats right I said it!).

Good points, well made.

There's no rights or wrongs in the opinions expressed but attacking people for expressing them is uncalled for. As for cracking jokes, I misread things entirely tbh. If I'd known the depth of feeling on here I probably wouldn't have lol'd at one of the earliest efforts.
Not neccessarily, maybe they genuinely don't give a feck whether Michael Jackson is alive or not. What is childish though is all of the tributes and "I loved him so much, he was my life's inspiration" stuff we are getting splattered all over the T.V. For feck's sake he was a singer and we are getting the same coverage we would get for the assassination of a President/Prime Minister...

Well they 'obviously do give a fcuk' as you put it, there are untold people who haven't even posted in this thread... they are the ones that 'don't give a fcuk'

Well said. If all his supporters in this thread where as eloquent I wouldn't have a problem

They're in mourning aren't they? What do you expect?
And since when did 'impromptu' become 'organised'?

The two terms are mutually exclusive, however it doesn't take away from the fact that the reaction to his death is well over the top. In fact the fact that it is imprompu makes it even more ridiculous. Who's going to shout "GO!".

So what, he could carry a tune and was lighter on his feet than most people. Oh my God, he's dead, well feck me, let's interview every fecker who ever spoke to him. Forget the Iranian election, this is real news. Let's spend half an hour watching a helicopter flying over Los Angeles because it has his body in it, and then when it's landed let's reshow the footage. Anytime a young person dies it's sad, but once I've been informed that he is dead I don't need to be reinformed every half hour.
Basically what dumbo said. There are more talented and influential musicians still alive today but in terms of pop music, Jackson was out on his own.

More talented Musicians, certainly...More talented entertainers, no.

Although all his dancing evolved from other people like James Brown, the way he did it virtually created the way almost every Pop, Hip Hop, RnB, and Dance act moves today. Without him there would be non of this. He was a genius in this degree unquestionably. For sheer entertainment value he is unsurpassed. I saw him at Wembley when I was 10 and he left the stage on a jet that was impressive!! Everyone stole from him in this regard.

As far as the music went, a lot of it's success was down to Berry Gordy and Quincy Jones...but Jackson sold it like no other...

...The man left a huge foot print in the cultural World...but he was also very troubled and is bound to get a lot of stick....With every fawning compliment there willl be someone questioning why he should deserve it? Tis the way of the world. Some people taking it too seriously need to lighten up....He did! :D
They're in mourning aren't they? What do you expect?

Really? Well I feel sorry for them when they experience death first might put them in a mental home...

I really don't get people mourning someone you don't know and have never met...I've never understood it...The Diana thing left me cold as well...maybe I'm just a cnut