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To be honest, i think he was overrated.
All he really invented was Jesus Juice.
All he really invented was Jesus Juice.
And a fantastically credible witness she is...the woman who gave them to him then fecked off. Hmmmm..
Also they are clearly not mixed race. How many mixed race kids do you know with straight blonde hair? The black gene is a dominant one, meaning the vast majority of mixed race children have black features and hair.
here is a couple of these kids look even remotely mixed race to you...bearing in mind Jackson himself is from a completely black family
I'm affraid Smashed, your living in denail...He may be a musical legend, but he's a fecked up individual, and no hagiography can disguise it
this wasn't funny the 1st time in this thread - even less so 6th time around!
Really? Well you hide that well.
Your going round calling him a paedophile stinks of bitterness because you know all it's going to do is wind people up, and yet you keep doing it. Why else would you keep calling him it? I think by now everyone on here knows your own personal opinions on Jackson.
And a fantastically credible witness she is...the woman who gave them to him then fecked off. Hmmmm..
Also they are clearly not mixed race. How many mixed race kids do you know with straight blonde hair? The black gene is a dominant one, meaning the vast majority of mixed race children have black features and hair.
here is a couple of these kids look even remotely mixed race to you...bearing in mind Jackson himself is from a completely black family
I'm affraid Smashed, your living in denail...He may be a musical legend, but he's a fecked up individual, and no hagiography can disguise it
Conclusion is far from concrete mate, none of us know the details, everything is just speculation.
How is this even debatable! Jesus feckin' Christ...
If Eddie Izzard or even Barack Obama had young boys coming forward describing sleep-overs with the grown man climbing into bed with your child... how might you feel?
It is insane that just because a Los Angeles judge and/or jury allowed him to walk (remember Nicole Brown Simpson) - doesn't make it all good.
Why don't people get that Jackson had to move too the other side of the planet because the America populace had enough of is child molesting ways?! Of all fecking countries, Brunie!
And a fantastically credible witness she is...the woman who gave them to him then fecked off. Hmmmm..
Also they are clearly not mixed race. How many mixed race kids do you know with straight blonde hair? The black gene is a dominant one, meaning the vast majority of mixed race children have black features and hair.
here is a couple of these kids look even remotely mixed race to you...bearing in mind Jackson himself is from a completely black family
I'm affraid Smashed, your living in denail...He may be a musical legend, but he's a fecked up individual, and no hagiography can disguise it
Fair enough Smashed..I can't claim to be 100% sure of anything...In fact I don't think he's a paedo to be honest. My only beef isn't with him but with his supporters on here who think his failings shouldn't be addressed and are getting very touchy when anyone mentions them. I'm not going to suddenly praise the man coshe's died.
I idolized Jackson as a child..I grew up doing the dance routines, I even had a fake glove with sequins on it!...In the 70s & 80s he was an utter legend who shaped the way people perform now...but in the 90s & 2000s he failed at life I'm affraid, and no hagiography can disguise it.
He did some very questionable things that a normal person would never have been allowed to get away with and may have ruined the lives of several children (may have) whether he realised it or not. I for one don't believe he knew he was doing anything wrong, I think he's a strangely asexual being who acted innapropriately because he knew no better, but that still shouldn't excuse the things he may have done. If this is the case, that he's simply a naive and cocooned individual living in a fantasy land who doesn't understand the outside world,then he shouldn't be allowed to raise children...Many people are turned away for trivial things like smoking for fecks sake! This is my point, if you want to paint him as a shy and innocent child like person, then you can't big up his parenting cos thats no environment to raise a child in
He is obviously an Idol of many people, but they have to agree the man did many many questionable things and if your going to cry witch hunt when anyone dares to bring this up then you'll be fighting a loosing battle...It's only fair to bring these things up, dead or not...These fans are being just as irrational by glossing over all his ills as people being overly negative are...
If this was a man who hadn't created great music and dance routines in the 80s there wouldn't be nearly as much love for him. And this is my point. Just because he was a legendary musician doesn't mean his failings should be burried...It's fair to raise these issues, because they are real issues affecting real people. They can't be washed away in a tide of hagiography
Mass ‘Moonwalk’ flashmob tribute to Michael Jackson planned
Hundreds of people are expected to attend an impromptu Moonwalk flashmob at London’s Liverpool Street station this evening as a tribute to Michael Jackson.
The flashmob, which is being organised through social networks such as Twitter and Facebook, is due to convene at Liverpool Street station in London at 6pm this evening. Michael Jackson fans are expected to mimic the popstar’s famous “moonwalk”, and dance to the singer’s biggest hits, before attending an afterparty to celebrate his life.
News of the flashmob is one of the hottest trending topics on Twitter, while a Facebook group set up to help co-ordinate the event has attracted more than 100 members in just a few hours.
Michael Jackson in depth Organisers have not indicated how many people are expected at the event, and say they are currently liaising with British Transport Police and Network Rail, which operates Liverpool Street, about the flashmob.
The mainline railway station has been the scene of several impromptu dance-offs in recent months. In January, T-Mobile staged a flashmob at the station as part of an advertising campaign to emphasise the social networking elements of its handsets and tariffs.
The internet has been awash with tributes in the wake of Michael Jackson’s death. Web users have been sharing playlists of their favourite Jackson songs through music-streaming services such as Spotify, while Amazon has reported a surge in sales of Michael Jackson’s albums since his death last night.
even if it were true though - what does it prove? The fact is maybe if people looked in your house they could rip your life apart too and question your life?
no offence but who the feck are you to have a go at anyone? what exactly do you want to accomplish? If your not sure - why are you questioning anyone?? everyone has an opinion on his short comings but what are yours?
The guys not been dead one day and fecking idiots everywhere talking bollocks and it is. No one is saying he's perfect but fecking hell, who is?
Nothings been proven, whatever some people might think or believe one knows the truth and we can all agree on that? So who cares what you suspect or feel or whatever?
People just need to think harder because it is so easy to create a reality about someone that MIGHT not be true - and we are innocent until PROVEN guilty.
Whos Brunie?
OK, but if I had 2 black children in my house then I'd been claiming where mine I'd expect some questions to be asked. My problem with Jackson, and his fans, is that because he's famous and powerful, they don't expect, or want, these perfectly sensible questions tobe's silly. Bury your head in the sand if you like
You forgot to include "hagiography" in that last post, Mockers![]()
You forgot to include "hagiography" in that last post, Mockers![]()
any gimp can 'laff'
In fact I don't think he's a paedo to be honest. My only beef isn't with him but with his supporters on here who think his failings shouldn't be addressed and are getting very touchy when anyone mentions them. I'm not going to suddenly praise the man coshe's died
I was referring to this part......
The fact you have a beef with anyone is just fecking weird..
clearly there is a time and a place...yes? well done
Fair enough Smashed..I can't claim to be 100% sure of anything...In fact I don't think he's a paedo to be honest. My only beef isn't with him but with his supporters on here who think his failings shouldn't be addressed and are getting very touchy when anyone mentions them. I'm not going to suddenly praise the man coshe's died.
I idolized Jackson as a child..I grew up doing the dance routines, I even had a fake glove with sequins on it!...In the 70s & 80s he was an utter legend who shaped the way people perform now...but in the 90s & 2000s he failed at life I'm affraid, and no hagiography can disguise it.
He did some very questionable things that a normal person would never have been allowed to get away with and may have ruined the lives of several children (may have) whether he realised it or not. I for one don't believe he knew he was doing anything wrong, I think he's a strangely asexual being who acted innapropriately because he knew no better, but that still shouldn't excuse the things he may have done. If this is the case, that he's simply a naive and cocooned individual living in a fantasy land who doesn't understand the outside world,then he shouldn't be allowed to raise children...Many people are turned away for trivial things like smoking for fecks sake! This is my point, if you want to paint him as a shy and innocent child like person, then you can't big up his parenting cos thats no environment to raise a child in
He is obviously an Idol of many people, but they have to agree the man did many many questionable things and if your going to cry witch hunt when anyone dares to bring this up then you'll be fighting a loosing battle...It's only fair to bring these things up, dead or not...These fans are being just as irrational by glossing over all his ills as people being overly negative are...
If this was a man who hadn't created great music and dance routines in the 80s there wouldn't be nearly as much love for him. And this is my point. Just because he was a legendary musician doesn't mean his failings should be burried...It's fair to raise these issues, because they are real issues affecting real people. They can't be washed away in a tide of hagiography
listen this has nothing to do with him being a pedofile...
at the end of the day, there are plenty of instances where people get favors. Is it a crime? Is it any of our business? maybe it is - if we trying to adopt and cannot ...
what questions micky? It's been accusations and calling the guy a pedofile. THAT is not a question
yours - again, why did no one ask? Is it enough to question the guy and say he did something amazingly bad? I don't think it is
No, I agree completely. I, by no means, think he was a saint. Like many others, I worshipped him for his on stage charisma and unrivalled musical talent. The man was a genius, an artist without peer. It's easy to see why some people jump to his defence at any allegation, it's human nature to defend our heroes.
At the same time though we have to accept that he was human and had many faults. Personally I think the fame hit him hard, like it did with Besty and many others. It seems to be the fate of our greatest heroes that they are to be destroyed by their worshippers. He was a superstar, and on a pedestal that none of his fellows could touch. It obviously changed him, and not for the better. I agree that I don't think he was a paedophile, I think he was a person who was not all there perhaps, a person who was was very, very naive to the ways of the world. He didn't conform or understand the barriers that the status quo would regard as normal. It's hard to understand exactly what happened, as Jackson had turned into a character who's inner thoughts we can only guess at. But I believe people he allowed close to him saw his naivety and vulnerability, and tried to take advantage of it. This is my view anyway and like Pogue, I did follow the case closely because I idolised the man. It's funny how people can draw completely different conclusions from the same stories though.
Of course he wouldn't be anywhere near as loved if he hadn't created music, he would be a nobody to us and his death would have gone unnoticed. But he was a man who bought music and joy to billions of people. It's the same with Best, if he wasn't a United legend then many would look down on the man who drank too much and hit his wife. Instead we sometimes gloss over the failings of our idols and sometimes even change them completely until, in our own minds eye, we have turned them into a golden knight in shining armour, untouched and unsullied by the vices of mankind. It's the nature of the hero. I agree though, to ignore this man's failings is just as criminal as accepting them without question. If it turned out to be true that he was a paedophile, and the evidence was unquestionable, I would be horrified if anyone chose to ignore it. His talent shouldn't make him any different to me or you when it comes to the eyes of the law, and the general ethics of mankind.
Whats all this rubbish about calling him a paedophile? If you'd read my above post I stated I didn't believe he was one, so your putting words in my mouth and then disagreeing with things I haven't said..Well done
Yes, its my opinion, I'm not stating it as fact...this is yours..The great thing about a democracy is we're all allowed to have one. Presumably you'd rather people with opinions differing from yours to be censored?...I think you'd like North Korea if thats the case
Typo: Brunei Darussalam
I am sure we all have heard about the Royal sex addicts:
I know all this - but i don't think 'are the kids really his;, is any of your business and I think it's a bit rich you think all nj supporters are fecking stupid
typing on my brothers laptop![]()
Bit sticky, is it?
Why don't you find out if they're his kids for us and then explain why anyone should be interested either way? It wouldn't be a major crime and it wouldn't make him anymore suspect
What's the difference between Michael Jackson and Alex Ferguson?
Ferguson will still be playing Giggs in August.
I shouldnt but![]()
Uri Gellar is actually on Talksport now. Bloody hell.
Uri Gellar is actually on Talksport now. Bloody hell.