Music Michael Jackson is Dead (All general comment)

Well they 'obviously do give a fcuk' as you put it, there are untold people who haven't even posted in this thread... they are the ones that 'don't give a fcuk'

Maybe some of them don't give a feck whether he is alive or dead but they do give a feck about the over the top coverage.

I thought this was the thread for saying what you wanted about Michael Jackson, there is a 'positive comments' only thread if you want to kiss his arse.
FFS, why do you say 'stopped the behaviour' immediately after stating he was 'acquitted'? Surely the acquittal suggests there was no behaviour to stop?

Relax, I mean the continued association with children as it leads to speculation and witch hunts. Which is exactly what occurred and it damned his career.
Maybe some of them don't give a feck whether he is alive or dead but they do give a feck about the over the top coverage.

I thought this was the thread for saying what you wanted about Michael Jackson, there is a 'positive comments' only thread if you want to kiss his arse.

What are you talking about now? You said they don't give a fcuk... you were wrong, obviously they do, and so do you.
Really? Well I feel sorry for them when they experience death first might put them in a mental home...

I really don't get people mourning someone you don't know and have never met...I've never understood it...The Diana thing left me cold as well...maybe I'm just a cnut

You're not a cnut mate. The Diana thing, although very sad as a beautiful young woman lost her life and two young boys lost their mother, was just one of those things that happen in life and the next day persons unconnected with the deceased will have jobs to go to, bills to pay and problems of their own. If it happens to you or your loved ones I expect that person to be overwhelmed with grief. However, if it happens to a celebrity you have never met and you are seen blubbing your eyes out and screaming their name on the tele rather than getting on with your life then you are a twat.
I liked him and was hoping to go and see him, all that stuff about being a nonce can never be proved, how many of you have been pointed at for something you have not done? not nice is it? just think how he must have felt having all that dropped on him IF he was innocent, this is Michael Jackson FFS, not gary glitter, we all knew that cnut was a dodgy fecker and had potential to turn out a bag of yeast.

R.I.P Mr. Michael Jackson aged 50

Some cracking tunes came from this man. getting all emotional now.
Really? Well I feel sorry for them when they experience death first might put them in a mental home...

I really don't get people mourning someone you don't know and have never met...I've never understood it...The Diana thing left me cold as well...maybe I'm just a cnut

No you're not, I don't get it either but it's clearly something that happens to a lot of people, maybe we are a bit 'world weary', hardened by life if you will...
You're not a cnut mate. The Diana thing, although very sad as a beautiful young woman lost her life and two young boys lost their mother, was just one of those things that happen in life and the next day persons unconnected with the deceased will have jobs to go to, bills to pay and problems of their own. If it happens to you or your loved ones I expect that person to be overwhelmed with grief. However, if it happens to a celebrity you have never met and you are seen blubbing your eyes out and screaming their name on the tele rather than getting on with your life then you are a twat.

Why? and more to the point, why are you so wound up about all this? :confused:
Heard about this while walking on the Strip in Vegas. Extremely surreal.

He was definitely a fecked up person with big time problems. But he made some of the best pop/R&B/dance records in history. Most geniuses are weirdos to some extent.

LMAO at all the losers who bought tickets to his upcoming concerts, though.
What are you talking about now? You said they don't give a fcuk... you were wrong, obviously they do, and so do you.

I honestly couldn't give a feck if Michael Jackson was alive or dead. I am neither celebrating nor mourning his death. I have not levelled any criticism against him personally for his music, his lifestyle or any of the allegations made against him. However, I have been highly critical of the response his death has had in the media and amongst some of his fans. The media coverage is overkill on a massive scale. I am amazed at the amount of over-grieving that sometimes takes place in these circumstances.
A tribute song:

Diddy Featuring Polow, Game, Chris Brown & Boyz to Men:

How quick is that!

I honestly couldn't give a feck if Michael Jackson was alive or dead. I am neither celebrating nor mourning his death. I have not levelled any criticism against him personally for his music, his lifestyle or any of the allegations made against him. However, I have been highly critical of the response his death has had in the media and amongst some of his fans. The media coverage is overkill on a massive scale. I am amazed at the amount of over-grieving that sometimes takes place in these circumstances.

Re the media coverage, it's the next day mate what do you expect. As for the over-grieving, I'm not so sure it's as bad as you paint it, I have only spoke to people on here about it and my missus, every other conversation has been business as usual... come to think of it, that's quite weird, now I'm starting to think you're being a bit of a drama queen.

Ignore all the facebook status changes, and the twitter tweets.. they're bollocks and bandwagon jumping. The reaction is as expected.
Why? and more to the point, why are you so wound up about all this? :confused:

Because there are far too many people who have turned into grief-junkies. They have to be seen to be sympathizing with something or mourning something. Anyone who overdoes the mourning for someone they aren't even friendly with is not a full shilling. Did you ever see footage of the guy at Diana's funeral, bawling his eyes out, screaming her name, having to be dragged off the floor and consoled by people. Attention seeker.

Why? and more to the point, why are you so wound up about all this? :confused:

I am not wound up about it, I am just making a point. OK Michael Jackson has died at the age of fifty. It's sad that someone so young should die but can you honestly tell me that you think that the media response to Michael Jackson's death is proportionate.
Because there are far too many people who have turned into grief-junkies. They have to be seen to be sympathizing with something or mourning something. Anyone who overdoes the mourning for someone they aren't even friendly with is not a full shilling. Did you ever see footage of the guy at Diana's funeral, bawling his eyes out, screaming her name, having to be dragged off the floor and consoled by people. Attention seeker.

I am not wound up about it, I am just making a point. OK Michael Jackson has died at the age of fifty. It's sad that someone so young should die but can you honestly tell me that you think that the media response to Michael Jackson's death is proportionate.
He's been possibly one of the most famous men on earth in recent times. It's highly naive and silly to expect the reaction to be anything other than huge.
Just watching the countless tributes on various channels (you can't get away from it really)...Leave me alone was a good song, and satirical too...He also looks vaguely decent at that period...If only he'd stopped there. I think another reason why it's so easy to de-humanize him is because he didn't look human. Whatever remnance of Michael Jackson's appearance was left, dissapeared in the late 90s. If only he'd had someone to tell him to stop
Re the media coverage, it's the next day mate what do you expect. As for the over-grieving, I'm not so sure it's as bad as you paint it, I have only spoke to people on here about it and my missus, every other conversation has been business as usual... come to think of it, that's quite weird, now I'm starting to think you're being a bit of a drama queen.

I am very calm about all this. You seemed to be the one getting upset when I said that some people don't give a feck whether he is dead or alive.

He's been possibly one of the most famous men on earth in recent times. It's highly naive and silly to expect the reaction to be anything other than huge.

The reaction should be proportionate. Last night the only channels I could get that weren't carrying the story for the whole evening were the ESPN channels. Even the BBC wheeled out some person who knew him to keep on repeating what a nice guy he was.
I honestly couldn't give a feck if Michael Jackson was alive or dead. I am neither celebrating nor mourning his death.
Thanks for taking the time to let us know that.

I have been highly critical of the response his death has had in the media and amongst some of his fans. The media coverage is overkill on a massive scale. I am amazed at the amount of over-grieving that sometimes takes place in these circumstances.
If you expected anything else you must be living in cloud cuckoo land.
I am very calm about all this. You seemed to be the one getting upset when I said that some people don't give a feck whether he is dead or alive.

The reaction should be proportionate. Last night the only channels I could get that weren't carrying the story for the whole evening were the ESPN channels. Even the BBC wheeled out some person who knew him to keep on repeating what a nice guy he was.

Smith's Cove in missing an epoch in cultural history shocker!!!

Get off your high horse and over yourself you cynical feck. The man has written and performed some of the most important music ever. Let people mourn, publish and broadcast what they think is 'proportionate' - bear in mind it is only a reflection of collective attitudes.
I am very calm about all this. You seemed to be the one getting upset when I said that some people don't give a feck whether he is dead or alive.

The reaction should be proportionate. Last night the only channels I could get that weren't carrying the story for the whole evening were the ESPN channels. Even the BBC wheeled out some person who knew him to keep on repeating what a nice guy he was.

It is proportional! The media makes a big deal out of the smallest of things. When they make a huge gigantic deal out of something quite big, it shouldn't surprise you. Bizzare that you expected any different.
You were bleating on like an unhinged Jeremy Clarkson/John Gaunt though.

Why, thank you very much.

I feel that I do have to defend myself a bit here and explain that I am getting the U.S. coverage. So maybe I am getting more than most of you.
Just to reiterate this point...

The U.S. congress paused today...

The individual - although moderately histrionic - said that he was 'honoured to have lived through Michael Jackson'; this point is pertinent if you have ever sung, danced or just listened to Michael Jackson's music. It is incredible, and has brought so much 'joy' to the world, the man is a genius.

There isn't a fag paper between Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley and John Lennon. Yet, moreover, i think Michael Jackson's worldwide appeal is far greater - and probably still expanding - than either of those two. His music breaks boundaries even for individuals that don't know the words.

I'm surprised that people can't quantify this. Very surprised.
There isn't a fag paper between Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley and John Lennon. Yet, moreover, i think Michael Jackson's worldwide appeal is far greater - and probably still expanding - than either of those two. His music breaks boundaries even for individuals that don't know the words.

I'm surprised that people can't quantify this. Very surprised.
He'll be spoken about in the same breath as those two but I don't know if he had more appeal, looking at it from a very basic point of view they sold more records than he did:
Just to reiterate this point...

The U.S. congress paused today...

The individual - although moderately histrionic - said that he was 'honoured to have lived through Michael Jackson'; this point is pertinent if you have ever sung, danced or just listened to Michael Jackson's music. It is incredible, and has brought so much 'joy' to the world, the man is a genius.

There isn't a fag paper between Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley and John Lennon. Yet, moreover, i think Michael Jackson's worldwide appeal is far greater - and probably still expanding - than either of those two. His music breaks boundaries even for individuals that don't know the words.

I'm surprised that people can't quantify this. Very surprised.

With all due respect, I think your over emphasising his musical impact some what. It's an understandable trait in the time of his death. But it's still Hagiography (oh yes!)..Musically, his legacy is as much the work of Berry Gordy and Quincy Jones as it is his own...Lennon is a far superior song writer and his influence is far greater in this field....Jacksons main legacy is performance. In which he is unsurpassed
He'll be spoken about in the same breath as those two but I don't know if he had more appeal, looking at it from a very basic point of view they sold more records than he did:

History is being written as we speak.

I doubt those figures inc. the Jackson 5 stuff and that would mean Elvis and The Beatles have a few more years on him, they make the point themselves...

'Inflated claims for artists who performed in different acts during their careers. Sometimes all of the sales data is attributed to an individual artist. For the purposes of this list, an effort is made to separate the individual acts (e.g., the sales figures for The Beatles and Paul McCartney & Wings are mutually exclusive).'
With all due respect, I think your over emphasising his musical impact some what. It's an understandable trait in the time of his death. But it's still Hagiography (oh yes!)..Musically, his legacy is as much the work of Berry Gordy and Quincy Jones as it is his own...Lennon is a far superior song writer and his influence is far greater in this field....Jacksons main legacy is performance. In which he is unsurpassed

Performance, music and man. They aren't separable. He is an iconic image with an iconic sound.

The performance (i.e. moonwalk) is directly related to the music (i.e. Billie Jean) and the man (i.e. Michael Jackson). I won't go on, but you understand where i'm coming from, right?

People will still be imitating Michael Jackson in years to come. In a way that no other individual has ever been imitated - the music accompanying the 'performance' - there isn't a fag paper between them.

I don't believe that you, or i (although i'm trying to), can quantify the extent of his influence. It isn't a hagiography - Michael Jackson performed and lived in incredibly important times. His success, and life, is and has been an inspiration to generations of black men (particularly in America) - the sentiment, although with a tint of guilt (regarding his personal issues), is overriding as we speak. Watch the news.

Edit: i don't usually advocate the disproportionate broadcasters but every tribute shows/furthers this (Madonna, McCartney, Obama (the most important man so far in this century), Brown). I genuinely think this is a cultural epoch.

some of you may think he's a paedophile, but you must surely admit that the man was brilliant?

His music I will admit was/is fantatstic , but the man ,now that is a differant matter.
He was not a full one and if we had done have the crazy thing he had done in his life we would of been locked up years ago,but because he is a star and very good at what he did, some people dont or wont see that the man was just a wrong one.
Lets be honest if you knew somebody like Jackson in real life and you knew he was letting young kids sleep in his bed, could you ,no would you keep quite and let it go?
Performance, music and man. They aren't separable. He is an iconic image with an iconic sound.

The performance (i.e. moonwalk) is directly related to the music (i.e. Billie Jean) and the man (i.e. Michael Jackson). I won't go on, but you understand where i'm coming from, right?

I see where your coming from yes....But i don't agree with it. He was a great entertainer but his MUSIC wasn't as influential as the Beatles, and wont be played as much on the radio. I think your drawing all three together in order to make the music more important via assosiation. It was important...but by no means THE most important of the 20th century.

In my opinion
His music I will admit was/is fantatstic , but the man ,now that is a differant matter.
He was not a full one and if we had done have the crazy thing he had done in his life we would of been locked up years ago,but because he is a star and very good at what he did, some people dont or wont see that the man was just a wrong one.
Lets be honest if you knew somebody like Jackson in real life and you knew he was letting young kids sleep in his bed, could you ,no would you keep quite and let it go?

And how many people knew and loved him?

Would they keep it quiet?

Do you think he could muster up 50 people in his defence (NB: mostly celebrities)?
Heard about this while walking on the Strip in Vegas. Extremely surreal.

He was definitely a fecked up person with big time problems. But he made some of the best pop/R&B/dance records in history. Most geniuses are weirdos to some extent.

LMAO at all the losers who bought tickets to his upcoming concerts, though.

What about the ones that spend 1000's buying them from eBay and other places.they have no chance of getting there money back.
The ones that bought them from the proper channals will atleast get there money back.
And how many people knew and loved him?

Would they keep it quiet?

Do you think he could muster up 50 people in his defence (NB: mostly celebrities)?

I suspect he could of mustered a lot more than 50,but how many of those would really know the real Jackson , how many would know what he did in his own home.
Maybe and I mean just maybe the ones that did know the real Jackson did not say anything out of fear.
I see where your coming from yes....But i don't agree with it. He was a great entertainer but his MUSIC wasn't as influential as the Beatles, and wont be played as much on the radio. I think your drawing all three together in order to make the music more important via assosiation. It was important...but by no means THE most important of the 20th century.

In my opinion

I'm putting them all together to display to you the indelible mark made by him - a mark that shall outlast that of The Beatles and Presley, in my opinion.

They do make the music more important because of the association. His songs means so much more because of associated dance moves and performances. His music may not have been as groundbreaking at that of Presley, The Beatles or Dylan but he rode a modern tsunami to become more iconic (in my opinion) - T.V. and the internet. There will be a living memory of his performances - performances that are absolutely incomparable and iconic.
Did he actually write his own music, though? Fair play if he did, but popstars often don't. In that case, whilst he was certainly a man whose music reached far and wide, I'm not sure he can personally be credited a "genius" for it.
I suspect he could of mustered a lot more than 50,but how many of those would really know the real Jackson , how many would know what he did in his own home.
Maybe and I mean just maybe the ones that did know the real Jackson did not say anything out of fear.

You wouldn't have sworn under oath if you had any doubt in your mind as to whether he was or wasn't a paedophile. Especially if you have your own reputation to protect and i pile of contradicting 'evidence' from the prosecution team.