Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
The thing is, if you genuinly believe that Jacko was guilty then I suppose you will be as vocal as some posters in here, it's only normal. Don't discount the element of doubt though.
He was found not-guilty, speaking as a parent I would not be having that... if my child had been molested and the perpetrator got off in court then I would use any means at my disposal to get justice for as long as I live on this earth. No amount of millions would stop me or shut me up, sorry.
How about if somone you know to have been involved in a high profile child molestation case, 2 in fact, was asking if your son could stay the night at his ranch?...How would you, as a parent, react to that? Cos quite a few people said, yeah, ok..when almost every parent with a brain cell would not. Regardless of whether he was found innocent or not, a decent parents instinct would be to protect their child and even the slightest possibility would deter them..
However, many people STILL let their kids sleep with him...Presumably because the lure of money and influence was too great. These kids parents are idiots for setteling...But it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Just that they're money grabbers