Music Michael Jackson is Dead (All general comment)

I thought jokes about child abuse were a banning offence.

Even if they weren't, it's still very distateful, and not something I, and I imagine the majority of people on here, find funny.

Most people, certainly our age Elvis, do find those type of jokes funny.
Are people getting offended for the sake of being classed as offended? Or is there genuine upset over comments made?
That's utter nonsense to be fair. Insensitive jokes are on dodgy ground alright, but ban everyone who doesn't agree with the general sentiment? Now that would be a ridiculous forum.

I meant banned from posting in this 'general chat' forum. or just this thread.

maybe an exaguration, but you get the idea.
Accused being the key word. He was an easy target because of his mental instability, being one of the richest, most powerful, and most well-known people on the planet, you are always going to have people accuse you of things that you haven't done.

:lol::lol: Most powerful, feck me Elvis are you living in Neverland.

So in your words the Queen is about to be accused of child abuse is she??
This isn't the tribute thread. There is one in the Entertainment forum as he was an entertainer.

As jokes go, I've seen far worse in this forum.
feck, been playing FM didn't see any of this.

:( fecking legend, some of the jokes are a bit tasteless.
A few well respected posters on here have made themselves look like cheap insensitive pricks....shame really! I'm no Jackophile but the geezer doesn't deserve the shit being bandied about on here. He was a bit of a nutter but not an evil one....more misguided!
I like this 'well respected' posters bollocks people band about.

What a load of cack.

Sorry for having a different outlook on death to some of you.

Even if it was someone whom i resepected i'd act in a similiar vain.

Move over to the tribute thread if you're feeling emotionally involved.

It's an internet forum...
You can't defame the dead.

Princess Diana used to wank off horses on a regular basis you know?

How dare you speak ill of our beloved Lady Di!

If she was still around maybe this country wouldn't be in such a mess.
A few well respected posters on here have made themselves look like cheap insensitive pricks....shame really! I'm no Jackofile but the geezer doesn't deserve the shit being bandied about on here. He was a bit of a nutter but not an evil one....more misguided!

I'm going down to B&Q tomorrow to get one of those. Is that what he used to shave off his nose?
My favourite song is Billie Jean. To be honest I like his music, but I'd never been bothered to buy it or overtly listen to it. Certainly no posters on my wall or any of that business

I don't know what to make of him personally. Best RIP and leave it be I think
I like this 'well respected' posters bollocks people band about.

What a load of cack.

Sorry for having a different outlook on death to some of you.

Even if it was someone whom i resepected i'd act in a similiar vain.

Move over to the tribute thread if you're feeling emotionally involved.

It's an internet forum...

That said, Heaps, how would you have reacted if people called Bestie an alchy and a wife-beater in a similar thread to this?
:(:( Celeb deaths don't affect me but I'm genuinley sad.

Absolute legend, brilliant performer in his day. I love his music.
For all of you who decide to mock MJ on the day he has died, just think of the dead who you idolise, and think again about the wrongs they did in their lives. The idea of paying respects is to remember the good things a person did, and not dwell on the bad things.

MJ gave so much to millions of people all around the world, I highly doubt that as we have entered a new age of musical entertainment, what with downloading etc, that we will Ever see another talent such as him.
Human nature is amazing. We rather respect the dead more than the living and I wonder why. People who are extremely rude are all now paying their respect to the dead, yet will turn around and tell the living to feck off.
We humans are amazing.
Was pretty sad when I heard. To be honest he was the first singer I really took to when I was a kid, I loved his music. Quite a few of my earliest memories involve trying to buy or steal Michael Jackson albums in fact
I wonder how different a reaction Gary Glitter would recieve upon his death..
'Jacko turned his body into a medical gymnasium.'

WHat do these people know that we don't? Was he on steds?!
My favourite song is Billie Jean. To be honest I like his music, but I'd never been bothered to buy it or overtly listen to it. Certainly no posters on my wall or any of that business

I don't know what to make of him personally. Best RIP and leave it be I think

Billie Jean was probably his best song imo and I used to love watching his videos as a kid. He was such a talented entertainer and feck me could he dance. I still have moonwalker on vhs somewhere.
That said, Heaps, how would you have reacted if people called Bestie an alchy and a wife-beater in a similar thread to this?

1. This is a Manchester United forum, not a Michael Jackson forum.

2. There's a difference between liking a drink and hitting your wife and fiddling with children.
That said, Heaps, how would you have reacted if people called Bestie an alchy and a wife-beater in a similar thread to this?

I'm fully aware all people are twats and act on impulses dependent on their moods.
So it wouldn't bother me to a sufficient degree to upset me.

As it happens i'm slightly pissed and feeling very dismissive.

We're all hypocrites.