Music Michael Jackson is Dead (All general comment)

Some of you are cretins.

Pogue, I'm most surprised at you.

The guy, no matter what anybody says, was a genius. RIP, am absolutely shocked by the news. Still can't believe it.
Yes I did follow the case and as you say money is everything and MJ was a very easy mark to get money from, mentally unstable people always are. You're acting like a prick tbh, but naturally you're always right, i'm surprised a mod hasn't told you to calm down.

You're making yourself look like a complete and utter tool.

Because I'm not upset about some bloke - accused of multiple counts of child abuse - who I've never met dying?

My bad.
Yes. Accused being the key word.

I guess you also don't care about starving children either. I mean, you don't know them.
There are some really crazy hardcore Jacko fans out there... I bet they won't take this well - I wouldn't be suprised if some of them took their own lives.
There's a time for everything - Now's one of paying respect to a musical genius who has shockingly passed away.
Because I'm not upset about some bloke - accused of multiple counts of child abuse - who I've never met dying?

My bad.

Death is a terrible thing, and whether you are upset or not you should (I'm sure you do by the way) appreciate that it is quite a sad thing to happen.

I'm not the biggest fan, but looking at his life it is a fecking terrible story that has ended tragically.
Investment Report: Breaking News: Price of plastic sky rockets after substantial quantities removed from commodity market..
Didn't see this thread, apologies - admins can close it (if they haven't already).

He is one of my favourite artists and he truly transcended music. I don't want to meet someone who doesn't like at least one of his tunes.

Because I'm not upset about some bloke - accused of multiple counts of child abuse - who I've never met dying?

My bad.

You could appreciate that not everyone see's it the same way and perhaps not act like a cnut in this thread about it maybe?

I thought all the Goody stuff was nonsense n all. That was a known thing rather than an initial shock so it's a bit different. But I stayed out of all that. Different folk have different levels of attachment to people they maybe haven't even met, but in some way have spent their lives knowing
At least you are being honest rather than everyone giving all the RIP shit and not realy giving a flying one.

To be honest I always say RIP for everyone who dies and gets reported. That is about as much respect I would give for someone I didn't know nor care.
Are we allowed to do jokes in here seen as it isn't the tribute thread>>
Because I'm not upset about some bloke - accused of multiple counts of child abuse - who I've never met dying?

My bad.

Accused being the key word. He was an easy target because of his mental instability, being one of the richest, most powerful, and most well-known people on the planet, you are always going to have people accuse you of things that you haven't done.
What's the difference between Michael Jackson and Sir Alex ferguson?


Ferguson will still be playing Gig(g)s in August.
The copious amount of hours I spent on trying to do the moonwalk to no avail..

How is that sick? It's a piece of memorabilia.

Profiteering off the death of someone is pretty crass don't you think?

I cant say I was his greatest fan, and the allegations of his behaviour in his later years really tarnished him in my eyes, but that doesn't mean I'm happy he's dead, or particularly upset about it. I feel more for his children who will grow up without a dad. I don't really understand the mourning culture around celebrities.
To be honest I always say RIP for everyone who dies and gets reported. That is about as much respect I would give for someone I didn't know nor care.

I only say RIP if i am bothered by someones passing,each to their own though and tbh i am not that worried i just think Pogue is getting stick for basicaly being honest and it is unfair.