I love how some people can makes cracks at people who they consider fair game, but others are untouchable. If you've ever..EVER...made an innapropriate comment after the death of someone famous, you have no right to throw the book at Pogue or anyone else who doesn't care this man has passed.
As a child I adored Jacko, and his influence on music and dance in unquestionable and possibly unsurpassable...but as the years have passed the man has done many things which are questionable. Many things that a normal person wouldn't have gotten away with. How he has 2 white kids whose mother holds no claim over is a bizarre thing which no normal person would escape unquestioned. The man is not a saint, and his musical career should not erase his sins. Whatever they may be.
I won't stoop as far as to make a crass joke (..and I have a few) but some people should shut the feck up and stop being so damn touchy. This is an internet forum, talk of banning and the like is ridiculous. If I had the time I'd trawl through every post any of you have made mocking some one or others death or misfortune and bring it up...as I can't believe you've never made any.
Grow a few more layers of skin, cos it obviously isn't thick enough yet