Memphis Depay | Corinthians player

That might just be the best goal iv ever seen.. The way he hit it like it was so easy for him .
This, and this is why seemingly only Zlatan (and players of his ilk) can really produce their best at OT these days.

Our players just cant relax and enjoy/express themselves, hence the plethora of missed chances at OT.

We have been well and truly spoiled and you get too many people now rocking up to OT with their rose-tinted specs on banging on about Scholes this and Keane that and Giggs this as if they never made a mistake or gave the ball away. The way we treat our flair players atm is poor and its not conducive to the development of players like Depay, Rashford, Martial or even Pogba
Where did I even suggest that? What I can say is that whilst he was at United he clearly struggled and it wasn't just to do with his ability, confidence was also a major issue. A young player in a new league, playing in a struggling team.

There are plenty of players in the PL who do not have as much footballing ability as him and do well, mainly as they didn't have the pressure of playing for United whilst United were struggling and for a manager who didn't inspire confidence in them (LVG).
everyone who actually knows Memphis suggests he was very confident in his ability, he just had little of it.
everyone who actually knows Memphis suggests he was very confident in his ability, he just had little of it.

I wasn't talking about confidence in his ability. He clearly lacked confidence after going through a bad spell at United and you could clearly see that in his first few games at Lyon.

But yes after getting dropped and hauled off in games last season, he must have had all the confidence in the world at the start of this season at United.... right
I wasn't talking about confidence in his ability. He clearly lacked confidence after going through a bad spell at United and you could clearly see that in his first few games at Lyon.

But yes after getting dropped and hauled off in games last season, he must have had all the confidence in the world at the start of this season at United.... right
you could see it when he played against substandard players who didn't put him under pressure
you could see it when he played against substandard players who didn't put him under pressure

Indeed at the start of the season, but somehow he couldn't even play well against the worse teams in the PL mid way through the season. Nothing to do with confidence though.

Hitting row z with plenty of his freekicks etc also had nothing to do with being put under pressure by defenders.
For those who watch him, is he playing centrally now? I was thinking that playing centrally would suit him.
Even when he was shite for us, one thing I liked about him was his off the ball movement. You can see that with his central runs with his first goal and his bad miss.
Memphis strikes me as a player who would struggle to fit into any system that asks him to conform to it, as opposed to one that gives him complete license to operate freely and improvise. LvG and Mourinho's systems were quite clearly the former. Put him in one where he is given instructions to be creative and score goals and he will flourish imo.
The strange thing is that he was the same player when he arrived at Lyon, he wasn't confident and a little bit clumsy but it quickly changed when his teammates tried to find him and with more time on the pitch.
The only thing changed is that he is a bit more positive because of the newfound confidence. His touch is still clumsy at times and he runs like he's really heavy. When I watched extended highlights of most of his touches vs Toulouse, he reminded me of present day Rooney, only with a bit more pace once he gets his stride going.

I am confident that most people gushing over him have only seen his second goal. Because goals aside his performance was pretty much the same as the last few matches. Some decent moments where he skins the defender, a couple of bad misses on an open goal, a few heavy touches where he ends up fighting to get the ball back, etc.
Are people being serious about it being the best goal they've seen? :lol: Have you been watching football for a week?
The only thing changed is that he is a bit more positive because of the newfound confidence. His touch is still clumsy at times and he runs like he's really heavy. When I watched extended highlights of most of his touches vs Toulouse, he reminded me of present day Rooney, only with a bit more pace once he gets his stride going.

I am confident that most people gushing over him have only seen his second goal. Because goals aside his performance was pretty much the same as the last few matches. Some decent moments where he skins the defender, a couple of bad misses on an open goal, a few heavy touches where he ends up fighting to get the ball back, etc.

You are right but it's strange how his mindset seems to have changed drastically. He looks a lot more positive.
You are right but it's strange how his mindset seems to have changed drastically. He looks a lot more positive.
Part if the reason imo is that Lyon are heavily utilizing him. It makes him feel like the man again. And to answer an earlier question from someone about where he's playing.. he looked a lot like Welbeck under Fergie when I watched him, a wide attacker that drifts or cuts in centrally a lot. Personally I"m happy that he's found his feet, I don't want him to fail. And it's nice that Lyon have put so much faith into him, after being frozen out here.
He's doing well in the french league but let's not get ahead of ourselves. He could not step up to the Premier League under 2 good managers. He's found his level.

I don't think we can say he's found his level after a few games.
I dont care about him anymore, he couldn't make it here over Lingard so whatever he does in the french league is a little pointless for me, Give him three more years and see if he goes to Italy or tries to make the step up again but my bet is he's not going to e considerably better then Wilf Zaha
I said it before he joined, while he was at United and i am saying the same while he is gone. He is never going to be good enough for a top team. He isnt smart enough and his (functional) technique is lacking.

He will be good against shit opponents but even the worst premier league teams have decent defenders compared to shit teams in other leagues... maybe Sunderland excluded.
He just looks like someone who is happier being a big player in a smaller team, rather than being in a team where he has to compete with other big personalities. Which is fine. Good luck to him.

Tend to agree. When you're the 'main man' or a key cog, it gives you a bit more impetus to kick on. In a big team like United, you need the confidence to 'get yours' instead of just providing for others. He tried to get his goals, but it riled LVG & the other players when it didn't come off, so he probably backed off a bit. When other players look to you to do a large portion of scoring, it gives you more free rein to try things without necessarily pissing others off.

Part if the reason imo is that Lyon are heavily utilizing him. It makes him feel like the man again.

Wonder what would've happened if LVG had dropped Rooney and relied on Martial & Memphis to pick up the scoring. Not that Memphis really deserved more than he got in terms of playing time, but when you are so heavily utilized & depended on, you spend less time looking over your shoulder seeking approval from your coach & teammates. LVG put a lot of players in strait jackets, which really doesn't help the best creative players, nor those that seem to rely on having a lot of confidence.

Glad for Memphis to do well. Not sure if he can come back here & flourish, but at least he seems happy.
Crazy how short our memories are. I really wanted to see Memphis succeed here but he wasn't good enough.

He came to the PL with great stats from the Dutch League and is now playing great in the French League. Had he gone and done this in La Liga I would sit up and take note but let's keep perspective here. I agree game time/confidence helps but I genuinely don't think he is as good as many posters on here are saying
Crazy how short our memories are. I really wanted to see Memphis succeed here but he wasn't good enough.

He came to the PL with great stats from the Dutch League and is now playing great in the French League. Had he gone and done this in La Liga I would sit up and take note but let's keep perspective here. I agree game time/confidence helps but I genuinely don't think he is as good as many posters on here are saying
Not at all. Plenty of people rated him after he left, plenty think he's a confidence player. It's well documented on his thread this year and last.
Still a bit raw and can get faster, he isnt as fast as in his PSV days yet, but that performance was encouraging. A lot of actions didnt come off but almost every one of them was very threatening and opportunistic. Some nice skills in there as well, which shows he is getting his confidence back. The miss was bad, but the run and the subtile push to the defender, brilliant.
Excellent performance all round.

That's 5 goals and 2 assists in 6 starts for Lyon now I think.
His overall play is still not that great but the defense makes him look good. The difference between him and Martial in terms of technique is so huge that it's surprising how people are still having regrets over selling Depay.
He's doing well, that league suits him. Will we buy him back from £100m....fecking no chance.
Just wasn't prem material. That league suits him better.
His overall play is still not that great but the defense makes him look good. The difference between him and Martial in terms of technique is so huge that it's surprising how people are still having regrets over selling Depay.
True, Martial is a much better player but dont know if he will fulfill his potential with his lacklustre attitude. He has very little intensity in his game compared to Rashford for example.
He was asked "Did Mourinho explain what he wanted from you, was there something he wanted more from you?"

Memphis "No there was nothing specific, no. I just think I was not good enough, that's okay, I will show my quality and get back to the top and we will see how I turn out. No disrespect to nobody of the staff of Manchester United because they are very good people, but it just didn't work out."
He was asked "Did Mourinho explain what he wanted from you, was there something he wanted more from you?"

Memphis "No there was nothing specific, no. I just think I was not good enough, that's okay, I will show my quality and get back to the top and we will see how I turn out. No disrespect to nobody of the staff of Manchester United because they are very good people, but it just didn't work out."
Good attitude.
He was asked "Did Mourinho explain what he wanted from you, was there something he wanted more from you?"

Memphis "No there was nothing specific, no. I just think I was not good enough, that's okay, I will show my quality and get back to the top and we will see how I turn out. No disrespect to nobody of the staff of Manchester United because they are very good people, but it just didn't work out."

That is a fantastic attitude. Very rare you hear modern day young players with that level of self awareness.