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2015-16 Performances

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5.4 Season Average Rating
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There's another crazy player who doesn't really track back, he's called Messi. Do you wonder why he can't show desire, hunger, or whatever word?

Memphis problem is not the tracking back. He was requested to hurt on counters. He did it well, got a wonderful pass from Carrick, and then his footballing brain froze but it doesn't mean that he's a lost cause. He will shine in the future, that's a given. And it's a lie to say that Memphis doesn't have skills. His ball control to beat the opponent is a proven one. But right now, he's being clumpsy and without confidence, it doesn't work, just like when Martial failed to beat opponents in and out until today against Ivanovic and it worked out. Everything takes time.

When you can score 20 to 20+ goals a season as an attacking player, you can be forgiven for not defending much.

When you can score 40+, you shouldn't be tracking back, you should be scoring goals.

When you're messi, you can bang prozzies on the pitch, while doing lines of blow off their arses, and not only should you not be punished for it, you should be celebrated for it.

Let's me know when Depay starts scoring 60-70 in a year ;)
There's another crazy player who doesn't really track back, he's called Messi. Do you wonder why he can't show desire, hunger, or whatever word?

That's an awful comparison. Messi's attacking contribution is so good that he can get away without tracking back.

Memphis meanwhile just contributes nothing and continues to look like a pub player out there.
Excusing his lack of work rate because Messi doesn't track back. :wenger:
People want to blame the loss on him for that pass but Rooney did the same exact thing essentially with his stupid attempt at chipping the keeper. It was a bad pass but let's not get carried away. Other than that he didn't really have any time to do anything and it was stupid of LVG to bring him on.
He's shit at everything and he's lazy. I'm just bewildered as to how he even made it this far. I've tried to be patient with him all season but my god...he is just shite.
People want to blame the loss on him for that pass but Rooney did the same exact thing essentially with his stupid attempt at chipping the keeper. It was a bad pass but let's not get carried away. Other than that he didn't really have any time to do anything and it was stupid of LVG to bring him on.

He did but the key difference was that the ball went out of play (he should have cut the ball back to Mata who surely would have scored) so we had the chance to get back into a defensive shape. The time when a team is most vulnerable to conceding is when a turnover of possession happens whilst they are attacking, this is because the rest of the team are not in their optimum defensive shape. I am not pontificating here this is fact. It is what Jurgen Klopp bases his whole philosophy on. It is imperative that an attacking player at least tries to disrupt the opposition team's play if they lose the ball to allow their team to get defensively set.

Memphis perhaps could have been forgiven for the awful pass (if you are being very kind) but there is no excuse for making no effort to correct his mistake.
Blaming the loss on him is harsh but Schneiderlin was in acres of space on the edge of the area. That could've and probably should've been 2-0.

When you've been sitting on the bench all game and get a few minutes to come on and impress then you better use them properly. It was an easy pass to make. Really infuriating.
He is dire. I genuinely cannot think of a worse wide player we've had since the success began under Ferguson. He offers nothing technically, has no turn of pace with a football at his feet and has to be one of the laziest modern day footballers. I'd take a £15m hit on him and flog him to PSG.
He played as wide forward in PSV and as second striker with the national team. Talking about positions, he is more like Ronaldo/Neymar than a traditional winger. For example, Dybala wouldn't be as effective on the wings compared to playing as second striker in a front of 3.

In my opinion, Memphis is more a finisher than a creator. Unfortunately, it seems that he lacks of confidence for the moment, but I still believe he has the talent to become a regular for us in the near future.

With an attacking full back like Shaw and playing in a front of 3, do you think Memphis would improve his game?
I frigging can't believe you idiots blame Memphis for Chelsea's goal !! There were like 40 seconds between Memphis pass and Chelsea's goal , other then that there were 10 United players behind the ball to correct him .
It was horribly shit from him to give such an unconvincing pass and then not track back like a maniac.
I'm sure Rooney on two occasions has lost the the ball in the midfield stupidly that led to defeats. No one slated him this much.
Granted he was lazy getting back but the goal isn't his fault.

It's not even like Azpi was even involved in the goal, who is Memphis man.
"Rating disabled - late substitution or taken off early"

I would like an exception for this occasion.
Shit decision to pass. Should have held the ball up. But every single player was determined to piss the ball away. One of them had to be punished for it.
that's his lazy ass not getting the ball to a spot on the pitch then not being arsed getting back. that sums up hid season. thank you
I remember Fergie in an interview talking about how he never wanted Ronaldo to drop and help defend. We dont know what Memphis' instructions from LVG have been. People here could be accusing him of not dropping back to defend when he has been instructed to stay high. A lot of abuse being aimed at Memphis based on minimal knowledge and assumption.
Meh, people were saying the same things about Smalling after he got sent off against City (myself included, I think). In fact, people have probably said the same things about every young player ever. Short-sightedness is in our nature.

Give him time.
I remember Fergie in an interview talking about how he never wanted Ronaldo to drop and help defend. We dont know what Memphis' instructions from LVG have been. People here could be accusing him of not dropping back to defend when he has been instructed to stay high. A lot of abuse being aimed at Memphis based on minimal knowledge and assumption.

one would imagine it would be to protect the lead. not give the ball away and then do feckall to win it back if you do memphis. that's what i'd assume since i watch football.
He is dire. I genuinely cannot think of a worse wide player we've had since the success began under Ferguson.

I stopped reading there. And then I made a conscious effort not to perceive anything of what followed from the corner of my eye. Horribly hyperbolic post.
one would imagine it would be to protect the lead. not give the ball away and then do feckall to win it back if you do memphis. that's what i'd assume since i watch football.
key word, assume and you know the saying about assume dont you
The under lining problem with Memphis is he isn't that good, he's had a few good moments against lower quality defenders, but in general struggled against premier league level defenders.

Add his lack of wok rate in, and you just can't justify him been in the team, currently looks like he is gonna be one of uniteds worst signings.
The way he gave the ball away was pathetic, but that's where it ends. So, what were our midfielders & defenders doing after that, where was Smalling? And what was Blind doing jumping out like that like an idiot?
Funny, but Smalling was covering the hole he left on the right side.
The under lining problem with Memphis is he isn't that good, he's had a few good moments against lower quality defenders, but in general struggled against premier league level defenders.

Add his lack of wok rate in, and you just can't justify him been in the team, currently looks like he is gonna be one of uniteds worst signings.
I can't remember him having one good game in the PL. Huge disappointment. Looks like we got a Kezman/Alves and not a Robben
He is actually horrific. Never ever, ever want to see him put on the United shirt again. Disgraceful shit, needs to get his head out of his arse whilst he is at it
What? You probably need to take a few months off from football! It was a terrible play by the lad at a key moment, but this over-reaction is worse. An older and wiser Nani did similar the last time we played chelsea in the cup and lost in extra-time.
The under lining problem with Memphis is he isn't that good, he's had a few good moments against lower quality defenders, but in general struggled against premier league level defenders.

Add his lack of wok rate in, and you just can't justify him been in the team, currently looks like he is gonna be one of uniteds worst signings.

It's hard to argue with that. The problem may be deeper than just that he's in over his head in a tougher league. He looks like a payer who believed all the hype about him before he proved anything in this league. When his play turns to shit, as it has over and over, he's staggered.
I agree that there are some worrying signs with regard to his attitude, and he certainly hasn't displayed the talent one would expect given how much we paid. However, to call him the worst player since the SAF started being successful, as one poster did earlier, is just idiotic in the extreme. He achieved more in his first month for us than Djemba-Djemba, Bebe, Obertan and Kleberson ever did. Granted, that's damning with faint praise, but it's worth remembering that he's young, adjusting to a new league and playing in a team for which there have been very few standouts (one of the few standouts being Martial, who has happened to excel in Memphis' preferred position.)

If we are still having this same discussion in February 2017, then I'll start thinking that we need to write him off (or flog him on a free as some clown suggested in the match day thread,) but not until then.
fecking up a pass happens every time in every situation, that's not the problem for me. It's the lack of reaction afterwards, late in the game, under intense pressure, if you make a mistake you have to run back and help out. Blaming him in some way for the goal conceded is incredibly bitter and retarded.
No doubt hes been shite, but blaming him for the goal yesterday is unfair. He lost the ball at their corner flag, and quite a few others were involved before it ended up with Costa

That being said, and this is only assumptions, but it seems to me he has a shit attitude. There is more to being a footballer than landing a lucrative contract with a big club and then living the playboy lifestyle, but he seems content with that right now. There is no doubt the lad has talent, but what happens with him in the future is up to him (for the most part)
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