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2015-16 Performances

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5.4 Season Average Rating
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I don't blame him for the goal. I blame him for fecking up a simple pass that no professional footballer should do. Hitting Azpilicueta with the ball was fecking criminal and I'm still pissed off.

Look at this shit..

Really, not even Valencia would have managed to hit Azpilicueta. And he loves to hit the ball in the nearest opponent player.

He doesn't look like a footballer, let alone a good footballer.
Needs to be shown patience and needs a calming and controlling figure in the dressing room. He is definitely talented but he needs to put his head down and chill out a bit.

Or else he'll go the Di Maria route next...

But, is he really? Lets not forget that Kezman and Aves did very good in that league.

Since his transfer here, bar a couple of matches, he has looked anything but talented. Bebe has performed better than him.
What are his strengths because I keep hearing that all the time? What are this guy's fortes? I'm really eager to hear that given that there were plenty of people who wanted to take Lingard's place and give it to Depay.
I'm not going to bother listing strengths, because I'd just say he knows how to beat a man and some passive-aggressive person is going to come around a shout at me (in text) about how he's never proven to be able to for us (despite the fact that he has). That goes for most points basically. I've tried before (not with Depay) to point to all the cool stuff players did before they came here to show that they have the ability, only to be told that it counts for nothing, because it wasn't done for us.

Fact is, though, that the PSV side he played in was a quick, counter attacking side where he used his dribbling and off-the-ball movement to get himself into good positions to score tasty goals and create chances for his team. We've been anything but in his time here. So not only does he have to adapt to a new and much stronger league, he has to adapt to a completely different style of play as well. To me, those are good reasons to give a talented youngster some time before writing him off as scrap, calling him a disgraceful shit, attacking him for how he dresses, criticizing him for what he drives, complaining about him being out with his mates and whatever other kind of shitty, petty complaints people have leveled at him.

Maybe I am... I'm not denying it. I don't really give a damn though, whatever system he is playing in, he has no reason to have failed the pass (you can see the picture above, anyone could have made that bloody pass). He is going to be 22 in a few days and you want to make these excuses about systems when he can't even make a pass that a damn 5 year old could make. Lets make it clear, I am not blaming today's draw on him only but when you look at the bigger picture (minus Brugge), he hasn't done anything even remotely useful for us.
Oh, so you were saying that you, based on that one pass, think he's a disgraceful shit who should never pull on a United shirt again? Because I thought you were just fed up with him in general, and that was the basis for my post.

And saying that he hasn't performed outside the games against Brugge is patently false. Granted, he hasn't set the world alight, but there's plenty to criticize him for without pretending he's only had one or two good games for us.

The worst thing about this United critics is how soon they forget how young these guys, the situation they have been thrown. Januzaj, McNair, Lingard, CBJ et al have all been thrown at some of United's lowest points in recent history but what amazes me is how we forget how well they did when they first came on the scene. I remember when Januzaj came on in the Moyes era, an 18 year old literally lit up our hearts and OT when the so called experienced manager and senior players where doing rubbish. He was abnormally good under such circumstances. Fast forward a couple of months and after a series of poor performances as expected from a young player, the RedCafe faithful started throwing stones at the kid. Same with McNair, who came on in an injury hit period and was also a revelation, he is now McMare. Same with Lingard. I can only imagine the abuse Martial and CBJ will get if they put in a string of poor performances. Give me strength.
Yeah, the lack of patience, not only with youngsters, but new signings as well, is something I find almost disgusting. Not because it isn't fair to criticize, but because some people are taking it to the extreme. They downplay, or outright ignore anything good a player does, while attacking every minor mistake, real or perceived.

Then they attack you if you try to act as a counterbalance, even if you acknowledge that the player has been poor.
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This would all be completely fair if it actually applied to Memphis but it doesn't at all. 'Inconsistent' would imply there was a time where Memphis was actually good or showed something. The simple fact is he hasn't, he's been here 6 months and he's played well twice.
He has literally shown nothing, I don't think I've ever seen a young player at United show so little in terms of quality and effort, I mean what is he good at? what are his main attributes? I dont actually have any idea because he has shown nothing.
With young players you can always tell what they're good at quickly,Rooney was his tenacity, Ronaldo was his dribbling, Martial his composure, Lingard his work ethic, with Memphis I literally don't know what it is he's meant to be good at. Well that's a lie, I know he's very good at going to the gym and making himself bulkier and driving very expensive cars. Not sure how we can use any of those things in matches but there you go.

To be honest, he rubs me the wrong way, his pathetic performances coupled with his showman attitude off the pitch tell me here's a young guy with the wrong attitude, he won't make it here because he thinks he already has.

I appreciate your comments and don't get me wrong, I think he should be doing better. My average rating for Memphis is no higher than the forum's average rating. Having watched him a couple of time at PSV, it was clear he has the potential to be top class. That said, I didn't he was ready to move up to this kind of pressure at United, even his coaches thought the same thing too. He was only brought in at the time because PSG were snooping in. I don't think we can compare all young players with the same development ruler, some show their potential younger than others. I used to be part of a local coaching set up and I've seen young players who were written off when compared to the rest and overtook them after 3 years. Not all players have the same mental strength. Maybe a run of games would do him good but I see how difficult it would be given the state of the club at the moment. I think he needs to be given the benefit of the doubt. He needs every chance to fulfill his potential but sadly United is not exactly in the right state to nurture young players effectively.
I'm not going to bother listing strengths, because I'd just say he knows how to beat a man and some passive-aggressive person is going to come around a shout at me (in text) about how he's never proven to be able to for us (despite the fact that he has). That goes for most points basically. I've tried before (not with Depay) to point to all the cool stuff players did before they came here to show that they have the ability, only to be told that it counts for nothing, because it wasn't done for us.

Fact is, though, that the PSV side he played in was a quick, counter attacking side where he used his dribbling and off-the-ball movement to get himself into good positions to score tasty goals and create chances for his team. We've been anything but in his time here. So not only does he have to adapt to a new and much stronger league, he has to adapt to a completely different style of play as well. To me, those are good reasons to give a talented youngster some time before writing him off as scrap, calling him a disgraceful shit, attacking him for how he dresses, criticizing him for what he drives, complaining about him being out with his mates and whatever other kind of shitty, petty complaints people have leveled at him.

Alright, since you don't want to enlist those strengths then let me ask you why can't he fecking run? I mean, why can't he track back, show some desire on the pitch, whatever. Today he was how many minutes on the pitch before they scored? 5? And he couldn't bother to track back. This is the biggest problem. Even if he can't translate his game from Eredivisie to PL he has to show desire, hunger for game, he's showing feck all at the moment. You know who was not running a lot? Berbatov. But Jesus, this guy showed 1000000x more ability than Depay and was actually a striker.

Today's performance pretty much summed him up for us: very little skill, can't do basic things and very shit attitude by being incredibly lazy on the pitch. I'm not saying he won't come good in the future, fine, benefit of a doubt because we paid shitloads of money for him. But at the moment he's a fecking disaster and if Mourinho comes in, he either changes his attitude by 180 degrees or he can pack his shit. Under Mou everybody had to run a bloody lot, even Hazard, everybody defends. He's already gone at the moment if he doesn't up his ante.
I must admit I have never been a fan, partly because I don't like youngsters being hyped.
That said, something is just not clicking for him at the moment and he looks out of place.
He has to mentally prepare himself for next season, to me he wasn't ready for the change in tempo and demands that come with being an attacking player in the EPL. It looks like he is already adjusting, keep it up he'll get there.
The mistakes in the pass and not tracking back to affect the course of play are things that can happen to any player, can't pass judgement on his footballing ability based on that.
Oh, so you were saying that you, based on that one pass, think he's a disgraceful shit who should never pull on a United shirt again? Because I thought you were just fed up with him in general, and that was the basis for my post.

And saying that he hasn't performed outside the games against Brugge is patently false. Granted, he hasn't set the world alight, but there's plenty to criticize him for without pretending he's only had one or two good games for us.

What the hell are you talking about...Yeah I am fed up with him in general, but the basic pass that he failed to make today just makes things a lot worse for him; that much is undeniable.
It's not just the shit pass. He just jogs back after that when he had the opportunity to press Willian (?).
It's interesting to see how views about Memphis have changed as the season progressed.
the following quotes are taken from the first page of this thread.

He looks like a beast physically from the training photos, which bodes really well for his training ethos. Hopefully he has a good tour, scoring afew goals to put himself into the match day squad for game one. I don't want to put him under to much pressure but I feel that if Depay can replicate his form of last season in the premier league then Utd will have a great shot at the title.

He's the signing I'm most excited about, but that's possibly because he's an attacking player. He just has extraordinary potential.

He's gonna be a beast for us. I can sense it.

Dream chaser!!
Dudes a beast.

It's his work ethic, more then anything else, which excites me.
He clearly wants to be the best player in the world and he'll work hard as hell on and off the pitch to try and reach his goals.
He's going to be special.

And now, one of the latest posts of this thread (which had me in fits of laughter):

He's got to improve on this next season surely. He's starting from such a low standard it's hard not to.
Alright, since you don't want to enlist those strengths then let me ask you why can't he fecking run? I mean, why can't he track back, show some desire on the pitch, whatever. Today he was how many minutes on the pitch before they scored? 5? And he couldn't bother to track back. This is the biggest problem. Even if he can't translate his game from Eredivisie to PL he has to show desire, hunger for game, he's showing feck all at the moment. You know who was not running a lot? Berbatov. But Jesus, this guy showed 1000000x more ability than Depay and was actually a striker.

Today's performance pretty much summed him up for us: very little skill, can't do basic things and very shit attitude by being incredibly lazy on the pitch. I'm not saying he won't come good in the future, fine, benefit of a doubt because we paid shitloads of money for him. But at the moment he's a fecking disaster and if Mourinho comes in, he either changes his attitude by 180 degrees or he can pack his shit. Under Mou everybody had to run a bloody lot, even Hazard, everybody defends. He's already gone at the moment if he doesn't up his ante.
I'm sorry if I offended you by having faith in Depay. It seems to have angered you something fierce.

What the hell are you talking about...Yeah I am fed up with him in general, but the basic pass that he failed to make today just makes things a lot worse for him; that much is undeniable.
I assumed you were fed up with him in general, and commented based on that. You then responded as if I was defending that one misplaced pass, and not just sticking up for the player. I then felt compelled to ask if that one misplaced pass was your sole reason for making the original post, because your response to me defending him could certainly make it seem like it. That is what I was talking about.
No, you really haven't.
Oh, okay. You were just coming at me in such an aggressive manner for what was, essentially, me suggesting we give a player time because he has shown promise. (Also, I'll think you'll find that I did, in fact, list some of the strengths that he's exhibited (at PSV, granted) and that I'm hoping he can put to use here, eventually.)
It's interesting to see how views about Memphis have changed as the season progressed.
the following quotes are taken from the first page of this thread.

And now, one of the latest posts of this thread (which had me in fits of laughter):
If you search well, you will find similar posts on Januzaj, McNair, Lingard, Varela even Shaw. I feel sorry for our young players
I'm not going to bother listing strengths, because I'd just say he knows how to beat a man and some passive-aggressive person is going to come around a shout at me (in text) about how he's never proven to be able to for us (despite the fact that he has). That goes for most points basically. I've tried before (not with Depay) to point to all the cool stuff players did before they came here to show that they have the ability, only to be told that it counts for nothing, because it wasn't done for us.

Fact is, though, that the PSV side he played in was a quick, counter attacking side where he used his dribbling and off-the-ball movement to get himself into good positions to score tasty goals and create chances for his team. We've been anything but in his time here. So not only does he have to adapt to a new and much stronger league, he has to adapt to a completely different style of play as well. To me, those are good reasons to give a talented youngster some time before writing him off as scrap, calling him a disgraceful shit, attacking him for how he dresses, criticizing him for what he drives, complaining about him being out with his mates and whatever other kind of shitty, petty complaints people have leveled at him.

Oh, so you were saying that you, based on that one pass, think he's a disgraceful shit who should never pull on a United shirt again? Because I thought you were just fed up with him in general, and that was the basis for my post.

And saying that he hasn't performed outside the games against Brugge is patently false. Granted, he hasn't set the world alight, but there's plenty to criticize him for without pretending he's only had one or two good games for us.

Yeah, the lack of patience, not only with youngsters, but new signings as well, is something I find almost disgusting. Not because it isn't fair to criticize, but because some people are taking it to the extreme. They downplay, or outright ignore anything good a player does, while attacking every minor mistake, real or perceived.

Then they attack you if you try to act as a counterbalance, even if you acknowledge that the player has been poor.

Please elaborate on the multiple good games he's had? I can't think of many.

He's been substituted at half time in a number of our biggest games this season I.E Liverpool/Arsenal/Wolfsburg etc. You'd think it would light a fire under him but no he just get's worse. I can understand the argument that foreign players need time to adapt but he's shown close to zero. Di Maria got subbed off around 65-70mins regularly as you could see he was starting to fade but he looked excellent on plenty of occasions throughout the game. Memphis rarely has any periods of looking dangerous. The league is physical but no way should it make much of a difference in the first 20-30mins of a game, vs Arsenal in particular his defending was atrocious.
I appreciate your comments and don't get me wrong, I think he should be doing better. My average rating for Memphis is no higher than the forum's average rating. Having watched him a couple of time at PSV, it was clear he has the potential to be top class. That said, I didn't he was ready to move up to this kind of pressure at United, even his coaches thought the same thing too. He was only brought in at the time because PSG were snooping in. I don't think we can compare all young players with the same development ruler, some show their potential younger than others. I used to be part of a local coaching set up and I've seen young players who were written off when compared to the rest and overtook them after 3 years. Not all players have the same mental strength. Maybe a run of games would do him good but I see how difficult it would be given the state of the club at the moment. I think he needs to be given the benefit of the doubt. He needs every chance to fulfill his potential but sadly United is not exactly in the right state to nurture young players effectively.

Of course yeah young players develop at different rates and we're not in a great position right now to be blooding them, but again I have to go back to the fact he has shown literally nothing.
You look at the other young players who have come through this season, Lingaard, Martial, CBJ, I'm seeing things in them, I don't think Lingaard is the most talented but the guy puts work in, he's chipped in with goals. I dont see any of this from Memphis, he doesn't even posses the basic things you expect from a footballer, that is extremely worrying.
I'm sorry if I offended you by having faith in Depay. It seems to have angered you something fierce.

I assumed you were fed up with him in general, and commented based on that. You then responded as if I was defending that one misplaced pass, and not just sticking up for the player. I then felt compelled to ask if that one misplaced pass was your sole reason for making the original post, because your response to me defending him could certainly make it seem like it. That is what I was talking about.

I am fed up with him in general, but I wouldn't have commented with that had he not misplaced that pass; because it made a lot of us angry. I am just saying that the misplaced pass is another example to add to the numerous poor performances that he has had this season. As if him not being dangerous or influential enough in matches wasn't already a problem, he has now messed up something so basic which was the start of a build up of events which led to us conceding a goal.
Mourinho won't stand for him

Guarantee he will be gone in the summer if Jose does indeed takeover
Oh, okay. You were just coming at me in such an aggressive manner for what was, essentially, me suggesting we give a player time because he has shown promise. (Also, I'll think you'll find that I did, in fact, list some of the strengths that he's exhibited (at PSV, granted) and that I'm hoping he can put to use here, eventually.)

Nah, don't feel offended mate, no point.
From a neutral, the pass was idiotic, but everyone makes those. Problem was him not running back to cover his flank, specially considering he just same in a minute ago and it was all happening in extra time. Watching him feels like he doesn't really understand the game of football.

To quote myself:

Dude is awful. I wouldn't have him on the bench.
Of course yeah young players develop at different rates and we're not in a great position right now to be blooding them, but again I have to go back to the fact he has shown literally nothing.
You look at the other young players who have come through this season, Lingaard, Martial, CBJ, I'm seeing things in them, I don't think Lingaard is the most talented but the guy puts work in, he's chipped in with goals. I dont see any of this from Memphis, he doesn't even posses the basic things you expect from a footballer, that is extremely worrying.

It's the mental side and effort of Memphis. It's a bit similar to Januzaj. Both are young, talented and have been thrown into the limelight. Both have failed to impress or sustain/build upon previous success. Memphis isn't the centerpiece and has to sacrifice his individual play for the team - he hasn't adapted to this at all.

The attempted headed backpass at Stoke is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen in sport. Memphis fails to show us that the Stoke debacle was a one off.
I don't think anyone should blame Memphis for the goal itself, more just comment that he was a bit crap when he came on (which he was) and/or that he should never have been brought on in the first place (he shouldn't have)... but regardless, the comaprison with Martial doesn't really wake because a) Memphis hadn't played 90 minutes of football and b) the ball didn't go out to Martials side.

Ultimately, he lost the ball cheaply when it was easier to keep it/play someone in - during a crucial period of the game... that is worthy of criticism in itself.
Criticism yes, but demanding he be sold as if a bad pass was THE FINAL STRAW. Give the guy a break. He's young and clearly struggling to adapt at United. Low on confidence despite him protesting otherwise. Guy needs our support ffs.

That's bullshit. He couldn't complete a fecking 5 yards pass, it was not a neat pass by any means. No hollywood pass, no skills flick, no no-look pass, nothing. He wasn't spriting while doing it, he wasn't under pressure, he essentially fecked up a simple pass and couldn't bother to track back afterwards.

The simple pass would have been to square it, not pass inbehind the defender for so and so to run on to. 9 times out of 10 a pass like that goes out for a corner after a last ditch stretch from the defender. He jogs back as much as he's been told to, similarly to Martial. I didn't see him gunning it back either? We had more then enough cover at the back to deal with the situation, it was poor defending elsewhere. It was a completely different phase of play before the scored. Their attacker (whoever it was) even ran back towards his own half before he passed the ball forward. We had the time to organise ourselves, it was just poor defending. Nothing to do with Memphis.
Mourinho won't stand for him

Guarantee he will be gone in the summer if Jose does indeed takeover

Then I guess he would have sold Hazard next summer if he were still the Chelsea manager... He has been even shittier than Memphis!
Funny enough, I had doubts early on about his ability, but I was called out on it. It seems I was right all along. However, I feel that he has been mentally destroyed of his confidence, as such I can't see him regaining his form under Van Gaal ironically. Even with that said, I still would not keep him under a different management because I rather give our academy players the opportunity.
The simple pass would have been to square it, not pass inbehind the defender for so and so to run on to. 9 times out of 10 a pass like that goes out for a corner after a last ditch stretch from the defender. He jogs back as much as he's been told to, similarly to Martial. I didn't see him gunning it back either? We had more then enough cover at the back to deal with the situation, it was poor defending elsewhere. It was a completely different phase of play before the scored. Their attacker (whoever it was) even ran back towards his own half before he passed the ball forward. We had the time to organise ourselves, it was just poor defending. Nothing to do with Memphis.

You can't see a difference between Martial who plays for 85 minutes and fecking Depay who plays for 5 and is at fault for losing the ball?

And no, it was still the same phase of play, he even followed the ball but was always behind it, till the very end. Didn't bother putting any pressure on Chelsea players with the ball. Lazy dick.
this no7 must be cursed or sth, I have a faith in Memphis but he needs to focus more on the game and work hard, if he cant do this then he can go
I think the ability is there but he needs to sort his head out. At the moment he looks like a classic case of too much, too soon, regarding money and moving to a club like United.
That said, either he is showing ability and confidence in training and that's why LvG has thrown him on recently or, LvG is mis-managing him and by throwing him on when we need to keep the ball to win the game, like today, and by not having much confidence he can't make a simple pass or dribble.
Either way, he has had an horrendous season and needs to get his act together if he wants to remain here for a long time.
But, is he really? Lets not forget that Kezman and Aves did very good in that league.

Since his transfer here, bar a couple of matches, he has looked anything but talented. Bebe has performed better than him.

Man that is true, he is going down as one of our most disappointing transfers ever.
I was actually expecting him to replace Rooney. Fresh legs to harass central defenders and some pace on the counter.

He did feck all harassing on the wings and barely used his pace there.

Irritated the feck out of me the second he came on the pitch. I usually defend him but today he just didn't play his role at all.

At one stage, he just watched Hazard (?) make a run towards the line of our defenders, completely unmarked and all he did was hope that Mikel/Fabregas/Matic (whoever had it in the middle) wouldn't see the pass option.

The way he lost the ball before Costa's goal irritated me too. Schneiderlin was right there. Play the easy option and yet he couldn't even play that. I won't blame him for the draw, but you can't ignore the fact that he caused another uneccessary attack out of nowhere.

You can see Carrick crying out for him to get back into position while Courtous had the ball too.

I'll give him next season but bloody hell he's such a lazy fecker.
People want to get rid of him...he has hard time at the moment,its his first season in new league,i mean...
Then I guess he would have sold Hazard next summer if he were still the Chelsea manager... He has been even shittier than Memphis!
Not really

Hazard has the accolades behind his name to save himself (he's still reigning pfa player of the year).

Its the same reason why Van Gaal has survived this long with results bordering on Moyes territory. Past reputation buys you time.
Alright, since you don't want to enlist those strengths then let me ask you why can't he fecking run? I mean, why can't he track back, show some desire on the pitch, whatever. Today he was how many minutes on the pitch before they scored? 5? And he couldn't bother to track back. This is the biggest problem. Even if he can't translate his game from Eredivisie to PL he has to show desire, hunger for game, he's showing feck all at the moment. You know who was not running a lot? Berbatov. But Jesus, this guy showed 1000000x more ability than Depay and was actually a striker.

Today's performance pretty much summed him up for us: very little skill, can't do basic things and very shit attitude by being incredibly lazy on the pitch. I'm not saying he won't come good in the future, fine, benefit of a doubt because we paid shitloads of money for him. But at the moment he's a fecking disaster and if Mourinho comes in, he either changes his attitude by 180 degrees or he can pack his shit. Under Mou everybody had to run a bloody lot, even Hazard, everybody defends. He's already gone at the moment if he doesn't up his ante.
There's another crazy player who doesn't really track back, he's called Messi. Do you wonder why he can't show desire, hunger, or whatever word?

Memphis problem is not the tracking back. He was requested to hurt on counters. He did it well, got a wonderful pass from Carrick, and then his footballing brain froze but it doesn't mean that he's a lost cause. He will shine in the future, that's a given. And it's a lie to say that Memphis doesn't have skills. His ball control to beat the opponent is a proven one. But right now, he's being clumpsy and without confidence, it doesn't work, just like when Martial failed to beat opponents in and out until today against Ivanovic and it worked out. Everything takes time.
There's another crazy player who doesn't really track back, he's called Messi. Do you wonder why he can't show desire, hunger, or whatever word?

Memphis problem is not the tracking back. He was requested to hurt on counters. He did it well, got a wonderful pass from Carrick, and then his footballing brain froze but it doesn't mean that he's a lost cause. He will shine in the future, that's a given. And it's a lie to say that Memphis doesn't have skills. His ball control to beat the opponent is a proven one. But right now, he's being clumpsy and without confidence, it doesn't work, just like when Martial failed to beat opponents in and out until today against Ivanovic and it worked out. Everything takes time.

People want to get rid of him...he has hard time at the moment,its his first season in new league,i mean...
There is a higher tolerance of poor performances when a player puts a shift in.

When you're a lazy cnut who clearly couldn't give a feck, people tend to turn quicker.
He should be given at least a year before making proper judgement. I remember people wanting Ronaldo gone after 6 months :wenger:

That said, he never really impressed me for the Netherlands or PSV, so was not too fussed if we missed out on him. Hes a good player (capable of being one) but he does not possess the talent to make him elite, down the line, imo
If you contribute greatly to you team in an attacking sense like Messi, Ronaldo or David Silva (to a lesser extent) the team will carry you. Memphis is not in that bracket of player yet by a long shot and I don't think he has enough to his game to ever get close to having those privileges.
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