Mehdi Benatia | Signed for Bayern Munich

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Get set for the arrival of Di Maria & Vidal then!....Benatia will be small change for the Glazer's :drool:

Love Glazers :devil:

They have commited enough for Fellaini and Mata previously and now Herrera, Shaw and Rojo for us to get Di Maria, Vidal and have some spare change. We need to deal with the fact that a) these players might not want to come here, b) we might be identifying wrong targets both of which are not up to Glazers. Money is there, I find it appaling that people are complaining about the lack of it in a year when we've spent £120m on new players.
Yes we could buy but then we buy either Di maria or Vidal.

Well we have spent about 75m pounds so far and made about 5m in sales. I believe we could spend that same amount again. Vidal and Benatia would nice. I would really like Di Maria but would prefer we became more solid through the middle.
Well we have spent about 75m pounds so far and made about 5m in sales. I believe we could spend that same amount again. Vidal and Benatia would nice. I would really like Di Maria but would prefer we became more solid through the middle.
Don't forget the £37m for Mata, may have been in January but it still counts.

We've spent £115m in 2014 with basically no returns. When is the last time a club did that? Apart from maybe PSG. It's massive, massive money. People can complain all they want but the idea that the Glazer's aren't committing money to the club right now is silly. The real culprits here are our CEO and managers (or at least, previous manager) who didn't spend that money well enough.
We don't need Benatia. We have four senior center halves plus two talented ones in Keane and Blackett. Benatia would take away Smalling's and Jones' playing time and if they are going to ever develop they need to play, otherwise we may as well sell one of them because it's been 4 and 3 years respectively since they've come here and neither have got enough playing time in their favoured position.
We don't need Benatia. We have four senior center halves plus two talented ones in Keane and Blackett. Benatia would take away Smalling's and Jones' playing time and if they are going to ever develop they need to play, otherwise we may as well sell one of them because it's been 4 and 3 years respectively since they've come here and neither have got enough playing time in their favoured position.
I'd agree if Smalling, Jones, and Evans weren't constantly injured.
We don't need Benatia. We have four senior center halves plus two talented ones in Keane and Blackett. Benatia would take away Smalling's and Jones' playing time and if they are going to ever develop they need to play, otherwise we may as well sell one of them because it's been 4 and 3 years respectively since they've come here and neither have got enough playing time in their favoured position.

Four senior centre halves with a formation that uses 3 every game. Three of those four are constantly injured. Fact is that we desperately need someone like Benatia. Smalling, Jones and Evans are too injury prone, and they're all not vocal enough and lack the leadership required to organise the defence.

If signing a top defender like Benatia means that two from Rojo, Evans, Jones and Smalling don't start many games, that's fine. In truth it's exactly what we should be aspiring to, since every other club does the same. Survival of the fittest. Tough but fair.
if we bought benatia, imagine what would happen the next year when we will try to find players for 4-3-3 formation to play and if we found them as I am quite sure we can do it through two windows coming not icluding this which is not over yet.. if we found them we could play only two centre backs so it would make Jones/Smalling/Evans/Blackett/Keane/Rojo/BENATIA basically 7 CBacks to compete for two positions. Yes Jones is capable to be a make-shift RB, CM but we dont want it, the same with all other, They should not be played out of their positions. Buying another CB is nonsense for now, we are well covered even for the 5-3-2, and if we change it the next year we can change our mind and buy some centreback. I think Hummels can be more availible than this year.. once he find out after next season dominated by bayern that they are not going to win again and doubt they could win champions league, he could be on his way out if some great money comes from already champions league team MUFC, hopefully we will make top4 so it would make things much easier for us.. After we acquired Rojo there is no room for Benatia for me right now..
if we bought benatia, imagine what would happen the next year when we will try to find players for 4-3-3 formation to play and if we found them as I am quite sure we can do it through two windows coming not icluding this which is not over yet.. if we found them we could play only two centre backs so it would make Jones/Smalling/Evans/Blackett/Keane/Rojo/BENATIA basically 7 CBacks to compete for two positions. Yes Jones is capable to be a make-shift RB, CM but we dont want it, the same with all other, They should not be played out of their positions. Buying another CB is nonsense for now, we are well covered even for the 5-3-2, and if we change it the next year we can change our mind and buy some centreback. I think Hummels can be more availible than this year.. once he find out after next season dominated by bayern that they are not going to win again and doubt they could win champions league, he could be on his way out if some great money comes from already champions league team MUFC, hopefully we will make top4 so it would make things much easier for us.. After we acquired Rojo there is no room for Benatia for me right now..

Quality over quantity. Benatia is a better player than all 6 of the other CBs, so would make sense to buy him and get rid of the weakest links (I don't include Blackett or Keane in the weakest link category).
Well we have spent about 75m pounds so far and made about 5m in sales. I believe we could spend that same amount again. Vidal and Benatia would nice. I would really like Di Maria but would prefer we became more solid through the middle.
Well, I prefer Benatia and Di Maria if I have to choose because we have at least 6 CM players of which 3 are decent( Herrera, Mata, Kagawa). Vidal is quality player but we can survive this season without having box to box DF if we are coved in other positions.
What will this mean for Dante/Martinez (once he recovers) and Boateng?

Someone will eventually have to make-way once (if) they're all fully-fit.

Dante will be out in 2 years I think. He is a great player who can have a world class season. But he isnt the youngest and not the most consistent.
Don't forget the £37m for Mata, may have been in January but it still counts.

We've spent £115m in 2014 with basically no returns. When is the last time a club did that? Apart from maybe PSG. It's massive, massive money. People can complain all they want but the idea that the Glazer's aren't committing money to the club right now is silly. The real culprits here are our CEO and managers (or at least, previous manager) who didn't spend that money well enough.

Yes I'm only counting this financial year and I agree a lot of money has been put forward and some of it spent badly. The thing is this is an unprecedented situation we find ourselves in so the owners would be wise to spend more now to halt any potential decline. This may sound far fetched but in a league as strong as ours winning the league will take something special so getting back into the top four is essential for us more so than any oil rich club.
As for making some of the money back well we have more chance through sponsorship than selling some of our shite. Getting that sponsorship though relies solely on us competing in the CL and for major honors.
We also have a lot of young players in the squad so one very heavy expenditure now on proven quality could see us fine for a few years to come nullifying the need to spend so excessively in the future.
Quality over quantity. Benatia is a better player than all 6 of the other CBs, so would make sense to buy him and get rid of the weakest links (I don't include Blackett or Keane in the weakest link category).
Look there is a lot of room for them this year to finally show what they are capable of doing. Finally they will be palyed in their positions and if they can stay fit, thi is the biggest issue with them but if they can manage it. i guess they will be less injuries when players will play in their positions ie. Jones misjudging a lot of tackles in midfield etc. So we can make a great pair of centrebacks. Mertesacker and Koscielny were arguably the best last season and even they are not the top tier they were fantastic together and say top level. We have by no means worse players. Jones still have massive potential and Smalling can be a better defender than Mertesacker by his age..We should not be panicking all other players can be decent enough but if not given chance we will never know..
Look there is a lot of room for them this year to finally show what they are capable of doing. Finally they will be palyed in their positions and if they can stay fit, thi is the biggest issue with them but if they can manage it. i guess they will be less injuries when players will play in their positions ie. Jones misjudging a lot of tackles in midfield etc. So we can make a great pair of centrebacks. Mertesacker and Koscielny were arguably the best last season and even they are not the top tier they were fantastic together and say top level. We have by no means worse players. Jones still have massive potential and Smalling can be a better defender than Mertesacker by his age..We should not be panicking all other players can be decent enough but if not given chance we will never know..

1. You seem to underrate Mertesacker - Look back at his career

Anyway I agree with your general point, however does it make sense to take a gamble on all of the CBs? Surely it would make sense to bring in at least on CB who can be trusted, be the leader and bring though the rest. Also remember at the same time it looks like we are trying to bring through Blackett.

So we have Evans, Jones, Smalling, Blackett (I'll leave Rojo out for now)

I am saying it would make more sense to have Benetia and let one of Evans/Jones/Smalling go (just my opinion but this is not a season where we can afford to gamble on whether a player will come good or stay fit for that matter)

Anyway since we have signed Rojo then I'm guessing Benetia is out of the question now anyway.
We don't need Benatia. We have four senior center halves plus two talented ones in Keane and Blackett. Benatia would take away Smalling's and Jones' playing time and if they are going to ever develop they need to play, otherwise we may as well sell one of them because it's been 4 and 3 years respectively since they've come here and neither have got enough playing time in their favoured position.

Smalling especially isn't up to the task, how many times do we need this to be demonstrated?
You might aswell shut this thread now. He's going to sign for Bayern, his agent is seemingly in discussion already with them. That's obviously his favoured destination.

Yes, no doubt Benatia wants Champions League football. In that case we could bid all we want it still wouldn't land him.
We don't need Benatia. We have four senior center halves plus two talented ones in Keane and Blackett. Benatia would take away Smalling's and Jones' playing time and if they are going to ever develop they need to play, otherwise we may as well sell one of them because it's been 4 and 3 years respectively since they've come here and neither have got enough playing time in their favoured position.

Evans Jones and Smalling, do we really need 3 CBs who have difficulty staying fit and might one day become top class?
I would happily cut our losses with one of them and bring in an establish CB and developed the other 2
Evans Jones and Smalling, do we really need 3 CBs who have difficulty staying fit and might one day become top class?
I would happily cut our losses with one of them and bring in an establish CB and developed the other 2

Yes. Keep Evans, for now keep Jones, lose Smalling. Blackett has a ton of potential and should be given the chances Smalling usually squanders. Get in one more established centre back.
This year:

Fellaini, £27m
Mata, £37m
Herrera, £29m
Shaw, £30m

£123m in a year.

you completely misunderstood Sarni point!

not wanting to derail the thread, all i will add is...spending £120 over 3 transfer windows is hardly a lot of money when compared to what other clubs are spending! and considering the current state of United's squad!

Di Marzio says Bayern will step up their bid whereas GDS says we might hold talks with him. Di Marzio is a far better source than GDS so i'd say Bayern are close to wrapping up this deal.
Rojo filled the number 5 spot, think thats all the defenders we'll sign this window.
I would have a tearful wank in the shower if we signed Benatia and Di Maria.
you completely misunderstood Sarni point!

not wanting to derail the thread, all i will add is...spending £120 over 3 transfer windows is hardly a lot of money when compared to what other clubs are spending! and considering the current state of United's squad!
I know, I was just being facetious. The point I was trying to make is that the spending is not the problem here. Blaming the Glazers for not spending is pointing in the wrong direction imo. The problem isn't the amount of money being spent, it's the players the money's spent on that is. Fellaini's crap, and while I love Mata as a player, he definetly wasn't the player we needed at the time and it was hardly a bargain.

..oh, and I forgot Rojo. Make that £139 m spent. ;)
We aren't signing another central defender after Rojo. There is no chance of this happening
you completely misunderstood Sarni point!

not wanting to derail the thread, all i will add is...spending £120 over 3 transfer windows is hardly a lot of money when compared to what other clubs are spending! and considering the current state of United's squad!

Well isn't that the point? The money we have spent over the last 5 windows is more than any other club.
Don't think this will happen but it really should. Signing both Benatia and Rojo would in no way be overkill.
Don't think this will happen but it really should. Signing both Benatia and Rojo would in no way be overkill.

It is insanity we dont want to spend £30 on one of the best defenders in Europe when we just lost Rio, Vidic and Evra.
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