Mata | Mourinho says it's just a Mata of time

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Juan Mata said:
On these dates I believe everybody is guessing how 2014 is going to be. From a professional perspective, I hope to play many games, even more than in 2013, because that is what really makes me happy. I hope to be lucky with injuries and, of course, I hope to enjoy myself on the pitch with victories and trophies. Playing the World Cup and winning it would make 2014 another unforgettable year in my life. This will be one of the most important moments in the next months.

Oh you'll play many more games Juan... many many more.
Where the hell is his helicopter? I hope he hasn't been kidnapped and taken to Juantanamao bay.
Juane Rooney?
Robin Juan Persie?
Mata Carrick?
Antonio Jualencia?
Ashley Juan?
Javier Juanandez?
MarouJuan Fellaini?
Patrice Juevra?

That was a step too far..
There's only one Juan Mata
One Juan Mata
And we'll be back in may
To take arsenals fourth place trophy away
Walking in a Juan Mataland.
I hope you both get hit by a plane and then fall of a cliff into the ocean where you're eaten by a giant underwater testicle.

You realise you've only quoted Juan poster there?
I hope you both get hit by a plane and then fall of a cliff into the ocean where you're eaten by a giant underwater testicle.
But that's just Juan person.
I imagine it's just him in a velvet nightgown sipping red wine, pretending to read from an old looking book.
Pretending? What's wrong with you?
Restraining order imminent.
You're one to speak, you're trying to have all the squad's babies! If you were let loose in Carrington, I'd fear for the well being of our poor stars.
Well I wouldn't really.
These endless, shit Mata puns are almost making me not want us to sign him.

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