Mason Mount's Many Misfortunes

Without just rattling off the cliches….

“he does a lot that goes into unnoticed by fans!”

“He’s great off the ball”

“he presses high”

what is this guys actually good at?

Ive watch him dozens of times and never seen him look anything other than anonymous.

Based on the cliché's you mentioned that most people praise him for and him being a number 10, he is basically our new lingard except lingard did not cost us 60 million
Based on the cliché's you mentioned that most people praise him for and him being a number 10, he is basically our new lingard except lingard did not cost us 60 million
The Lingard comparison is apt.

At some point this year (probably against a Bournemouth or someone of that ilk) he’ll do something good & wait for the handwringing from the deniers but the facts are we needed a number 8 that raised the quality but got a number 10 whose best seasons provid mediocre figures.

I understand giving people time but this transfer isn’t what we needed.
James Madison was available for cheaper fee. If anything, Madison skillset would be easier to transit to deeper role with coaching like Eriksen. Can dribble, and know when the ball/play would drop and where should it go to make the play fluid, so he provide that midfield/ maestro presence that teammate can find him with passes. Whereas Mount is just a cog in a machine type of player.
Yet nearly everyone on here was saying Mount would transition to a deeper role better than Maddison would.

That was always nonsense. Mount's general play has always been rubbish. A player who's relied on others to carry the midfield and lives off of the odd goal or assist. Maddison, whilst still a risk, at least has the attributes our midfield, and team in general, is sorely missing. Can shield the ball from a press, pull a la pelopina turn off to evade pressure, can dribble, etc.

I genuinely don't know what players some were watching when so many on here were confidently saying Mount was better. Same when people said Donny and Sancho were better signings than Grealish would be.
Just a duff transfer that was obviously a duff transfer from the moment it was bafflingly announced.

A complete waste of £60m during a window where a PL ready CF was crucial.

So pointless and ill-suited a transfer that it’s bordering on the surreal.

And then to hand the guy the fecking 7 shirt is just out there… it really genuinely is just way out there.

An idiotic signing.
@evil_geko trying to defend eth and explain the Mount signing

So is he still injured or dropped for this game as well? I asked why he didn't start against Copenhagen and was told that he was just coming back from injury.

Either way, looking like such a pointless signing. We had 55m to bring in a proper midfielder, someone who can replace Eriksen yet we bought this pretender. Today was the the kind of anonymous 45mins that McT would be proud of. We might as well have been playing with 10 players instead.
Awful signing, pointless and yet there will be fans defending him every week.
He is the Ricky Martin of football. Living off Livin' La Vida Loca (assisting in CL final). That's about it. That one hit is enough to set him up for life.
Pack this guy with the EtH one-way package.

Absolute waste of space
Zero control, zero possession, no Bruno, against Newcastle's B-side.

What's his excuse now?
Really happy our manager decided to prioritize Mount as his midfield signing for 60m

Not only is he shite he brought him but has no idea how to use him
Horrible decision. EtH's worst signing in my opinion.
So I gather he's playing in the 10 role tonight? Was kinda hoping he'd excel there (clutching at straws I know)
He’s kind of turned out to be the player everybody knew he was. I always thought he was Chelsea’s Lingard. Now he’s ours without the occasional wonder goal.
Scary thing is everyone seen it coming. There was the usual blind optimism for a while but deep down everyone knew.
I'll never understand how so many people defended this transfer. He's always been rubbish. Watching him stink up the place for England is one thing. Seeing him do it for my club at the cost of a season and £55m is so disheartening.
He's a Chelsea cnut never wanted him. Send him back to London. We need
some proper players. How on earth anyone at United thought this guy was worth 60 million is beyond me. Jesus Christ.
I think he's doing ok, he's trying to make something happen.

Or is it just me that thinks that :nervous:
The most pointless signing of all time. We didn't need him.

What a waste of money.
I cant believe people are writting Moubt off already when he has only played about 4 games and has been played out of position all the time.

I thought he did ok in the first half of this game unlike most of the other players who've been awful.
Scary thing is everyone seen it coming. There was the usual blind optimism for a while but deep down everyone knew.

Yeaaaaah this was the most obvious shit signing ever. Tried convincing myself at first that he’s signed for a reason, Chelsea player of the season etc.

But he’s caused far more problems than he’s solved. And we knew he would before he was confirmed.

I’ll still reserve judgement till he has played at least 15 games, preferably 5 back to back games

This climate of the club does him no good. Neither does he make the team good so far.
It was a bit of a baffling signing in an area we didn't really need and we signed him off the back of an awful season at Chelsea for big money.

He looks lost.
Problem is we're letting a manager who decided £80m on Antony was a good idea make signings, yeah anyone that's watched England or Chelsea knows Mounts not worth £60m but we let a manager who saw him play well for vitesse against farmers make the decision

ETH deserves criticism but it's the Muppets above him that hide away and not actually scouting some good players so we wouldn't have to rely on a manager. Sancho, Antony, Mount.. seems like all we do is sign players that have inflated numbers playing on teams that stomp the rest of the league, and in Mounts case a guy that got a lot of his assists from corners. Nobody seems to actually use their eyes and watch players anymore. If ETH overruled the scouts/dof then he needs sacking, if the scouts agreed with ETH then they need sacking. Tbh id bin the scouts/dof regardless because our signings in the last 5 years have been horrendous
I wonder if Mount ends up being the sword that ETH falls on if he is unable to get us out of this position. A quality CM can hold a team together, both defensively and going forward. For whatever reason Mount was the one he decided to go all in on.
I really want to know which direction the Mount signing started from...scouts, club, technical directors or the manager.

I had my doubts when the interest was made public, but I've been told he's definitely a good player and a bargain at £55m.

Seems to lack any kind of intelligence or technique on the pitch. In every appearance he's either played within himself or just very rash, snatchy and in a rush.

Awful awful business, and if Chelsea ever manage to get through their rough patch, they'll let us know how we funded a move for the current flavour of the month over there.
ETH sabotaged himself with this signing. Only himself to blame for that one.

I bet he wants to turn back time but it's too late.