Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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It is actually and just like everyone else, no one really knows what happened. So with that in mind no one should be talking in definitive terms. Won't stop you though.

It's fanciful in the extreme to believe that. Yes it sounds like it could be a possible explanation in isolation but not when you take everything into account (or to be honest just listen to it).

In this reality, it was a sex game which the complainant fraudulently represented as abuse, yet she also posted pictures showing evidence of alleged physical abuse, and gave a statement to the police which was enough for them to bring a case and seek a prosecution.

After all of this and her apparently torpedoing his career by lying about what really happened he broke his bail conditions to see her and back with her. She gets pregnant, then retracts her statement and they're now playing happy families.

Does any of that sound plausible to you?
The feck is this? "Our internal investigation proved that he's innocent, but we will ship him out non the less".

How about you tell us why you're sure that he's innocent and show us the evidence in question instead of bowing to public pressure when you are apparently 100% convinced he didn't do anything wrong?
Try to secure a loan, hope he scores hatfuls of goals and the media frenzy cools and then cash in to the highest bidder. I am not convinced this will work, probably going to have to leave European football to get away from the scandal and I am not sure any of the big 5 leagues will entertain signing him in the future.
Right. Thanks.
Yes the findings outlined.

So Greenwood did not rape her,

She was lying or confused as to whether she was raped.

The audio recording was real, but had an explanation as to it somehow, but they don't want to tell us because??? Maybe the explanation is worse than rape?!?!?

The pictures have not been said to be fake, they apparently also have an explanation. Maybe a different explanation, also don't want to tell us.

No explanation as to why she went to the police.

She decided to take him back and he said yes. He said fecking yes, ruined his career, labelled him a rapist, showed out of context audio and pictures to the world to prove he raped her, and he took her back.

He said yes. Maybe I'm wrong but I've never heard of a false rape claim taking the woman back.

Yep I'm convinced, nothing to see here, man united have done their work, cannot explain anything, but everything is ok.

By the way, he was never actually charged with rape
The more I think about it, the more I think that 'he did not do much wrong, but didn't want to blame the mother of his child' makes not much sense. The stakes were quite high here, and if she lied, I think it was to their advantage to clarify this, rather than for him to lose the job and tens of millions during his career.

Speculation but I think it is likely that he was abusive towards her, or they were mutually abusive (there was something along these lines in some small forums before the incident happened). So while he probably didn't rape her, the evidence would have been that he threatened to rape her and/or was physically or verbally abusive towards her. With the media and fan backslash, the only way for this to end with Greenwood staying at United would have been for evidence to come out, and if that evidence was 'he is not a rapist, but he is abusive' all it would do is further destroy their lives while still end with him out of United.

Which is why it made sense to end his contract, and for him to get a clean break (pretty sure he will get a job as footballer assuming he is has not become shit).
Something along those lines went through my mind as well. Obviously we don't know but human relationships are messy and irregular. I am absolutely happy though, that investigations happened, there was more than enough to suggest something is/was up. It should never have reached the public though.

Ah yes. The witch hunts where innocent women were drowned or burned at the stake. Very similar situations.
Not sure this really helps. I mean, if it were guilty men, it would be ok to hunt them down? Surely not, right? The poster meant that strange people went after the player based on snippets of the actual event. If we start with "he didn't have to do what he did" we lose a few hundred years on the civilization ladder I think
They both have, its a shame for the both of them

I can imagine. It’s disgusting. I suppose I’m saying that unfortunately for her she isn’t a hero to millions of fans worldwide. She has much less to offset the abuse with. But as you say, no one is a winner here. Imagine being the child who likely starts to learn about this at primary school. And that child is the one party to this who we know is categorically innocent of anything.
Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture”

So last week they were planning to keep him. Has that bit just been added to protect the Murtough / Arnold or is there really new evidence? I think that’s very poor because now it’s going to lead all sorts of abuse and accusations at the lady from people, who like me and most of use who don’t know much, but who instead of accepting their knowledge is limited will try and fill in the blanks.

For example. I’ve read some people say charges got dropped because he paid her off. That’s actually very disrespectful to the lady and her family. The smallest bit of research shows her and Grenwood are back together and have a child.

But this statement by United. Which I believe is just PR to protect Murtough / Arnold will/could bring so much hate and accusations onto the Lady.
I can move on if the victim in question has moved on. That is all I can say to this.
Bellends aren't the best looking.

Edit: what is an attractive bellend?

Sorry to answer my own question:

By the way, he was never actually charged with rape
And also he and united have agreed to split, even though he's not going to get anywhere near a good of an offer, and united are losing a valuable player. Totally believable.
Yes the findings outlined.

So Greenwood did not rape her,

She was lying or confused as to whether she was raped.

The audio recording was real, but had an explanation as to it somehow, but they don't want to tell us because??? Maybe the explanation is worse than rape?!?!?

The pictures have not been said to be fake, they apparently also have an explanation. Maybe a different explanation, also don't want to tell us.

No explanation as to why she went to the police.

She decided to take him back and he said yes. He said fecking yes, ruined his career, labelled him a rapist, showed out of context audio and pictures to the world to prove he raped her, and he took her back.

He said yes. Maybe I'm wrong but I've never heard of a false rape claim taking the woman back.

Yep I'm convinced, nothing to see here, man united have done their work, cannot explain anything, but everything is ok.
IIRC she didn't go to the police, they opened the case due to public interest. And he took her back because they are in love, and the whole thing was blown out of proportion.
Yeah, I mean he needs to rebuild it, so the immediate ceiling isn’t as high. It’ll take a lot of work from the boy.

But equally, if we’re honest, Utd’s a fecking mess… would Mitoma, or Toney, or March, or Saka, or Martinelli have reached their current own current standards at Utd…? No chance. And Greenwood is easily as talented as any of them, think about that.

He‘s certainly better from a psychological POV to move on from Utd imo, but it’s very likely that also from a football POV it’s better for him also in the long run.

I would like to see the family stay in England and I think unless everyone is gonna now turn on the Arsenal player and Antony etc, then Greenwood should be allowed to move on and get on with his career.
I think greenwood was at a better standard than those before he chucked it away to be honest
And who knows what we could of done with him firing last year
I think this is a heavy burden to carry, he’ll do well to have even half the career he was going to have
Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture”

So last week they were planning to keep him. Has that bit just been added to protect the Murtough / Arnold or is there really new evidence? I think that’s very poor because now it’s going to lead all sorts of abuse and accusations at ******* from people, like me and most of use who don’t know much, but who instead of accepting their knowledge is limited will try and fill in the blanks.

For example. I’ve read some people say charges got dropped because he paid her off. That’s actually very disrespectful to the lady and her family. The smallest bit of research shows her and Grenwood are back together and have a child.

But this statement by United. Which I believe is just PR to protect Murtough / Arnold will/could bring so much hate and accusations onto the Lady.

If they actually have evidence that proves he did nothing wrong then they are massive cowards for going back on their decision.
The Club is so sure of his innocent that they dare to write it in a club statement, but they fire the young man anyway? I do not understand this. I hope Greenwood comes to an other top club in England and shines.
He'll be playing for Arsenal or Chelsea within two years and not a peep would be said.
No chance in hell. Not a single one.

No club in the UK will touch him with a barge pole and he'll never play for United again, no matter what the statement says. It's been carefully crafted between the lawyers of the club and his own to not completely destroy his career. New materials adds context but certainly doesn't exonerate him or he'd be back to training as of now. If it was a second rate player, he'd have been shown the door a long while ago. The club was just reluctant to lose such a valuable asset for nothing and exploring all possibilities.

The amount of posters defending him and wanting him back is truly shocking. I can't, for the life of me, understand how anyone would want him at their club after hearing the audio and seeing the pictures.
IIRC she didn't go to the police, they opened the case due to public interest. And he took her back because they are in love, and the whole thing was blown out of proportion.
Ok she didn't go to the police.

He took her back out of love? What a joke, I cannot believe someone said that seriously.
Pressure on Arsenal and Spurs to take the same route with ****** / Bissouma?

Bissouma was reportedly cleared and he's integrated in his team and playing regularly for them. Why would this put pressure on Spurs to take the same route with him?
The feck is this? "Our internal investigation proved that he's innocent, but we will ship him out non the less".

How about you tell us why you're sure that he's innocent and show us the evidence in question instead of bowing to public pressure when you are apparently 100% convinced he didn't do anything wrong?
They don't have the right to show you the evidence. It seems they got to see stuff we never will. But you have to remember that the CPS said there was "new material" when they dropped the charges. That means something
MU statement

"Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged."

Richard Arnolds letter

"While we were unable to access certain evidence for reasons we respect, the evidence we did collate led us to conclude that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with. I am restricted as to what I can say for legal reasons, including the alleged victim's ongoing right to anonymity, but I am able to share the following with you which should give you some insight into the complexity of this case.

The alleged victim requested the police to drop their investigation in April 2022.

We were provided with alternative explanations for the audio recording, which was a short excerpt from a much longer recording, and for the images posted online.

• The alleged victim's family participated in the process and were given the opportunity to review and correct our factual findings."

"While I am satisfied that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with, Mason’s accepted that he has made mistakes which he takes responsibility for."


I second your view Ricardo de la Vega!

Some of the comments on this board, and many other social media platforms, is in some cases astonishing. I don't want to defend or accuse anyone involved in this saga but the outcome is horrible.

I feel deeply for the girlfriend! Whatever the truth was her life is forever tarnished.
I feel deeply for the baby!
I have sympathy for Mason. Guilty or not but to be hounded by a blood thirsty mob on social media is in my mind similar to the witch hunts who happened 400 years ago.

The sadest part is that I'm disapointed being a United supporter. Our club is a mess.

Is anybody satisfied with today's outcome?


His actions caused this to happen.

I have no sympathy for him whatsoever, he was in a very privileged position and chucked it away of his own accord.
You’re being difficult for the sake of it
Missing the England team out as well because?

Scholes dropped out of England. Did he stop being a great player? It's what he does for the next 15 years that will define him. He could win multiple league titles, CLs, golden boots etc and maybe even get back into the England setup at some point in the future. If you want to close his career right now at the age of 21, suit yourself.
No chance in hell. Not a single one.

No club in the UK will touch him with a barge pole and he'll never play for United again, no matter what the statement says. It's been carefully crafted between the lawyers of the club and his own to not completely destroy his career. New materials adds context but certainly doesn't exonerate him or he'd be back to training as of now. If it was a second rate player, he'd have been shown the door a long while ago. The club was just reluctant to lose such a valuable asset for nothing and exploring all possibilities.

The amount of posters defending him and wanting him back is truly shocking. I can't, for the life of me, understand how anyone would want him at their club after hearing the audio and seeing the pictures.
His career is done.
Ok she didn't go to the police.

He took her back out of love? What a joke, I cannot believe someone said that seriously.
You don't know any of the facts. none of us do so it's as wrong to say you believe it as it is to say you don't. we do not have anywhere near the full story of what happened
You don't know any of the facts. none of us do so it's as wrong to say you believe it as it is to say you don't. we do not have anywhere near the full story of what happened
So why don't they give the full story?
His career is absolutely done. He will never ever be able to play in any occidental team, nor for England.
Besides that his mental health must be so damaged it could take him years to decades to "fix it".
Again, this has been talked about previously, but it's only in England -and even more so, at United- that this would reach the scale it has. Other huge clubs have admitted blackmailers and procurers of underaged sex workers who have played for them recently; very recently in certain cases. There are probably deep sociological reasons -or at least theses- that you could derive from this, relating to general culture and to respective media climates (and politics) but.... essentially, if he's still good enough, he could be playing for Juventus or Atletico or whoever in 3 months time once he gets match-fitness. At most it just needs a good PR campaign to soften the landing, most of all with an interview and paparazzi snaps of him and his family.

I know that people frame the av evidence as making this exceptional, but if legally that's been dismissed as subject to overwhelming doubt, and the accuser/chef witness tells everyone it was fabricated, then suddenly it becomes far less clear. Particularly in a climate where players are given the benefit of the doubt more easily and attacks on them are more easily framed (by friendly publications) as partisan. Doubly so, too, after the engagement and having a child together. Finally, its soon after the Depp case, an even more high-profile instance where apparently damning evidence was found to be have been fabricated.
Finally. Now we can move on after this shit show from the club. Can't wait to see some of these tossers leave the club with him.
Wow I really thought the club's plan was to bring him back. Hopefully we can sell for a decent fee.
I'd like to refer to you Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard, sometime transcripts of only partial video clips are VERY misleading as are photos. This is why things should NEVER be made public until investigations criminal or otherwise are completed in full.
How in the blazing hell is that transcript misleading? It's nowhere comparable to Depp vs Heard.

Jesus fecking Christ.
Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture”

So last week they were planning to keep him. Has that bit just been added to protect the Murtough / Arnold or is there really new evidence? I think that’s very poor because now it’s going to lead all sorts of abuse and accusations at the lady from people, who like me and most of use who don’t know much, but who instead of accepting their knowledge is limited will try and fill in the blanks.

For example. I’ve read some people say charges got dropped because he paid her off. That’s actually very disrespectful to the lady and her family. The smallest bit of research shows her and Grenwood are back together and have a child.

But this statement by United. Which I believe is just PR to protect Murtough / Arnold will/could bring so much hate and accusations onto the Lady.
the CPS did say "new material" had come to light which was part of the reason the case was dropped
We well backed out of the decision though. Think they was set on bringing them back if it wasn’t for the backlash.
Not sure this really helps. I mean, if it were guilty men, it would be ok to hunt them down? Surely not, right? The poster meant that strange people went after the player based on snippets of the actual event. If we start with "he didn't have to do what he did" we lose a few hundred years on the civilization ladder I think
I know what the person meant. The poster tried to equate a tragedy that resulted in innocent women being literally murdered with a guy who was hounded on social media, which you can easily ignore, after audio evidence was released of him threatening his partner with physical violence if she didn't have sex with him.

It's only now come to light that this evidence apparently doesn't mean what it sounds like - although they won't release that information. Presumably because, reading between the lines, those involved in the recording say "it's not what it sounds like" and that's all they've been privy to. It's difficult to just go with "trust me bro" on this one for some folk.

Until the actual footage from the remainder of the recording comes out and proves otherwise it's fair to call it what is it; a recording of Mason threatening his partner with physical violence for not having sex with him.

I know you believe that's what "strange people" think but I honestly don't give a single flying feck about that. I could call people with an opposing view to mine "strange people" as well but I don't feel like my argument needs unnecessary ad hominems and overly dramatic comparisons to hold any weight.
The post he’s quoting says the opposite of what he is “feeling”

Its a bit like Simon Says, the club haven’t confirmed he’s definitely never going to play for us again, they’ve just briefed it instead, they even caveated that.

Until there’s an actual quote from a club official or club statement stating he’s gone and not coming back ever, that option is going to exist.
You have issue with people breaking a case down and adding their expertise to it? How is that "mob justice group" :lol:

Read what he says properly, whether or not it changes your mind is one thing, but at least look at the points properly.
Not really. He is a lawyer and if his legal opinion is that you cant call someone innocent because charges are dropped and that particular person was never convicted of any crime, then i seriously doubt whether he is part of legal system in real life.

Mind you, it doesn’t mean he hasn’t committed that crime ( although United findings mention he hasnt) but in legal terms he is innocent. There is no other way to put it. You can argue of its validity given how these kind of crimes rarely get conviction, but that wont make calling him innocent misleading.

The only reason why i responded is because he gave that opinion as “lawyer perspective” rather than his personal opinion
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