Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Are you saying that Greenwood raped or abused the girl? Just as there is no clear evidence that Greenwood is innocent, there is also no clear evidence that he did anything criminal. While the contents of the audio recording may have been morally wrong, they did not constitute any crime in the legal sense. There is simply not enough context to make any solid informed opinion on the published photos.

Whatever happened, the woman stayed with Greenwood, has a baby with him and they are about to get married. Ironically, by kicking Greenwood out the alleged victim is directly impacted by such decision as her and her baby’s future wellbeing are, at least, threatened.

Everyone can have their own opinion on this matter but let’s not pretend that the club’s decision is good for the alleged victim in any way. The club’s decision is purely directed by the reaction of certain portion of the fanbase. I’m all for protecting women’s rights and upholding certain values but not at the cost of due legal process. There is a reason why courts and CPS, not the general public, are responsible for prosecuting individuals. Sadly, the mob justice prevailed in this situation.

Greenwood wasn't convicted by UTD. He was let go. He is getting paid his full salary while the club look for destination for him. He is a free man and he can be employed by another employer. There was evidence that Greenwood committed actions that hurts the club standing among the public. There hasn't been any explanation from Greenwood camp about the audio and pictures otherwise. The club has a responsibility to maintain its moral and its image and were right to do so. If Greenwood is innocent I would and a lot of other fans would like an explanation of the audio/video. If he can't provide one, I am okay with letting him go.
And again he's free to play for anyone else and I am sure there would be clubs lining up to get him. So he won't suffer financially.
Just read the statement. Christ, if you really wanted to keep him why didn’t you just say so?

Reads like ‘we know he didn’t do it but you lot kicked up enough shit that we’ve got no other choice’
That's exactly what it sounds like. More concerned with the backlash and the damage to the brand than standing by somebody they believe to be falsely accused..
MU statement

"Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged."

Richard Arnolds letter

"While we were unable to access certain evidence for reasons we respect, the evidence we did collate led us to conclude that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with. I am restricted as to what I can say for legal reasons, including the alleged victim's ongoing right to anonymity, but I am able to share the following with you which should give you some insight into the complexity of this case.

The alleged victim requested the police to drop their investigation in April 2022.

We were provided with alternative explanations for the audio recording, which was a short excerpt from a much longer recording, and for the images posted online.

• The alleged victim's family participated in the process and were given the opportunity to review and correct our factual findings."

"While I am satisfied that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with, Mason’s accepted that he has made mistakes which he takes responsibility for."


I second your view Ricardo de la Vega!

Some of the comments on this board, and many other social media platforms, is in some cases astonishing. I don't want to defend or accuse anyone involved in this saga but the outcome is horrible.

I feel deeply for the girlfriend! Whatever the truth was her life is forever tarnished.
I feel deeply for the baby!
I have sympathy for Mason. Guilty or not but to be hounded by a blood thirsty mob on social media is in my mind similar to the witch hunts who happened 400 years ago.

The sadest part is that I'm disapointed being a United supporter. Our club is a mess.

Is anybody satisfied with today's outcome?
Yes, those who blindly believe Mason Greenwood is guilty.

It was only ever going to end this way.
The more I think about it, the more I think that 'he did not do much wrong, but didn't want to blame the mother of his child' makes not much sense. The stakes were quite high here, and if she lied, I think it was to their advantage to clarify this, rather than for him to lose the job and tens of millions during his career.

Speculation but I think it is likely that he was abusive towards her, or they were mutually abusive (there was something along these lines in some small forums before the incident happened). So while he probably didn't rape her, the evidence would have been that he threatened to rape her and/or was physically or verbally abusive towards her. With the media and fan backslash, the only way for this to end with Greenwood staying at United would have been for evidence to come out, and if that evidence was 'he is not a rapist, but he is abusive' all it would do is further destroy their lives while still end with him out of United.

Which is why it made sense to end his contract, and for him to get a clean break (pretty sure he will get a job as footballer assuming he is has not become shit).
In his short career he’s been sent home by England and booted out of United
Could have been a great but sabotaged himself really. Hope he gets help and sorts his head for himself and his up coming family.

He's only 21. There is no "could have". He has his whole career ahead of him.
I know, it's crazy that some people in the world see things differently than you. What an earth-shattering revelation; how shall you go on???
This isn't about differing opinions on light hearted subjects like football though is it? Which is what I come here for. Finding out alot of posters on here are sympathetic to scum like greenwood makes it very tough for me, and I'm sure many others, to go on discussing football matters with those same people.

I've had someone very close to me go through what the victim has gone through, I know it all to well, all the signs and everything, I'm not going to say anything more than that because it upsets me too much.

So I think I'm done posting on the cafe now, good luck to all the decent posters on here, and feck off to the rest of ye.
Any FFP implications? More money available for transfers in due to wages saved?
Depends on whether they believe he is guilty or not...

See Christian DIor and Johnny Depp for more details.
It doesn’t matter what they think, I’m afraid. It only matters what the average Jo(e) thinks and you will see from this thread that a lot of pretty vociferous posters think he is guilty and don’t appear to be interested in any views to the contrary. I personally am not taking a view on it, except to say that if he isn’t guilty, but may be prone to stupid and selfish behaviour then perhaps there is a path to redemption

Arguably his career shouldn’t be over but sponsors don’t usually care about that, or the facts (whatever they may be) they only care about perception.
MU statement

"Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged."

Richard Arnolds letter

"While we were unable to access certain evidence for reasons we respect, the evidence we did collate led us to conclude that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with. I am restricted as to what I can say for legal reasons, including the alleged victim's ongoing right to anonymity, but I am able to share the following with you which should give you some insight into the complexity of this case.

The alleged victim requested the police to drop their investigation in April 2022.

We were provided with alternative explanations for the audio recording, which was a short excerpt from a much longer recording, and for the images posted online.

• The alleged victim's family participated in the process and were given the opportunity to review and correct our factual findings."

"While I am satisfied that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with, Mason’s accepted that he has made mistakes which he takes responsibility for."


I second your view Ricardo de la Vega!

Some of the comments on this board, and many other social media platforms, is in some cases astonishing. I don't want to defend or accuse anyone involved in this saga but the outcome is horrible.

I feel deeply for the girlfriend! Whatever the truth was her life is forever tarnished.
I feel deeply for the baby!
I have sympathy for Mason. Guilty or not but to be hounded by a blood thirsty mob on social media is in my mind similar to the witch hunts who happened 400 years ago.

The sadest part is that I'm disapointed being a United supporter. Our club is a mess.

Is anybody satisfied with today's outcome?

The mob is happy, they were out for blood irrespective of the findings outlined in the statement. It is shameful on many levels, the club is weak along with the great minds who had already passed along their judgment. As any story that triggers this much outrage, it will soon be forgotten. There will be another collective cause for those great minds to be offended by, it’s the world we live in. Quick to judge and quick to forget.
Logically you don't but some people and some relationships are complicated to the point they make no sense.
Yep, no-one making those kinds of statements can have worked in Support Work, Social Services or Relationship Counselling, let alone clinical Psych. You can't use staying or leaving in of themselves, or his decision not to press counter-charges if she indeed fabricated evidence, as indicators of anything either way in isolation.
I’m not no - but I’d imagine everyone who thinks he’s definitely guilty must feel that way.

Honestly, I would be a little worried for her now Mason has not got what he seemingly wanted. Even more so, if his career nosedives.

Is that United responsibility to keep him on, just because they feel there may be reprocussions down the line for her?
To me, it reads like they want to keep him but aren't able to release the evidence so have sort of kicked the can down the road. I think their plan is to loan him until the perception of him softens a bit (if he plays well more so) and then bring him back.
Yeah this is also possible. A loan gives them the chance to weigh up his ability against the backlash.

Adam Crafton said this:

"In the end, the club confirmed on Monday that they would work with the player to continue his career elsewhere and the club say they do not expect an eventuality where a loan move leads to the player representing United again in the future.

A loan move away from the club would allow United to retain commercial control of a footballer who, before his arrest in January 2022, was widely deemed to be the best young forward in English football. This would either be with a view to selling Greenwood further down the line if he can restore his value on the field, or, hypothetically, to one day bring him back to Old Trafford, but the club insist they do not expect this to happen"
The mob is happy, they were out for blood irrespective of the findings outlined in the statement. It is shameful on many levels, the club is weak along with the great minds who had already passed along their judgment. As any story that triggers this much outrage, it will soon be forgotten. There will be another collective cause for those great minds to be offended by, it’s the world we live in. Quick to judge and quick to forget.
Are you saying you weren’t offended by the pictures and audio?
Yet, he took her back!

He must be a saint to forgive a girl who is evil / vindictive / revengeful / immature.

Or maybe he wanted to play happy families in an attempt to save his United career.
Or in love? The same way people who are abused stay with there partners.
Any FFP implications? More money available for transfers in due to wages saved?
Must admit FFP is the last thing I considered or cared about following this series of events
I know she posted it, along with images of bruised and 2 min audio. A teenage girl, who has no power, doesn't do that unless there is no "there, there". What is the motive?

Apparently she didn't post it - she was hacked.

The narrative is she never intended the video/images being released or to press charges etc
I have sympathy for Mason. Guilty or not but to be hounded by a blood thirsty mob on social media is in my mind similar to the witch hunts who happened 400 years ago.
Ah yes. The witch hunts where innocent women were drowned or burned at the stake. Very similar situations.
Jesus reading through this thread has really shown what absolute scum we have here on the cafe. I've actually got to the point where I don't think I want to post on here any more knowing that some of ye have the opinions that you do. It's dispicable.
This you?
From the ownership thread?

I've been on the fence about this whole thing, but I'm starting to hope the Qatar bid wins purely for the utter meltdowns certain posters on here are going to have :lol: It'll be grab the popcorn time for sure!
Jesus reading through this thread has really shown what absolute scum we have here on the cafe. I've actually got to the point where I don't think I want to post on here any more knowing that some of ye have the opinions that you do. It's dispicable.
Which posts exactly? Or are you generalising?

I’m yet to see a single person deny what was seen or heard. What has been revealing is how many posters see any view that doesn’t parrot theirs in the worst context possible.

This is meant to be a forum, with discussion.

Genuine question. @moses @Ainu is classing all opposing views as despicable being dismissive?
Bad decision football wise as we desperately need him on the RW.

Good decision from a branding perspective and impact on the women's team.

Not going to comment on his charges beyond that the charges themselves are serious and unexcusable. But at the end of the day, none of us have enough information to know what exactly happened and I for one don't care to be judge, jury, and executioner given the severe consequences on the lives of the two individuals and their future child.
Therein lies the issue. Millions of people arguing both sides of an event based on nothing much, cue keep digging for further info, cue interpreting anything that ever happens hereafter to fit your corner's narrative...

It's pretty obvious both the club and Greenwood are best served moving on.

But he was never even charged with rape in the first place...
Nothing to do with sides arguing events, the poster was just plain wrong
In his short career he’s been sent home by England and booted out of United
Could have been a great but sabotaged himself really. Hope he gets help and sorts his head for himself and his up coming family.

His career isn’t done mate.

He’s one of the best young forwards in England - possibly the best.

Utd isn’t the right place for him to be, but he’s now free to restart his career.
This you?
From the ownership thread?
Yeh I was clearly messing about with that, hence the laugh emoji. People were having crazy meltdowns that day and it was funny to read. This isn't in any way the same thing, but well done. Jesus :rolleyes:
Adam Crafton said this:

"In the end, the club confirmed on Monday that they would work with the player to continue his career elsewhere and the club say they do not expect an eventuality where a loan move leads to the player representing United again in the future."

If he is not sold right now and only loaned then that eventuality absolutely exists irrespective of what suits are Briefing right now .
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