Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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The Club is so sure of his innocent that they dare to write it in a club statement, but they fire the young man anyway? I do not understand this. I hope Greenwood comes to an other top club in England and shines.

It is so kind and honourable of Manchester United to withhold this secret but apparently conclusively exonerating evidence that would allow them to keep a huge asset and one of the best players of his generation in a position they desperate need, all in the aid of protecting the integrity of a his accuser, someone they have no obligation to whatsoever. Or that the player himself would so willingly take the hit, admit he made mistakes and agree to keep such crucial evidence quiet at the expense of ever playing for his boyhood club again for the sake of the person who apparently ruined his career unfoundedly.

Almost unbelievable some would say,
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Honestly, I would be a little worried for her now Mason has not got what he seemingly wanted. Even more so, if his career nosedives.

Is that United responsibility to keep him on, just because they feel there may be reprocussions down the line for her?
How he reacts to this will be the big test of whether he has changed, I do worry that if he gets a transfer overseas to dodge the fan abuse and other English club's concerns about image and struggles to settle then ******* and the new baby could be in an even more vulnerable position isolated in a country where they may not even speak the language.

I believe letting him go is the right thing for United to do but they have done it in such a woolly way that the supportive message to victims of domestic violence they should have sent has been lost and unless they are planning on sending a bodyguard for ******* wherever Mason plays next she could be in an even worse position although given the support her parents gave throughout, not that much worse.

PS. Looks like you've still got the censorship module switched on for the victims name, not sure if that's an oversight given the dust has now supposedly settled.
Incredible this took so long. I take it we are not going to get in another striker either right
Should have sent him on loan for 2 years but am not overly disappointed with the decision to release him as it was clearly becoming a bit of circus around the club and squads and he clearly did something terrible.

I am still waiting for just as much outrage towards the mass murdering Newcastle owners but money speaks and morals can easily be brought
That's one for the lawyers, the CPS, Greenwood, his girlfriend and their families. They don't have to tell us anything
But from their pov if they have a good explanation then why wouldn't they give it, rather than having probably the majority of the population think he's a racist, and ruining his career.

Or perhaps it's bullshit and there is no explanation.
Finally we get a good player (for free) and he does what he did..we are so unfortunate.
How he reacts to this will be the big test of whether he has changed, I do worry that if he gets a transfer overseas to dodge the fan abuse and other English club's concerns about image and struggles to settle then ******* and the new baby could be in an even more vulnerable position isolated in a country where they may not even speak the language.

I believe letting him go is the right thing for United to do but they have done it in such a woolly way that the supportive message to victims of domestic violence they should have sent has been lost and unless they are planning on sending a bodyguard for ******* wherever Mason plays next she could be in an even worse position although given the support her parents gave throughout, not that much worse.
The kid born into a different country will definitely learn that countries language
If they actually have evidence that proves he did nothing wrong then they are massive cowards for going back on their decision.
I agree. But I think it’s a big if. How likely are Man Utd to find evidence that the police and cps couldn’t? And if they did how worried should we be that that a non legal organisation, one of the most incompetent in its industry, was able to find deleted recordings, disprove a photo of a woman looking bruised and bleeding ?

Realistically, at best, all they could have done was spoken to the lady (name comes up blocked) and most likely United probably did it after she was back with Greenwood.

It’s something we will never know because of Greenwood and H being back together, and United’s obvious desire to protect its image and directors.
And also he and united have agreed to split, even though he's not going to get anywhere near a good of an offer, and united are losing a valuable player. Totally believable.

Indeed, and he'll remain on full pay from United, until they can loan him or sell.
He'll also not have to deal with the abuse and scrutiny he would have undoubtedly been subjected to if he was re-integrated and not just from fans of the club but by the whole of the media, and wider UK political arm that was starting to rear its head.
Whats not believable about both club and player and also his partner not wanted to have to deal with all of that?
Maybe because of the victim? Maybe she lied and fabricated stuff? Maybe it is to shield her?

No idea though
Ruin his career and have probably most the population think you are a racist instead of having people think she's a liar??

One of the most stupid things I have heard.
Why are people continuing to say that United found him innocent?

that is categorically not stated. Quite obviously.They don’t think he’s guilty of what he is charged with.
Its a bit like Simon Says, the club haven’t confirmed he’s definitely never going to play for us again, they’ve just briefed it instead, they even caveated that.

Until there’s actual quote from a club official or club statement stating he’s gone and not coming back ever, that option is going to exist.

Even then its not set in stone lot of things can change in future .
Pressure on Arsenal and Spurs to take the same route with Partey / Bissouma?
You know they won't. There are no lurid photos anyone can use to whip up hysteria, even if the veracity and circumstances of their production is called into doubt by the law itself. Texts admitting to sexual assault then saying 'but you can't prove you didn't want it' that get off on a technicality, don't have the same traction. They're also not United players, which does make a difference; people laugh about agendas and conspiracies, a and of course we all have biases, but, get any journalist working in football half-drunk and off the record and its acknowledged that United are easier to make news out of, including controversies and panics.
If he’s innocent it would help his case
No it will only open the girl to more abuse. Its not worth it. I actually feel this is the right decision even if there is something that proves that he is completely innocent. Its just the society we live in.
But from their pov if they have a good explanation then why wouldn't they give it, rather than having probably the majority of the population think he's a racist, and ruining his career.

Or perhaps it's bullshit and there is no explanation.
Do you genuinely believe that United outrightly lied to everyone about there being an explanation WITH the blessing of her family?
But from their pov if they have a good explanation then why wouldn't they give it, rather than having probably the majority of the population think he's a racist, and ruining his career.

Or perhaps it's bullshit and there is no explanation.

There is nothing.

I'd be more than glad to be proven wrong but the idea that there wouldn't even be an insinuation to something that could explain it away released from the Utd or Greenwood camp for 18 months whilst his reputation was suffering is not a bet i'd take even with someone else's money.
Should have sent him on loan for 2 years but am not overly disappointed with the decision to release him as it was clearly becoming a bit of circus around the club and squads and he clearly did something terrible.

I am still waiting for just as much outrage towards the mass murdering Newcastle owners but money speaks and morals can easily be brought
I totally agree with this, but you’re right, money talks and there is too much paper work between them and what happened
If there was a video recording of them doing it however
No it will only open the girl to more abuse. Its not worth it. I actually feel this is the right decision even if there is something that proves that he is completely innocent. Its just the society we live in.

How do you mean? What the downside of proving that he didn't do what people think he did?
Indeed, and he'll remain on full pay from United, until they can loan him or sell.
He'll also not have to deal with the abuse and scrutiny he would have undoubtedly been subjected to if he was re-integrated and not just from fans of the club but by the whole of the media, and wider UK political arm that was starting to rear its head.
Whats not believable about both club and player and also his partner not wanted to have to deal with all of that?
You think he won't get that elsewhere??

Where do you see him going? Saudi Arabia?

Because otherwise he's going somewhere else to get abuse and feck all money for it. Also not competing for a top trophy.

But of course, they have an explanation, don't want to share it Incase people think she's a liar.
If they actually have evidence that proves he did nothing wrong then they are massive cowards for going back on their decision.

You could say that, but I think this was the right move. The shitstorm for everyone involved is just not worth it.

The right move is to get him another club on loan and if he does well, we can actually sell him or they have another round of craziness. I am not ruling out the latter if he succeeds out on loan tbh.
The kid born into a different country will definitely learn that countries language
Not arguing that travel isn't a great opportunity for children at a young age. Commenting more on the difficulties of settling into a new country and the strains that can put on relationships even when you both get to pick the country, saw plenty of ex-pat marriages implode in HK and Singapore including some that became violent.
Why are people continuing to say that United found him innocent?

that is categorically not stated. Quite obviously.They don’t think he’s guilty of what he is charged with.

The bolded needs repeating. He was facing specific charges and not being guilty of those does not suddenly mean that he is a Prince among men and innocent of all wrong doing. He engaged in some pretty awful behavior and whilst we do not know the full extent of what occurred we also know that it was not nothing by his own admission.
His career is done.
That's what I think too.

I'm having a hard time seeing him at any club of the top european leagues. Two years without playing is also a very, very long time for a professional footballer. Especially at his age.
She made a recorded statement.

Way to trivialise potential DV, nice job.
There’s someone from Brixton who is on trial for 20 rape charges. It all started when someone started saying it on Twitter. While often an outlet to slander and abuse, social media can also be an outlet for victims to express themselves and potentially call out their attackers. I don’t think the medium used should be criticised or discredited. Going into a police station, not knowing who you’re going to be facing and filing a charge isn’t something everyone can do.
The statement and the clubs stance is perfectly fine and makes sense.

Whilst the club don't believe he did what he was accused of, they simply don't believe that he can continue in the spotlight of Manchester United which burns a damn sight brighter than most other places.

Either Greenwood would be abused weekly, undermining as he says our strive for Unity within the club or his partner would be subject to alsorts ot abuse by our so called online fans who have staunchly defended him through this. It's right that with support from the club they both move on to somewhere where they won't be subject to such an heavily scrutinised workplace like here.

Should this have happened earlier? Absolutely.

Ultimately though, the correct decision and I'm glad the club is looking to help them as a family rebuild and get back on their feet.
That's one for the lawyers, the CPS, Greenwood, his girlfriend and their families. They don't have to tell us anything
They don't, but if they had done so then public support would've shifted and he would still be at the club.

That's a counter argument to those who are saying "what about his future?" If he's innocent and wants the world to know he's innocent then they would release what they have. The fact they're not is why public opinion won't shift so it's their decision that Mason can't play for the club.

Anyway, it's done now. I hope he and his family are supported by the club moving forward but not as a player.
Ohh ok, I thought case was dropped because H didn’t go to court after they got back together.

No, it doesn’t work like that in U.K.

The musician Pete Doherty famously went to prison for breaking into his band mate Carl Barat’s flat despite the fact that Barat asked for all charges to be dropped and never even went to the Police about it himself. Barat publicly asked for charges to be abandoned.

Doherty wasn’t just charged - he went to prison for it.
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