Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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It really isn't a valid point at all.
It is actually and just like everyone else, no one really knows what happened. So with that in mind no one should be talking in definitive terms. Won't stop you though.
So, if the evidence added more context to the tapes and or pictures, I take it his partner did not want that released? Or maybe disagreed that it added more context? Again, I have a really hard time believing that any context would change the story too much. I just can't see what that would be. But I guess we'll never know for sure.

He'll sign for a club abroad.
Which posts exactly? Or are you generalising?

I’m yet to see a single person deny what was seen or heard. What has been revealing is how many posters see any view that doesn’t parrot theirs in the worst context possible.

This is meant to be a forum, with discussion.

Genuine question. @moses @Ainu is classing all opposing views as despicable being dismissive?
There's been plenty of posts, I've been reading the thread all day, they are there if you want to look for them.
Honestly, I would be a little worried for her now Mason has not got what he seemingly wanted. Even more so, if his career nosedives.

Is that United responsibility to keep him on, just because they feel there may be reprocussions down the line for her?

That's certainly one of the angles that makes you ponder. But is MU really the right organisation to supervise or substitute itself to social and health services ? Would you trust them with that to begin with ? If the club tried to provide with additional access to care during his suspension that is maybe the most that could be asked.

Cutting a player who created too many issues and tell him to be someone else's problem has always been the standard MO... Not really a satisfying solution but I don't know a better one was possible. Plus it does seem it's still unclear how this arrangement will be enacted in practice.
Bad decision football wise as we desperately need him on the RW.

Good decision from a branding perspective and impact on the women's team.

Not going to comment on his charges beyond that the charges themselves are serious and unexcusable. But at the end of the day, none of us have enough information to know what exactly happened and I for one don't care to be judge, jury, and executioner given the severe consequences on the lives of the two individuals and their future child.
If only more could take this view, maybe just maybe society would be a slightly less toxic place.
I didn't quite understand, is the conclusion that he is NOT guilty but they can't say why, and that he even though NOT guilty will be released? Boy, the club sure knows how to make a mess larger. They are being very ambiguous.
I didn't quite understand, is the conclusion that he is NOT guilty but they can't say why, and that he even though NOT guilty will be released? Boy, the club sure knows how to make a mess larger. They are being very ambiguous.

Nowhere has the club said he would be released.
If he is not sold right now and only loaned then that eventuality absolutely exists irrespective of what suits are Briefing right now .

The possibility of the sun exploding exists - I'm not debating possibilities or what one would consider an eventuality. I merely posted what the club is stating currently
His career isn’t done mate.

He’s one of the best young forwards in England - possibly the best.

Utd isn’t the right place for him to be, but he’s now free to restart his career.
No but would you agree it doesn’t have the ceiling it once had ?
would you say his career isn’t on a very different path ?
Jesus reading through this thread has really shown what absolute scum we have here on the cafe. I've actually got to the point where I don't think I want to post on here any more knowing that some of ye have the opinions that you do. It's dispicable.
Which posts exactly? Or are you generalising?

I’m yet to see a single person deny what was seen or heard. What has been revealing is how many posters see any view that doesn’t parrot theirs in the worst context possible.

This is meant to be a forum, with discussion.

Genuine question. @moses @Ainu is classing all opposing views as despicable being dismissive?

What about the picture posted of Amber heard suggesting it's the same thing?

That's scumbag for a start.

And plenty of people are still talking about the evidence being fake, I can see why someone would think that's scummy too.
Is this the woman who is currently still with him, and expecting a baby?
Yes it is.

I live with someone who did the same only they got two kids together. Bought a house also.
If you listen to people who been victims of abuse i hope you stop making cheap comments like that in the future.
If it was just a question because you did not know who it was then fine, but if you think that its some sort of point that a victim stays with the abuser i urge you to think again.
No its not its obviously not and supremely not so with domestic abuse cases. Go look why prosecution is so low. Hopefully he's changed and she won't regret her decision but it doesn't change the most likely situation here.
Then its not a "Lawyer perspective". As far as law is concerned, he is innocent. There is 2 ways about it. Him being a lawyer should know that.
That's exactly what it sounds like. More concerned with the backlash and the damage to the brand than standing by somebody they believe to be falsely accused..

I think that that is reading a little too much into their statement. They may think that he has done unacceptable/illegal things that nonetheless are not *exactly* in line with what’s been leaked to the media. I remember listening to a juror during one of Micheal Jackson’s trial who, years later, said he was certain MJ was a child abuser, but not in the precisely specific way it was put to him in court. It wouldn’t surprise me if there is something similar here.
In no world does Mason Greenwood experience the same redemption story as Johnny Depp. Depp was much loved before the trial, his charizma is off the charts and he won his case.

Greenwood is a branding nightmare for the club.
To be clear, I was referring to the guy who made the comparison as missing the point, not you. Greenwood needs to go far, far away.
This is the right decision and the only inevitable outcome, in my opinion. The noise around the club this week has been uncomfortable and the way the club has handled it has been nothing short of embarrassing. This club needs to clean up its image and, importantly, it needs to be clean.

However, I've got to admit that I'm more confused about where the club stands on this after reading that statement. The line about them believing that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with, and the other line about the club and Mason accepting that mistakes have been made just seems more than a little contradictory. What exactly does the club think has or hasn't happened? What is the exact reasoning for letting him go? The line about the excerpt being from a much larger recording is also interesting and they've thrown that in deliberately. I don't honestly know what the club are trying to say or what the values are that they're aiming to portray.

In my opinion, the club has muddied the waters with this statement and has just got the messaging wrong again. It may have been a case of the club thinking that they were being transparent, but actually it just seems like very confused thinking to me. I'm also led to believe that, had it not been for the noise this week, the club would have reinstated Mason. The lines in the club statement about them not believing that Mason committed the acts he did, and all the wording around just comes across to me as if the only reason they've moved him on is down to the negative publicity. What that tells me is that the club honestly would have tried putting him back in the side if they think they could have got away with it. The length of time this has taken really doesn't sit comfortably with me.
The possibility of the sun exploding exists - I don't think at any point I said it's not a possibility. I merely posted what the club is stating currently

It wasn't directed at you but more of distrust of United's current management whom I can't take at face value anymore .
But they're not stopping him from having a second chance. So he gets a second chance.
They couldn't even if they had wished to, court's didn't deem him guilty so he should be free continue his career.

As I said before I'm very conflicted on this but I think you could certainly acknowledge how being binned from united is a massive blow to his footballing career not to mention how i think we failed as club protect him from unwanted media attention, he was ( and still is ) a United player after all and club's duty is to protect their players from such attention.
That's certainly one of the angles that makes you ponder. But is MU really the right organisation to supervise or substitute itself to social and health services ? Would you trust them with that to begin with ? If the club tried to provide with additional access to care during his suspension that is maybe the most that could be asked.

Cutting a player who created too many issues and tell him to be someone else's problem has always been the standard MO... Not really a satisfying solution but I don't know a better one was possible. Plus it does seem it's still unclear how this arrangement will be enacted in practice.

Not at all. I cant trust United to do anything right, at the moment. But on this one, all involved are in a tough spot.

Agree, they would normally cut a player that would be causing them issues, but it's is unusual that the player may be a risk to others.
What's the plan if any?

Try to secure a loan, hope he scores hatfuls of goals and the media frenzy cools and then cash in to the highest bidder. I am not convinced this will work, probably going to have to leave European football to get away from the scandal and I am not sure any of the big 5 leagues will entertain signing him in the future.
Yet she didnt come out day one and say this?

Well her Dad said she was hacked and the release of the images/audio was unintentional.

Why she hasn't come out and said anything, I've no idea. Perhaps it was some sort of legal requirement?
Ah yes. The witch hunts where innocent women were drowned or burned at the stake. Very similar situations.

I’d put money his partner having been way way more ‘witch hunted’ than him over the last 18 months.
What's the plan if any?

Sounds like he will be loaned or sold. Or loaned and later sold.
However the club cannot release him or terminate his contract, they don't believe they have grounds to do so according to reports.
Regardless of Greenwood's guilt or innocence, one thing that must not happen is for the club to be found out that they are leading the fanbase on with their club statements and actually have no intention of releasing Greenwood.

I swear down, if they are gaslighting a portion of fans on this issue, that's more serious than sacking Greenwood.

Arnold better thread that line VERY carefully.
His career isn’t done mate.

He’s one of the best young forwards in England - possibly the best.

Utd isn’t the right place for him to be, but he’s now free to restart his career.
His career is absolutely done. He will never ever be able to play in any occidental team, nor for England.
Besides that his mental health must be so damaged it could take him years to decades to "fix it".
No but would you agree it doesn’t have the ceiling it once had ?
would you say his career isn’t on a very different path ?

Yeah, I mean he needs to rebuild it, so the immediate ceiling isn’t as high. It’ll take a lot of work from the boy.

But equally, if we’re honest, Utd’s a fecking mess… would Mitoma, or Toney, or March, or Saka, or Martinelli have reached their current own current standards at Utd…? No chance. And Greenwood is easily as talented as any of them, think about that.

He‘s certainly better from a psychological POV to move on from Utd imo, but it’s very likely that also from a football POV it’s better for him also in the long run.

I would like to see the family stay in England and I think unless everyone is gonna now turn on the Arsenal player and Antony etc, then Greenwood should be allowed to move on and get on with his career.
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