Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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You are arguing for the sake of it at this point, I told you what CPS actual said which is different to what you claimed they said. But I will make that statement, new material can be anything including a new/different statement from the alleged vicitim which isn't evidence of a crime being committed or not.
No.. it was her not wanting to proceed and testify and something else. And, as in two things. I'm telling you what the CPS said and you still want to say he's guilty that's your right but it isn't factual. you can be insulting about "wanting to argue" all you like. that doesn't change the facts
How do you even set someone up to threaten rape and violence?

It could’ve been pre-agreed roleplay?

I’m not saying it was, just pointing out that anyone that was hoping for the investigation to have resulted in more information being published was never going to get their wish, purely for the sensitive nature of it all.
So basically whatever the club does with him, is wrong?
If you ever back Giggs or celebrate his achievements or if you sing about getting pissed with Best then you are absolutely morally bankrupt.

You’re crying far too much. You care purely about a football club winning little matches, just be honest. You don’t care about morals.
I wonder how much the 'fan' backlash influenced this decision. Rachel Riley and co? City soon ditched Mendy when he was charged, he was eventually found not guilty which also means his accussers were lying. The CPS dropping the case against Greenwood because they thought they couldn't secure a conviction means to me that their witnesses either couldn't stand up to cross examination or they were got at which seems to be the general perception when this stuff happens. Whatever, Mason would have been torn to bits by away crowds and some United fans, so the best decision is for him to leave, let him and his 'victim' get their lives back on track elsewhere. There is no perfect solution to this one.

No it doesn't. Rape and sexual assault charges are well known for being difficult to prove, because it often comes down to victims word vs perpetrators words.

Also, more often than not victims of rape/sexual abuse are not cross examined, there evidence is usually provided by prerecorded statements of events.
All these people posting about witch-hunts and cancel culture would turn their back on him straight away if he was brought back and played like shit.

Lots clinging to every part of the statement they like the sound of but ignoring fact statement also says this is mutual. He’d have a miserable time if he returned and for someone who has made mistakes (what’s we that means) a fresh start is probably better.

If the majority of fans are wrong in wanting him gone we’ll soon find out as teams will be lining up to sign him on loan or for a cut price fee.
Ah yes, what happened 18 months ago can all get hidden down the back of the sofa now he’s wearing Club X FCs jersey. . .

The fact people are acting like their sense of responsibility ends at him leaving United says all we need to know about what peoples real motivations are here. He’s still with the same GF this all centres around, but ah well we can tell rival fans we stood for something. . .
You've said similar things in the other thread but you seem to be more interested in throwing accusations around than having a conversation about it. Do you honestly believe it's only about some sort of morally superior feeling for the majority of people? Is the idea that many would just not be able to support Greenwood so outlandish to you? This is a far too sensitive and emotional subject to throw baseless accusations around like you're doing.
Forget whether he's actually guilty or not, just reading through 23 pages of this shit makes me think it was always the right decision for him to go.

Imagine having this 'Is he innocent or guilty' debate every fecking time the oppo fans sing out that he's a rapist
Surely the only way that MG could of played again was going to be if his partner effectively came out and made a public statement along the lines of 'he made a mistake and has learned from it. We want to move on together and i have forgiven him, and i hope others can'.
Im not for one second saying that MG should ever play for Utd again but if she had wanted to do that, it Surely would of changed the conversation?
Its literally astonishing that you can make such assertions against the man so confidently without knowing anything about it. You didn't hear or see the evidence. You saw a tiny fraction of it, without any context for it, and without it being tested. Evidence is useless till tested in court, under the fire of cross-examination. People lie, people mistake things, people say things they later regret and take back without it ever having been true...
these simple realities are lost on so many
Good point.
The issue here is what people have seen and heard with images and audio respectively told a horrible story, but did we all hear the true context? No we didnt.

We must remember victim claimed phone was hacked and didnt want any of this released, she wanted case dropped in April 2022. The club clearly heard the true context and believed he wasnt guilty, as did the crown prosecution but the witchunt persisted, headed by the ATHLETIC and now a young man who never had chance to publicly defend himself is all but ruined.

Its a sad day for the club, i think the fact that the club still wants to support the player tells the story.
This could easily be lawyer's trick to get the audio tape & pictures can't legally be used on court.
Also she wanted to dropped the case, a month after Manchester's police charged him. Something is not added up
No the club have deemed it can't justify to an employment tribunal that it had reasonable belief that he committed the acts. It makes no determination on if an act was committed or not as that's not in scope. It wasn't a criminal or legal investigation

Some of you really need to understand the basics that the club can't conclude guilt. It only concludes a legal basis to justify the removal of employment.

It appears the victim told the club he didn't do it. No employer in the land can justify a sacking after that.

My point is, the club was clear from the beginning that the outcome will be dependant on a conclusion of their "internal investigation". Their conclusion was that "Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with".

We know that United were bringing him back untill it was leaked. So it seems, we concluded he didn't do what he was charged with. But, they changed their mind based on the Athletic report and subsequent outcry.

Do I think that the right decision has been made ultimately? Yes. As I've said previously, we all heard what was said, and it makes us sick.

However, do I think this whole decision has been influenced purely by public opinion? Yes. That being the defining factor makes me uneasy. And it shows that the decision making at the club isn't clear and is easily changed.
He should be the next one out the door. Whether or not you agree with the decision regarding Greenwood, the way the club went about it with the late u-turn shows zero competent leadership.

Yeah should definitely be sacked
There are no rights for the accused. If the law finds you guilty then you deserve what’s coming and at that point publicly shame them. But many innocent people who have been thru false accusations and tried to clear their name will never get their life back. Again it’s a product of our society and the disease of social media culture.
I completely agree, the only thing is Mason was never actually taken to court and found guilty, maybe if the pictures and partial video hadn't been leaked it may have gotten to that stage where he could have had his day in court and proven himself innocent or guilty.

Exactly why it should be a crime to leak things like this to the public before criminal proceedings have been concluded.
The club were never going to be specific - what if the full picture was that his partner set him up and later admitted it was all lies? There is a duty of care on the part of the club to all affected parties.

Manchester United would not have a "duty of care" to a woman who tried to frame a player for crimes he didn't commit.
Of course they would if their goal is to fix the PR disaster of last week. Creates doubt, confusion and make everything as opaque as possible whether for legal reasons or personnal protection.
and now you're just making things up. you have no idea what the new material is but the CPS would actually not mention it if they wanted to appear that the case was dropped only because of her. there was no PR disaster on the part of the CPS
I've just read Mason't statement. I don't understand exactly. He's unequivocal that he didn't assault his partner. It's confusing me and gives me another kind of impression. However, if that's the case, then how would he still be with her? In any case, they both need to get therapy.
He didn’t assault her and was absolved by the very system that I presume you benefit from as well if living in a western society.

If you believe footballers ought to be judged harshly and are the leaders on moral and ethical behaviour then I suggest you do the following:

1. Never celebrate Ryan Giggs again. In fact petition the club to erase his records altogether. Never watch the 99 fa cup Goal. In fact erase any memory you have him since he his morally bankrupt and definitely assaulted his girlfriend and of course had an affair with his sister in law.

2. Destroy the no. 7 shirt since it was worn by Ronaldo and Best. The latter was a sleaze bag and a drunk who wasted a healthy liver from an organ donor. The other well you’ve read the transcript from his encounter in Las Vegas.

If you want to hold footballers and a football clubs to a higher standard, by all means do not do so selectively, take your perfect self moral outrage to all aspects of morally bankrupt players who put on the United shirt.

On to you.
Love how you whiffed and got your first point so wrong.

Absolved would be being found not guilty via trial. A case collapsing doesn't mean innocent not absolved.

Hilarious if it wasn't so daft
Pretty sure he's going to have his contract mutually terminated.

We're not getting any money for him....
Great! Pay him millions while he's suspended, then release him for nothing at the end! The perfect lose/lose situation. What could be more Manchester United than that?
How can anyone in their right mind excuse or justify what we heard?

Mason: “move your fecking legs up”

Her: “no Mason I don’t want to have sex”

Mason: “I don’t give a feck what you want… push me off one more fecking time and watch what happens to you”.

What "context" can you use to excuse this?

A bondage BDSM roleplay?

What the feck do we know what turns them on?
Lots of couples do weird and kinky shit, not everyone is vanilla like on the CAF.
You've said similar things in the other thread but you seem to be more interested in throwing accusations around than having a conversation about it. Do you honestly believe it's only about some sort of morally superior feeling for the majority of people? Is the idea that many would just not be able to support Greenwood so outlandish to you? This is a far too sensitive and emotional subject to throw baseless accusations around like you're doing.

He has been doing that the whole time. Also he hides what he really wants to say behind word salads that really don't say anything of note.
Yes, he sent inappropriate text messages to women at the club. Shady ones. He got fired for it. Your boy Greenwood was recorded raping a girl.
He sent unsolicited dick pics to women he had no relationship with. It's a sexual offence.
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