Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Good point.
The issue here is what people have seen and heard with images and audio respectively told a horrible story, but did we all hear the true context? No we didnt.

We must remember victim claimed phone was hacked and didnt want any of this released, she wanted case dropped in April 2022. The club clearly heard the true context and believed he wasnt guilty, as did the crown prosecution but the witchunt persisted, headed by the ATHLETIC and now a young man who never had chance to publicly defend himself is all but ruined.

Its a sad day for the club, i think the fact that the club still wants to support the player tells the story.

Yeah it all sounds like a massive frame job to me, bet the audio and pictures are AI generated.
But it was clearly of some importance otherwise the CPS wouldn't have mentioned it. Material could, for instance, be something on her phone. The point is we have no idea and therefore shouldn't be rushing to find anyone guilty of anything

You are arguing for the sake of it at this point, I told you what CPS actual said which is different to what you claimed they said. But I will make that statement, new material can be anything including a new/different statement from the alleged vicitim which isn't evidence of a crime being committed or not.
I'd like to refer to you Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard, sometime transcripts of only partial video clips are VERY misleading as are photos. This is why things should NEVER be made public until investigations criminal or otherwise are completed in full.
What context could make this ok?
Seems like the wrong decision. The club have said " Mason did not commit the offences" in light of evidence unavailable to the public, but proceeded to dump him from the club. The club are saying they're dropping him not because of his actions, but because of public pressure. A public which the club claim is not in full knowledge of the circumstances.

I don't think we've heard the end of this, the communication leaves so many ends loose.

Despite the clubs "innocent" stance on Greenwood, many United fans still believe he's guilty. Are you saying that you believe your club is lying about the evidence they've seen that makes him innocent? In which case, what grounds do you have going forward to continue supporting the club? What can you believe any longer? Does this not burn your bridges with the club?

If MG really did not commit the offences the club should've stuck by him and not appeased a mob.

Without knowing the full circumstances I have no substantial opinion on how innocent/ or guilty MG is. There's no doubting that to me those recordings were grim, rape and domestic violence is an atrocious act that should be dealt with better by the legal system.
No one can legally say he did commit the offence. He was not convicted.

The club statement is bland. As it has to be, from a legal perspective.
This is evidently not true. Every single person who has condemned him has based it off personal whim. Not iron clad evidence certified in a court of law by legal experts and qualified investigators. He strictly wont play for a United or in the UK again because the court of public opinion is now more powerful than even the legal system. That is the reality and end of story
Nah if it wasn’t true I reckon the club would of backed him to the hills and as a personal point, if I had a false allegation made against me I’d be fighting that in court
Probably wouldn’t be marrying the lass either
First of all it’s the CPS, not the police, who decide whether to prosecute or not. And secondly - if the complainant is no longer cooperating, which seems to be what happened here, the chances of getting a conviction drop to pretty much zero, and that would be why the case was discontinued. The CPS cannot justify spending time and money pursuing a case where there is little possibility of success, even if they believe the defendant did it.
Curious why they decided to pursue charges in the first place. This took nearly two years and IIRC, they even added more charges in the middle of it.
The club were never going to be specific - what if the full picture was that his partner set him up and later admitted it was all lies? Can you imagine the sh!t storm of hate and abuse she’d receive?

There is a duty of care on the part of the club to all affected parties.
How do you even set someone up to threaten rape and violence?
fecking hell.

His girlfriends account released pictures and audio of her being battered and his voice sexually assaulting her.
Let me get this straight: It went through legal experts and licensed investigators for a full year, with the full context of all the evidence and never made it to trial. But you are mere human off the street not qualified in either field, with a tiny fraction of the evidence they had access to knows better than them right? fecking hell....
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Genuinely baffling take.
I thought we’d ended this dance, move on. You’re not actually here to participate in a discussion because you’re ‘right’. This is a forum for debate, people won’t always agree but following fellow members around threads posting one liners isn’t particularly progressive.

What baffles you with said take exactly? Or is this just one more of your car crash posts in this thread.
I really want to know if the reports that we were considering bringing him back are true.

I think the club at the very least wanted the idea of him coming back out in public domain to gauge the actual reaction.
I like, rather despair, at the fact people can still overlook the evidence despite knowing:

1) It's real
2) Mason admitted he did something which caused the release
3) United have said they don't have full access too.

Regardless of your thoughts on him staying either way, let's not forget those pictures and that audio do no have explanations. This isn't people just getting all emotional and judging, there is hard verified proof that something occurred. Both Greenwood and United have also said he did indeed do something wrong.

So rather than running around blaming social media and "cancel culture" maybe just accept Greenwood in whatever way started this, United handled it horribly, but ultimately he is gone and that's on him and Arnold.
Arnold’s statement is hugely irresponsible. As is already evident, all the worst people are going to take it as basic confirmation his accuser lied, based on secret contextual evidence we can’t see, all to protect a CEOs decision making. Horrible shit
Let me get this straight: It went through legal experts and licensed investigators for a full year and never made it to trial. But you are mere human off the street not qualified in either field knows better than them right? fecking hell....

Do you think … do you think that if someone doesn’t go to jail they’re innocent? There is no one ever walking the streets innocent?
Not sure why Greenwood says "I was cleared of all charges" - they were dropped right? Not the same thing.
The club have completely mishandled it.

If they really believe that he is innocent based on the extra evidence they supposedly have, why not just show the evidence to the public so the perception of him changes and he can be brought back no problem, instead you U-turn on your initial decision and don't bring him back. It's not like their's a criminal case anymore so they can freely show whatever they want.

To me it's BS but I don't care because the right decision was taken regardless. People can say innocent/guilty/cancel culture all they want but he brought this on himself and has brought the club into disrepute regardless and should not play for Manchester United again, it's Manchester United FC after all and not Mason Greenwood FC.

For anyone upset about this perhaps you should really think deep down on whether you support the club or you support an individual club over a player because he kick ball good. Who cares if he becomes a world beater elsewhere, it's just a game of football and Greenwood is just one individual, you need to rethink your priorities in life seriously.
Alright. You have to either literally wipe your mind of memories and write a petition the club to remove Giggs (from what?) or support Greenwood coming back. Thank you, was proper worth my time debating.

If you ever back Giggs or celebrate his achievements or if you sing about getting pissed with Best then you are absolutely morally bankrupt.
Its literally astonishing that you can make such assertions against the man so confidently without knowing anything about it. You didn't hear or see the evidence. You saw a tiny fraction of it, without any context for it, and without it being tested. Evidence is useless till tested in court, under the fire of cross-examination. People lie, people mistake things, people say things they later regret and take back without it ever having been true...

How can anyone in their right mind excuse or justify what we heard?

Mason: “move your fecking legs up”

Her: “no Mason I don’t want to have sex”

Mason: “I don’t give a feck what you want… push me off one more fecking time and watch what happens to you”.

What "context" can you use to excuse this?
What I really don't understand is: if the club has come to the decision that Greenwood can never again play for us again....why make that public?

Why not just loan him out to Italy/Spain for the season, and if he crushes it sell him on for megabucks next summer? We've just lost all our leverage in terms of flogging the guy for.....virtue signalling? Either way, he wouldn't be playing for us, so what's the point?

Regardless of whether you think he should be able to play for us again or shouldn't, it's ridiculous to effectively write off a €100m asset- especially given that nobody is praising United for this (if anything, people are getting riled up over how unequivocal the statement is).
I'll be seriously pissed off if he rocks up at another premier league club with no fuss.

That is their prerogative. We should be pleased that public pressure can still influence the people in charge at our club and we should be holding ourselves to high standards even if other clubs don't.

Will be a very interesting test to see if the English FA and Gareth Southgate get behind him when it comes time for the Euros. Something tells me they might..
How can anyone in their right mind excuse or justify what we heard?

Mason: “move your fecking legs up”

Her: “no Mason I don’t want to have sex”

Mason: “I don’t give a feck what you want… push me off one more fecking time and watch what happens to you”.

What "context" can you use to excuse this?

We need a striker,
The club claim the recordings did not paint the full picture, what was the full picture then?
2. Destroy the no. 7 shirt since it was worn by Ronaldo and Best. The latter was a sleaze bag and a drunk who wasted a healthy liver from an organ donor. The other well you’ve read the transcript from his encounter in Las Vegas.

Personally think this is why he's not in the USA.
The video and audio recordings alongside the pictures made me sick to my stomach. I am so relieved he will not be playing for the club.
Feel like he should have been given a chance to explain himself. Could have actually done some good to end violence against women, dedicated half his wages to shelters or something, shown proper reformation and tried to educate young men to be better. Hopefully he will still try and do that, whatever happens next.

Not sure anyone wins here though, as he'll probably go somewhere and make good money and no one will care.

Yeah maybe we should have given him the opportunity to do that,like someone said it looked like he was gonna be brought back until the fan backlash last week
Arnold’s statement is hugely irresponsible. As is already evident, all the worst people are going to take it as basic confirmation his accuser lied, based on secret contextual evidence we can’t see, all to protect a CEOs decision making. Horrible shit

It’s quite an achievement to finally make the right decision and somehow still make things even worse. Although entirely in keeping with every single other aspect of the way the club has handled this.
Out of context right guys?


To be fair whatever the scenario before No means No. Even for married couples
Let me get this straight: It went through legal experts and licensed investigators for a full year and never made it to trial. But you are mere human off the street not qualified in either field knows better than them right? fecking hell....
....because their witness and victim dropped her allegations. Kinda hard to have a case where the victim changes their mind.
If you ever back Giggs or celebrate his achievements or if you sing about getting pissed with Best then you are absolutely morally bankrupt.

Giggs is my childhood football hero and probably the reason why I fell in love with the game and United. But he is a scumbag of the highest order and I don't want him anywhere the club.
There are no rights for the accused. If the law finds you guilty then you deserve what’s coming and at that point publicly shame them. But many innocent people who have been thru false accusations and tried to clear their name will never get their life back. Again it’s a product of our society and the disease of social media culture.

Who are you accusing of making false accusations?
Not sure why Greenwood says "I was cleared of all charges" - they were dropped right? Not the same thing.
This is what every criminal say because most won't bother correcting it. You say it enough times and people take it for granted.
Sad that one time is enough for some of the simple minds in this thread.
What context could make this ok?
There's not context that makes it ok but could be context that makes it "not rape", or not domestic abuser or serial abuser. Could be mutually toxic and abusive from both ends leading to each escalating on the other. Which on one hand could be a somewhat understandable reason for why her family have acted the way they have and why they've seemingly made up with each other and had a baby together now.
Another case tried by public court instead by the law.

If the club have found that he’s innocent, wouldn’t it make sense to double down, stick to the morals since Richard Arnold is such an expert in deciding morality in cases.

This club is so wishy washy that it’s a joke, It hurts that This club I’ve supported for over 2 decades is turning into a soap opera with no objectivity or professionalism, just drama every day.
Exactly right! That would take guts though and we all know our leadership has been weak as piss for the last decade! Delay, delay, delay- make a decision- backtrack on said decision and end up with where we are today! Whatever your views on Greenwood, I think we are all in agreement that the leadership shown has been as abysmal as ever!
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