Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Perfect representation of our society these days. You make a point I don’t agree with, banned. How about not having the spine of a jellyfish and learning how to argue with someone and coming to the outcome of agree to disagree. What a concept!
Get over it. I am talking about people wishing the club to lose and some other nasty comments.
Maybe they dont want to make it more public than it already is. You can see how people are quick in judging others with limited information.

Family deserves the right to live peacefully away from internet mob and i completely understand not projecting the entire picture online because they dont owe the internet mob anything

I agree, but that doesn't answer the question.
The moment that recording came out, it became everyone connected with this club's business. He didn't rape her, but did he try?
How can you say it's not our business?
We're invested in the case, and the outcome, but the intimate details aren't our business. They shoudln't have a responsibility to come out and explain about their private lives, imo.
Nor do you know the reason she made the u turn.
No I dont. Thats why I am not judging stuff and write things as if there is only one possible truth. You are completely right, nobody knows the full story except for probably the two people involved yet so many on here seem either enlightened enough to call out the club for bowing from the public opinion or to indicate that even more foul play must be in there because apparently, a legal system that doesn't result in prison for a person they consider guilty must be badly designed.

OK can you help me and confirm what words he could of said after this, which would create a context where this is acceptible? We are all ears.
Hey mate, for future reference, I don't think the before or after plays much of a factor during an incident of rape. What we've got here is the evidence of the during, why do you think it was recorded in the first place, probably the first time he did this right?
Mate, first - if you have experienced something similar - I am sorry for you. I really am. But (thankfully for me) that doesn't apply to anybody and the general public has to find a fair way of dealing with such things. I don't know much about you, what I do know is, that not for a billion dollars I'd put myself out there claiming to know how a relationship between to people has to look like. How they should be talking to each other. I just don't know and I don't have to know because it is none of my business. You don't know, if the snippet you are presenting happend within a broader fight scene. You don't know what happened after. But apparently, other people heard more about the case. You don't know, if the photo on social media was some of acting out to get one back. We just don't know. What we do know is, that there seemingly was violence involved. And the person case has been looked at by people dealing with such stuff on a regular basis. they have more experience and more knowledge than all of us.
All we and also you know, is what has been released publically. Make of that what you want, I personally am a bit worried, how little is needed for people to judge others. I mean, again, everybody is free to do so. But acting as if there is just one possible truth and look on things (which is conveniently the own one) just can't be right.

Again - if you are personally triggered because of own experiences, I can understand it. And I won't judge. All I say is, we've come a long way trying to create processes to deal with wrongdoings that are as fair and not-invasive as possible. We can't just throw that away and go back to middle age practices. The general public has the interest of the victim on its forefront, I don't think, there is the need for every possible individual to get into fighting mode as well.
The club claim the recordings did not paint the full picture, what was the full picture then?
Neither Mason nor his partner want the public to know. Therefore the club cannot do anything about that. Both him and his partner need therapy.
He didn’t assault her and was absolved by the very system that I presume you benefit from as well if living in a western society.

If you believe footballers ought to be judged harshly and are the leaders on moral and ethical behaviour then I suggest you do the following:

1. Never celebrate Ryan Giggs again. In fact petition the club to erase his records altogether. Never watch the 99 fa cup Goal. In fact erase any memory you have him since he his morally bankrupt and definitely assaulted his girlfriend and of course had an affair with his sister in law.

2. Destroy the no. 7 shirt since it was worn by Ronaldo and Best. The latter was a sleaze bag and a drunk who wasted a healthy liver from an organ donor. The other well you’ve read the transcript from his encounter in Las Vegas.

If you want to hold footballers and a football clubs to a higher standard, by all means do not do so selectively, take your perfect self moral outrage to all aspects of morally bankrupt players who put on the United shirt.

On to you.
No he wasn't, but good to see who you heroes are - you are sure working overtime defending him.
Cos it's kinda embarrassing?

What if he's a ****? Would you want that to be out?

People do weird shit in the bedroom, if it's fine with them, the feck do I care.

what the feck is wrong with you?

it’s more embarrassing to be into role play than being accused of raping and assaulting your girlfriend and being suspended for 18 months?
Ridiculous decision. The kid needed the club’s support, not thrown onto a heap.

There are loads of accused and convicted criminals living a normal life in football, supported by their clubs. But United has to take the rogue route.

They’ve lost even more of my respect.

Thank god the club has values.
Can't believe people are actually crying in this thread over a football player, get a life.

Another wannabe looking for their 2 min fame on this issue. CPS dropped the case because of new evidence and one witness changing their story. Thats as close as you can get to being exonerated.

Otherwise whats the bloody point of a legal system. Him being a lawyer should know that otherwise should leave law and practice online mob justice group
Why would Mason accept a mutual termination when he is innocent in the law's eyes? He should get paid the contract in full, shouldn't he?
Yeah, we have no grounds to terminate and I'm not sure why Greenwood would want to either. The whole thing doesn't really make sense though. If they are sure he didn't do it why are they binning him. It seems like they want to send him on loan in the hopes that if he scores 30 goals fans will clamor to have him back. But surely, if he's that good we need him considering our striker options. Or they think the backlash will die down by this time next year which is unlikely?
If you and your partner make a recording where it sounds like one is about to rape the other, people are going to think one of you is a rapist until you actually explain what the feck is going on.

Maybe they did?

You know, to the police and the courts?
Which is maybe why the case has been dropped?

Mind you, I have no idea, just guessing, as we all are.
Keep reading things like 'what if he's great for one of our rivals?'

Yeah, what if he is? His quality as a football player should have nothing to do with the club's decision, which was the correct one, eventually.

We can only speculate about the process that got us there, but it didn't *look* great.
The speed at which this was done was absolutely appalling.

It also hurts to see someone who grew up at the club since he was a child, not being protected by the club.

He may have allegedly done some heinous things, but as someone who is barely out of his teenage years, surely he should be given a second chance.

The crazy thing is that the club care more about sponsors/backlash than the actual human being that is Greenwood.

Hopefully he goes on loan and we don't sell him. I still maintain that he deserves a second chance to redeem himself.
There is obviously more to this story than what little information we have. I don’t get why people continue to insist that what they know is correct when it’s obvious there is more to this.
and now you're just making things up. you have no idea what the new material is but the CPS would actually not mention it if they wanted to appear that the case was dropped only because of her. there was no PR disaster on the part of the CPS
I think that you are extremely naive. Institutions will latch on every little bit to brighten their public perception. They must deal with hundreds of cases similar to this one, they know that once the victim backs off or is made to back off, it is almost impossible to "win". Doesn't make them turn around and think "well f her if she don't want our help". They are still trying to help and listing extensively what made them drop the case is both factually true and to "excuse" their inability to go further and accomplish their mission.
Says Giggsy13.

I have no problem with Giggs as a footballer, as I have no problem with Mason, Ronaldo or Best. I don’t know Giggs personally and could care less he’s a womanizing prick, I don’t look to him for guidance on morals and ethics. I watched him and other greats to be entertained. If football is your guiding light on things then I suggest a reset.
We're invested in the case, and the outcome, but the intimate details aren't our business. They shoudln't have a responsibility to come out and explain about their private lives, imo.
Neither Mason nor his partner want the public to know. Therefore the club cannot do anything about that. Both him and his partner need therapy.
It's quite simple for me.
You can't play for this club with that kind of recording hanging over your head.
If the club doesn't want to explain what happened, fine but he can't continue here unless people have clarity becuause I don't understand what other conclusion one can get from hearing that recording.
what the feck is wrong with you?

it’s more embarrassing to be into role play than being accused of raping and assaulting your girlfriend and being suspended for 18 months?

Like i said, maybe they explained it to who ever it mattered. You know, the police etc?

Why do we, the public, have to be informed in all of it?
Another wannabe looking for their 2 min fame on this issue. CPS dropped the case because of new evidence and one witness changing their story. Thats as close as you can get to being exonerated.

Otherwise whats the bloody point of a legal system. Him being a lawyer should know that otherwise should leave law and practice online mob justice group

You have issue with people breaking a case down and adding their expertise to it? How is that "mob justice group" :lol:

Read what he says properly, whether or not it changes your mind is one thing, but at least look at the points properly.
Dude acted like a spoiled shit, which isn't a surprise when you're young, dumb, wealthy, and feel like the world revolves around you.... he's certainly facing some consequences - tarnished reputation, needs to relocate and get a new job somewhere else.

He should have publicly apologized much quicker and gone to do classes of some sort to improve his character, ground him, teach him right from wrong, etc... but I think this is just going to be a change of scenery for him and he'll be the same person he was then... won't grow from it, will just not make the same mistake of it going public... just my opinion from outside perspective.

I think the club would be better with him here. We will struggle to score goals. Any team that picks him up will be lucky to get most likely a discount on a great talent and he'll score lots of goals for them.
Ridiculous decision. The kid needed the club’s support, not thrown onto a heap.

There are loads of accused and convicted criminals living a normal life in football, supported by their clubs. But United has to take the rogue route.

They’ve lost even more of my respect.

The amount of abuse from fans, media and probably even from players might be worse for him. United is probably the biggest spotlight in football and only magnifies all of those things. It was the best for the club and for him to do his thing elsewhere, away from all the attention that Manchester United will bring to him and his family. The statement says it was by mutual agreement they decided to party ways, he probably even got a compensation for the rest of his contract.
That's all as clear as mud.
The internal investigation leaves Richard Arnold to conclude that Greenwood didn't commit the acts he was accused of.
Greenwood then reiterates that he didn't commit the acts he was accused of.
They suggest that all is not as it seems with the Audio & Photos, but that Greenwood has "made mistakes"

Well what the heck does that mean?
what the feck is wrong with you?

it’s more embarrassing to be into role play than being accused of raping and assaulting your girlfriend and being suspended for 18 months?
Once those photos and video clips were out there and people had made their minds up do you REALLY think anyone would buy that a reasonable explanation, even if it was true?
Seems like the wrong decision. The club have said " Mason did not commit the offences" in light of evidence unavailable to the public, but proceeded to dump him from the club. The club are saying they're dropping him not because of his actions, but because of public pressure. A public which the club claim is not in full knowledge of the circumstances.

I don't think we've heard the end of this, the communication leaves so many ends loose.

Despite the clubs "innocent" stance on Greenwood, many United fans still believe he's guilty. Are you saying that you believe your club is lying about the evidence they've seen that makes him innocent? In which case, what grounds do you have going forward to continue supporting the club? What can you believe any longer? Does this not burn your bridges with the club?

If MG really did not commit the offences the club should've stuck by him and not appeased a mob.

Without knowing the full circumstances I have no substantial opinion on how innocent/ or guilty MG is. There's no doubting that to me those recordings were grim, rape and domestic violence is an atrocious act that should be dealt with better by the legal system.

Further to this, I don't believe going with a public majority opinion, despite having evidence to the contrary is a morally sound position from the club. It leaves room for them to side with wrongdoing on the whim that it's what most people think. It's the easy and weak option. Conformity. The voice of the majority isn't always right. If only life were that simple.

The communications also suggest they can't release the innocence proving evidence due to legality. This does make me sympathise with their decision more, because it shows they understand the publics perception - based on the recordings alone, the public have strong evidence to believe MG is guilty. By keeping MG at the club, the hierarchy would essentially be saying to the fans ' we can't release the innocence proving evidence, you'll just have to trust us that he's innocent', blind faith is also problematic.

I wonder if MG and his girlfriend thought about whether releasing the innocence proving evidence to the public would be worth it to influence a decision. Probably thought some would still doubt it or that it would be too embarrassing.
Odd and dumb question, is Greenwood essentially going on loan or is it an official release? I assumed release but never know. Just vague wording of rebuilding away from the club, doesn't mean he's gone for good

I am 99.9% sure he is hopefully gone for good but wanted to check I am just reading too much into it
Let’s not go down the youved said similar things on an internet forum line, anyway. . .

I don’t believe the majority of people are represented on football forums. Something you’d have read elsewhere considering you’ve cited my post history so no would be the answer.

I do however think posters who only care about him playing for United but couldn’t care less when he plays elsewhere are a little morally bankrupt as DA is bigger than club colours.

Is the idea that many fans do not participate in debates on twitter & forums this will not be as partisan to their opinions as you’d like us all to be?

I personally don’t ‘support’ Greenwood though so no again.

Those accusations would be what exactly?
What? That was just the other day and I replied to you then as well. Not sure what you mean by that. In terms of the accusations, I'm literally referring to this from the post I quoted:

"The fact people are acting like their sense of responsibility ends at him leaving United says all we need to know about what peoples real motivations are here. He’s still with the same GF this all centres around, but ah well we can tell rival fans we stood for something. . ."
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