Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Whatever the outcome if you actually thought about it there is no way he could have a career in this country again, the amount of media and fan pressure on a weekly basis would be to much for any player to take mentally unless they were a robot with no emotions.

I think the club have made the right choice and am glad they have taken this path.
Whatever the truth maybe, I wish him the best in his career and hope he does what's right for him, his partner and his newborn. Will be the greatest regret in the last 30 years, along with Ravel Morrison.
Whatever the truth may be? So you’d wish him a great career even if you believed him to be guilty?
This is where you fail to realise how the legal system actually works. IF there was evidence to prosecute, the police do not care if the victim has made a U-turn, they can press charges regardless. Which they did not do, which means there was not enough evidence to be certain that Mason Greenwood had commited a crime.
First of all it’s the CPS, not the police, who decide whether to prosecute or not. And secondly - if the complainant is no longer cooperating, which seems to be what happened here, the chances of getting a conviction drop to pretty much zero, and that would be why the case was discontinued. The CPS cannot justify spending time and money pursuing a case where there is little possibility of success, even if they believe the defendant did it.
None of the transcripts in the Depp vs Heard case are anywhere near this.
They were used in the same way though, particially released to suit a narrative. It's why they should never be made public and to do so before a full criminal investigation should be a crime in itself, considering the damage it can cause.
Let’s be clear, if he was innocent he’d be playing for Man Utd simple as
This is evidently not true. Every single person who has condemned him has based it off personal whim. Not iron clad evidence certified in a court of law by legal experts and qualified investigators. He strictly wont play for a United or in the UK again because the court of public opinion is now more powerful than even the legal system. That is the reality and end of story
Seems like the wrong decision. The club have said " Mason did not commit the offences" in light of evidence unavailable to the public, but proceeded to dump him from the club. The club are saying they're dropping him not because of his actions, but because of public pressure. A public which the club claim is not in full knowledge of the circumstances.

I don't think we've heard the end of this, the communication leaves so many ends loose.

Despite the clubs "innocent" stance on Greenwood, many United fans still believe he's guilty. Are you saying that you believe your club is lying about the evidence they've seen that makes him innocent? In which case, what grounds do you have going forward to continue supporting the club? What can you believe any longer? Does this not burn your bridges with the club?

If MG really did not commit the offences the club should've stuck by him and not appeased a mob.

Without knowing the full circumstances I have no substantial opinion on how innocent/ or guilty MG is. There's no doubting that to me those recordings were grim, rape and domestic violence is an atrocious act that should be dealt with better by the legal system.
I'd be careful speculating names there mate, may want to amend, I've removed the name from the quote
I've just mentioned a name. I haven't speculated anything. I could be referring to anything about Thomas Partey.
Disappointed but with the media reacting the way they have we had absolutely no choice. Now the club needs to do the right thing and find a replacement, we need fecking goals in this team.
Do you genuinely think the club will go and buy another attacker now? Zero chance in my view!
Wouldn't matter. People would just say she's being coerced.
Possibly, and if he didn’t do it, she’d have no problem saying that

Anyway, atleast it’s over and we can get rid
Correct decision made by the club
Okay - let’s have a debate.

I think people who have clearly assaulted a woman should not play football for a club I support! Over to you!

He didn’t assault her and was absolved by the very system that I presume you benefit from as well if living in a western society.

If you believe footballers ought to be judged harshly and are the leaders on moral and ethical behaviour then I suggest you do the following:

1. Never celebrate Ryan Giggs again. In fact petition the club to erase his records altogether. Never watch the 99 fa cup Goal. In fact erase any memory you have him since he his morally bankrupt and definitely assaulted his girlfriend and of course had an affair with his sister in law.

2. Destroy the no. 7 shirt since it was worn by Ronaldo and Best. The latter was a sleaze bag and a drunk who wasted a healthy liver from an organ donor. The other well you’ve read the transcript from his encounter in Las Vegas.

If you want to hold footballers and a football clubs to a higher standard, by all means do not do so selectively, take your perfect self moral outrage to all aspects of morally bankrupt players who put on the United shirt.

On to you.
This is evidently not true. Every single person who has condemned him has based it off personal whim. Not iron clad evidenced certified in a court of law by legal experts and qualified investigators. He strictly wont play for a United or the UK again because the court of public opinion is now more powerful than even the legal system.

fecking hell.

His girlfriends account released pictures and audio of her being battered and his voice sexually assaulting her.
"Well fecking done internet justice league. You achieved it. You must be fecking proud with yourselves. I wish you go to hell.
I can not support a club that has such fans. I hope you all go to hell."

Is this the most vile post ever on Caf? Bloody hell:confused:
Whatever the truth maybe, I wish him the best in his career and hope he does what's right for him, his partner and his newborn. Will be the greatest regret in the last 30 years, along with Ravel Morrison.
Agree with this. Really angry at how stupid he's been. I hope we're more rigorous with our young players and act quickly if we see they are straying off the right track.
22 pages here and let's be honest, not one of us has changed our views on this since posting here.
Then they wouldn't have bothered mentioning it
Of course they would if their goal is to fix the PR disaster of last week. Creates doubt, confusion and make everything as opaque as possible whether for legal reasons or personnal protection.
No one ever said the accusations were false.

He ruined his own life by attempting to rape her and hit her. We all heard and saw the evidence.

Just because she made a u turn, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Its literally astonishing that you can make such assertions against the man so confidently without knowing anything about it. You didn't hear or see the evidence. You saw a tiny fraction of it, without any context for it, and without it being tested. Evidence is useless till tested in court, under the fire of cross-examination. People lie, people mistake things, people say things they later regret and take back without it ever having been true...
He didn’t assault her and was absolved by the very system that I presume you benefit from as well if living in a western society.

If you believe footballers ought to be judged harshly and are the leaders on moral and ethical behaviour then I suggest you do the following:

1. Never celebrate Ryan Giggs again. In fact petition the club to erase his records altogether. Never watch the 99 fa cup Goal. In fact erase any memory you have him since he his morally bankrupt and definitely assaulted his girlfriend and of course had an affair with his sister in law.

2. Destroy the no. 7 shirt since it was worn by Ronaldo and Best. The latter was a sleaze bag and a drunk who wasted a healthy liver. The other well you’ve read the transcript from his encounter in Las Vegas.

If you want to hold footballers and a football clubs to a higher standard, by all means do not do so selectively, take your perfect self moral outrage to all aspects of morally bankrupt players who put on the United shirt.

On to you.

Alright. You have to either literally wipe your mind of memories and write a petition the club to remove Giggs (from what?) or support Greenwood coming back. Thank you, was proper worth my time debating.
The absolute right thing to do albeit too little, too late. I know it's easy to pile on Utd and be critical of everything they do but this time I genuinely do not think they read the room right.

Yes he was never found guilty in the eyes of the law but found guilty in the court of public opinion. A prodigious talent no doubt, he could score left foot, right foot. I have some degree of sympathy with the club as contractually they had an obligation to keep paying him. Damned if they do damned if they dont.

The club should have committed to the following.

- Every effort and resource made to offer counselling and support to partner who suffered at his hands.
- Therapy to help Mason and rehabilitate.
- Make sure that he never plays for the club again.
Another case tried by public court instead by the law.

If the club have found that he’s innocent, wouldn’t it make sense to double down, stick to the morals since Richard Arnold is such an expert in deciding morality in cases.

This club is so wishy washy that it’s a joke, It hurts that This club I’ve supported for over 2 decades is turning into a soap opera with no objectivity or professionalism, just drama every day.
I really want to know if the reports that we were considering bringing him back are true.
Ridiculous this. Man not proven guilty of anything. Unable to defend himself in public. Club accept he probably didn't do it. Still have to ship him out because people are Muppets and you have to appease them. Utter stupidity.

Good point. But the right decision has been made given the witchunt.
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It is the right decision but still gutted such a talent being wasted. Probably won’t play in the PL and more than likely go abroad.
Ye it’s so annoying as I think he’d of thrived under ETH and I don’t even think we’d of bought Antony if Greenwood was still here.
The absolute right thing to do albeit too little, too late. I know it's easy to pile on Utd and be critical of everything they do but this time I genuinely do not think they read the room right.

Yes he was never found guilty in the eyes of the law but found guilty in the court of public opinion. A prodigious talent no doubt, he could score left foot, right foot. I have some degree of sympathy with the club as contractually they had an obligation to keep paying him. Damned if they do damned if they dont.

The club should have committed to the following.

- Every effort and resource made to offer counselling and support to partner who suffered at his hands.
- Therapy to help Mason and rehabilitate.
- Make sure that he never plays for the club again.
Hasn't read the article ^
First of all it’s the CPS, not the police, who decide whether to prosecute or not. And secondly - if the complainant is no longer cooperating, which seems to be what happened here, the chances of getting a conviction drop to pretty much zero, and that would be why the case was discontinued. The CPS cannot justify spending time and money pursuing a case where there is little possibility of success, even if they believe the defendant did it.

People just don't want to learn and try to understand.

It's better to just cowardly blame "the social media mob".
the "he'll tear it up for our rivals" crowd is deluded too. If you think any club in England, Germany, Spain etc. will touch that PR nightmare, then I don't know what to tell you. He'll have a hard time finding a club willing to do this ... wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in Saudi Arabia.
Fans are very fickle. Overmars got a new job very quickly. If Greenwood goes to a top Turkish team for example, scores 30+ goals for a couple of seasons, there will suddenly be a lot of takers willing to overlook the PR issues. It won't happen overnight, but I actually believe United have left the door open by not saying he will have his contract terminated or be sold permanently.

Nobody is saying he is a model citizen, but it appears that when looking at the evidence the club found very little reason not to reintegrate him back into the team. The only reason he is going is due to the public outcry, but I don't hear Arsenal fans screaming for Partey to have his contract terminated, and Mendy found a new club as soon as his City contract expired.

I actually think the football authorities / player unions have deliberately ducked out of this controversy and let united take all the heat.
So the clubs internal review concluded a crime wasn't commited, but have decided to bow to external pressure and not bring him back to the playing squad? Despite retaining him on the books?

The weight of outrage was justified, but a trial by social media makes me uneasy in all honesty. Especially when not one of us has all the facts of the case.

Best thing to do now is to just move on, but this sets a precedent for any future case. Including Antony. Who by this judgement, should never play for the club again.

No the club have deemed it can't justify to an employment tribunal that it had reasonable belief that he committed the acts. It makes no determination on if an act was committed or not as that's not in scope. It wasn't a criminal or legal investigation

Some of you really need to understand the basics that the club can't conclude guilt. It only concludes a legal basis to justify the removal of employment.

It appears the victim told the club he didn't do it. No employer in the land can justify a sacking after that.
Are you aware that you are instrumentalize those words for your personal righteousness? If you don't know, what happened before or after - then it is out of context. Doesn't mean it would change much on "our" outlook about being right or wrong but acting as if we'd know everything needed to just dump his a** in a cell is crazy. It only invites more extreme positions. THis thread will be locked in an hour I guess.
OK can you help me and confirm what words he could of said after this, which would create a context where this is acceptible? We are all ears.
Eh, I don't like the notion that the club was satisfied with their findings to potentially bring him back, but ultimately not doing so because of public pressure
Are you aware that you are instrumentalize those words for your personal righteousness? If you don't know, what happened before or after - then it is out of context. Doesn't mean it would change much on "our" outlook about being right or wrong but acting as if we'd know everything needed to just dump his a** in a cell is crazy. It only invites more extreme positions. THis thread will be locked in an hour I guess.

Hey mate, for future reference, I don't think the before or after plays much of a factor during an incident of rape. What we've got here is the evidence of the during, why do you think it was recorded in the first place, probably the first time he did this right?
I'd like to refer to you Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard, sometime transcripts of only partial video clips are VERY misleading as are photos. This is why things should NEVER be made public until investigations criminal or otherwise are completed in full.

There are no rights for the accused. If the law finds you guilty then you deserve what’s coming and at that point publicly shame them. But many innocent people who have been thru false accusations and tried to clear their name will never get their life back. Again it’s a product of our society and the disease of social media culture.
Anybody who's looking for additional evidence that Greenwood is innocent now know that it's just "trust me bro" from United

The club were never going to be specific - what if the full picture was that his partner set him up and later admitted it was all lies? Can you imagine the sh!t storm of hate and abuse she’d receive?

There is a duty of care on the part of the club to all affected parties.
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