Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Especially considering the nasty shit the Bible contains :lol:

Same person has no problem judging Ratcliffe morally for his background in finance, Ineos for their environmental record and how they treat their employees, the Glazers for "bleeding the club dry".

I guess it's just attempted rape that shouldn't be judged.
It's fascinating to observe the increasingly insane takes this thread produces.

it’s not my favourite bible passage though. that would have to be the good samaritan, luke 10:25-37;

30 jesus replied, "a man was going down from jerusalem to jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. 32 so likewise a levante, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 but a samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. 34 he went to him and said “put ye legs up. move ye fecking legs up”

the man responded “no, i wish not to lay with you.”

the samaritan countered “i care not for what ye wish, ye small leavings.”


“be quietened. speaketh to me not.”

“place your penis there not.”

“i wish to lay with you, you heathen.”
The bible says "Let them who are with out sin cast the first stone", everyone deserves a second chance, that said why would he want to turn down, Real, Barca or Munich for the UK.
Absolutely mental.
The Bible says: "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven." (Luke 6:37)

I think there's a valuable lesson in this message.
it’s not my favourite bible passage though. that would have to be the good samaritan, luke 10:25-37;

30 jesus replied, "a man was going down from jerusalem to jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. 32 so likewise a levante, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 but a samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. 34 he went to him and said “put ye legs up. move ye fecking legs up”

the man responded “no, i wish not to lay with you.”

the samaritan countered “i care not for what ye wish, ye small leavings.”


“be quietened. speaketh to me not.”

“place your penis there not.”

“i wish to lay with you, you heathen.”
Pathetic post
Load of bollocks (Redlambs 20:32)
"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death" (Revelation 21:8)

Having consulted my trusty Bible I've come to the conclusion that he's coming back to United.
Do you believe that your ridiculous hyperbole really helps whatever point you try to make?

It’s not ‘ridiculous hyperbole’, it’s a fact. Sorry that it doesn’t suit your preference but it’s true.

The evidence, factually, is not deemed worthy of pursuing trial, and the people who have come to that decision know a hell of a lot more than you about both this specific case, and the law in general.

That doesn’t mean Greenwood is innocent, but it’s undeniably true and a long way from ‘ridiculous hyperbole’.
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Most likely it was the wish of those involved. So why speculate or make final conclusions

So you basically speculate and then ask why speculate.

In terms of Mason, what we know is how the British press told us we should interpret a 20 second clip from a phone.

Don't be absurd. The fact you think that's even possible considering what the clip in question was says much more about you than anybody else.

What I’m really saying is, if you were on a Jamaican forum and asked the men on there if they participated in s*^** ****y 90% of them on a safe place internet forum would say no. However in reality 85% of that 90% are probably hypocrites. This is how I see this situation.

Take from that what you will.
And a nonsense allegory.

Well talking to you three has been enlightening.
From football perspective, we just need him back.
I'd be inclined to bring him back in January but our season is too far gone for him to provide any boost. Let him finish the season in Spain and bring him back for preseason.
Do you believe, based on evidence deemed not even worthy of trial by legal experts, that his career should be over?

Or do you believe that players would rather choose this Utd side over Real, Bayern or Barca?

What has he said in that quote that’s ‘absolutely mental’ in your opinion?
The bit quoting the fecking bible.
There it is.

That's why he cannot ever play for United again.

He, facing hard evidence, cannot establish innocence.

Again, this ‘hard evidence’, wasn’t viewed as such by professions.

He doesn’t need to establish his innocence though to continue his career - as nor did Ronaldo, or RvP, Butt or Evans, incidentally all of whom have been employed by Utd after accusations.

It’s up to you how you personally judge these situations, and whether you choose to apply a consistent judgement over them. That’s not my business in the slightest.
He doesn’t need to establish his innocence though to continue his career - as nor did Ronaldo, or RvP, Butt or Evans, incidentally all of whom have been employed by Utd after accusations.

It’s up to you how you personally judge these situations, and whether you choose to apply a consistent judgement over them. That’s not my business in the slightest.

None of them had audio of them saying the thing though.
Wtf is this "s*^** ****y" that these Jamaican men all supposedly do?
If it was all a game, or sumtin, make them say so and bring him back. If not, feck him off to barca, or wherever
From football perspective, we just need him back.

Yep. All else is bollocks. This is a football club afterall. Not some moral fortress wherein we only have saints to preach for others.

Honestly, most people on here are probably very far from saints anyway.

Just get the boy back - we need him. Think any other club is gonna feel bad when he starts banging in goals week in and week out? Heck no.
It’s not ‘ridiculous hyperbole’, it’s a fact. Sorry that it doesn’t suit your preference but it’s true.

The evidence, factually, is not deemed worthy of pursuing trial, and the people who have come to that decision know a hell of a lot more than you about both this specific case, and the law in general.

That doesn’t mean Greenwood is innocent, but it’s undeniably true and a long way from ‘ridiculous hyperbole’.

Apologies, I've had a few...what you are doing is strawman.

You are literally making up an argument to have. The poster never said or even hinted at any such thing.
None of them had audio of them saying the thing though.

Not that you’ve heard at least. But given that we know for a fact that the full audio in question and the images didn’t even create enough grounds for a trial there’s nothing to suggest that those other cases didn’t have similar audio and / or images.

The authorities are not going to tell you what evidence there was / is involved each individual case (that doesn’t get to trial).

But you can be assured that such evidence isn’t unusual or specific only to the Greenwood case - otherwise it unquestionably would’ve gone to trial. What’s unusual is that you’ve heard it - nothing else.

In Ronaldo’s case we have worse than the Greenwood audio, yet the club welcomed him back.
"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death" (Revelation 21:8)

Having consulted my trusty Bible I've come to the conclusion that he's coming back to United.

Absolute truth. Redlambs (21:39)
Any reason why this thread is so active over last couple of days? Spare me the hassle of waddling through pages of people begging for him to come back.
Any reason why this thread is so active over last couple of days? Spare me the hassle of waddling through pages of people begging for him to come back.

The Sun reported Barcelona, and or RM, are prepared to pay £40M for Mason Greenwood.

The character known as Caellum saw George Best play on numerous occasions.

The thread went downhill from there until Redlamb's summary above.
Do you believe, based on evidence deemed not even worthy of trial by legal experts, that his career should be over?

No. I believe he is an utter twat who I want nowhere near United again.

And "not even worth of trial by legal experts" is a wildly hyperbolic, and entirely disingenuous take on events.
Any reason why this thread is so active over last couple of days? Spare me the hassle of waddling through pages of people begging for him to come back.

Greenwood apologists are becoming even more emboldened and there has been a bit of push back.
Not that you’ve heard at least. But given that we know for a fact that the full audio in question and the images didn’t even create enough grounds for a trial there’s nothing to suggest that those other cases didn’t have similar audio and / or images.

The authorities are not going to tell you what evidence there was / is involved each individual case (that doesn’t get to trial).

But you can be assured that such evidence isn’t unusual or specific only to the Greenwood case - otherwise it unquestionably would’ve gone to trial. What’s unusual is that you’ve heard it - nothing else.

In Ronaldo’s case we have worse than the Greenwood audio, yet the club welcomed him back.
What I’m really saying is, if you were on a Jamaican forum and asked the men on there if they participated in s*^** ****y 90% of them on a safe place internet forum would say no. However in reality 85% of that 90% are probably hypocrites. This is how I see this situation.

Take from that what you will.

What did you star out? Sounds like you are insulting most men or at least most Jamaican men.
You to me, me to you, if our players could pass as as good as you lot we’d be top of the league. Give it a rest you’re making us fing dizzy!
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