But there is a discussion to be had. It's not as easy as saying "whataboutism" when delve into other experiences of domestic violence. Sherlock Gascoigne wrote a book "Surviving Paul Gascoigne".
I have not read it and will never read it, but I would say it is a safe bet that are accounts of violence written in that book. Again he is revered as a English football icon to this day.
That is my main criticism of people in here. People are disgusted by the thought of domestic violence, but no one is really prepared to discuss why it may occur and how you confront it to make the steps to resolve it. It is not an issue that simply defined to having one cause. There are many reasons why it occurs.
I have witnessed domestic violence and when I hear people use flippant phrases like "whataboutism" that shows me someone who thinks in this case oh domestic violence must be horrible, thank God I don't have to put up with that in my life.Poor you.
Trying to ignore what Greenwood has done by saying a long dead player, who last played for United 50 years ago, may have committed DV, is peak whataboutism.
Correctly identifying silly whataboutism used to ignore actual current behaviour doesn't treat DV flippantly. Ignoring what Greenwood did certainly does though.
If we try to sign George Best again I for one will be strongly against it.