Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Good riddance to a disgusting human, he can feck off to whatever bum club will take him and we can move forward.
Reading Arnold's statement was there a victim or only an alleged victim? He changes the term throughout and which it was makes a massive difference to the entire episode.

On another note, I would like to know what Utd's interpretation of exactly what happened on that day are.
Sorry, I misspoke:
He was not proven legally guilty.
The problem is I see that the verdict is issued here.

Ah yes, people always get a fair trial on the internet don't they? Look, I don't want him back at the club. It would be a toxic situation and the club is toxic enough as it is. Pay up his contract and let him go elsewhere.
What do they do if they loan him out and he starts banging in goals I’d like to know. They will bring him back I think.
Should have been dealt with sooner and the statement released by the club last week was very misjudged.

Mason has nobody to blame but himself for wasted football career where I truly believe he could have been a top player for Man United once he reached his peak years.
read all the statement - they have seen some things which aren't in the public domain. plus the CPS said new material had come to light - again, which we haven't seen but maybe the club has

The club have told you they haven't seen everything.

Also, reports from the Athletic (who have been bang on correct about this whole thing) go further and say that United heard Mason's explanations but the family of the girl won't confirm nor deny and as such they can't confirm the truth of it.
No 2nd chances either in a low-risk environment.

Apparently 8% of Americans have a felony to their name, so based on this logic none of them must be allowed to rehabilitate or work ever again.

Just rot and re-offend, I suppose.
He can work again. Just not here. Perhaps he can work in B&Q or in Subway?
sorry but know you're quibbling about semantics. Material could, for instance be something she had on her phone of said to somebody. we have no idea. only the CPS do

Which is why the semantics is important. New material can also be a different statement from witness or the alleged victim and neither are evidences but certain statements can make the prospect of conviction very difficult.

So yeah, it's semantics and it's extremely important when it comes to the law.
No one ever said the accusations were false.

He ruined his own life by attempting to rape her and hit her. We all heard and saw the evidence.

Just because she made a u turn, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

This is where you fail to realise how the legal system actually works. IF there was evidence to prosecute, the police do not care if the victim has made a U-turn, they can press charges regardless. Which they did not do, which means there was not enough evidence to be certain that Mason Greenwood had commited a crime.
Let’s do an exercise, as you seem well informed. Tell me first what he was charged with…

I don't think we need to go over it all again but you can surely see there's a big grey area between legally defined attempted rape(one of his charges) and perfectly good, nothing to see here behaviour. The recording we heard would be in that grey area.

Which to me is exactly what the statement is saying.
So the clubs internal review concluded a crime wasn't commited, but have decided to bow to external pressure and not bring him back to the playing squad? Despite retaining him on the books?

The weight of outrage was justified, but a trial by social media makes me uneasy in all honesty. Especially when not one of us has all the facts of the case.

Best thing to do now is to just move on, but this sets a precedent for any future case. Including Antony. Who by this judgement, should never play for the club again.
Perfect representation of our society these days. You make a point I don’t agree with, banned. How about not having the spine of a jellyfish and learning how to argue with someone and coming to the outcome of agree to disagree. What a concept!
Well said mate! Anyone with different opinions are censored these days! From this statement today it actually vindicates those that believed Greenwood should be given another shot once the charges were dropped
Breaching bail conditions too.
That was because they got back together. One of the conditions was no contact with the victim. Police seemingly ignored it, probably because they knew they were together.
Hopefully the club gets a replacement ASAP, our attack is light enough as it is !
Good decision by the club. Should've been taken earlier. Anyone denying the fact that employing an abusing m*therf*cker would morally be the bankruptcy of the club has some serious problems with their moral compass.
Where do you want me to start? Club Size? History? The fact that Manchester United should hold itself to a higher standard then other clubs? Sponsor Pressure? Media? The fact that we're a worldwide brand?

Playing football for Manchester United is obviously quite different then playing football for say, Torino in Serie A

Mes que un club, but mancunian
Ironically I think the only thing probably everyone can agree on, from one side or the other, is how badly the club has handled this. We're owned and run by just terribly inept cretins.
But they said both things were the reason for the decision. Why would they do that if it was only the witness refusing to testify?
Because the witness/victim would be contradicting ever piece of evidence they think they have. This isn't a forensics case where the evidence stands up on its own.

I could show you CCTV footage of a guy carrying my washing machine into the back of his van this morning. If I then tell you he was collecting it for scrap as I got a new one delivered yesterday morning, what is that CCTV footage now evidence of?
I wonder if people will be happy that both the victim that they were rooting for and the kid who was born after this will be punished also.
How are they being punished? Maybe life would be difficult if he worked in a factory on minimum wage and now couldn’t get a job but I understand that he’s been paid by the club throughout, and paid very well, so they’re not on the breadline. They’ll still be able to live a life of luxury.
You're online in 2023, there is no such thing.
There never was such a thing. Because that has always been a rule for media and legal institutions. Private people never had and don’t have to give a shit about it. We are entitled to our opinions. Get over it.
It’s the same reason why I can say that OJ Simpson is guilty.
Handled shockingly by the club from beginning to end, and this doesn't really feel like the end

At the end of the day its about an employee bringing the club into disrepute. That's enough in almost all walks of life for an end of your employment, whether that is fair or not is really not the question. He should have been released early on from his contract to allow him to detach from the club and fight his own battle in court, whether that court appearance ever materialised or not. Keeping him on the books to "wait and see" has really hurt this club and shown it for what it is - an institution riddled with incompetence unable to make a decision that actually makes sense.

The timing of this is terrible, coming after multiple leading statements which have all been ambiguous. The wording is still actually quite ambiguous.

Makes the club look like a circus, which we all knew it was anyway.
That was because they got back together. One of the conditions was no contact with the victim. Police seemingly ignored it, probably because they knew they were together.

You can try to excuse it if you want, but he breached bail conditions and was arrested for it. I think it’s fair to cite that as one mistake he made.
Imagine this same case, but Mason is a regular 9-5 office worker.

The accusations are made, the whole of the office sees the pics and audio, but the accuser drops the charges three months later, so the CPS cant proceed with the case.

Does anyone expect the company to keep Mason in his job?

You imagine sitting next to that guy, knowing he beat on his girlfriend and tried to rape her. His position becomes untenable and the companies reputation is tarnished. This is basically what has happened here. It was only a debate because in football, the employee has a huge monetary value associated with them.
You can try to excuse it if you want, but he breached bail conditions and was arrested for it. I think it’s fair to cite that as one mistake he made.
In the eyes of the law, yes. But in public opinion, I dont think that should be going against him. He wasn't throwing a house party, he was trying to start a family, and I believe the police recognized that.
He'll be playing for Arsenal or Chelsea within two years and not a peep would be said.
The club have done him no favours in their handling of the situation either.

This imaginary internal investigation thats taken months then out of nowhere they hint hes coming back, was never going to impress anyone.

They could have organised an interview with him and his new wife, he could have done work with charities that deal with domestic abuse, they then could have loaned him out to ease him back in etc.

The whole thing has been a mess.
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