Marcus Rashford (Out) | Ornstein: United want to keep, will only consider substantial bids

I am no longer emotionally invested in Rashford staying to the extent I was. However, I don't like the briefing out today.

Even if the club wants to sell Rashford, what if you can't?

Something of the Matteo Darmian about this. Everyone reporting that the club is happy for the player to go. Making claims about how the club sees him.

How do you motivate that player if you can't shift them? With that player knowing he's not rated and, in Rashford's case, having had disciplinary claims put in the press.

I don't understand it. If you're open to letting him go then let his agent get offers and bring them to the club. Nobody needs to be preparing the fan base by poisoning the well against the player.
I am no longer emotionally invested in Rashford staying to the extent I was. However, I don't like the briefing out today.

Even if the club wants to sell Rashford, what if you can't?

Something of the Matteo Darmian about this. Everyone reporting that the club is happy for the player to go. Making claims about how the club sees him.

How do you motivate that player if you can't shift them? With that player knowing he's not rated and, in Rashford's case, having had disciplinary claims put in the press.

I don't understand it. If you're open to letting him go then let his agent get offers and bring them to the club. Nobody needs to be preparing the fan base by poisoning the well against the player.

Has Ornstein or anyone else corroborated this if not I don't believe it
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I am no longer emotionally invested in Rashford staying to the extent I was. However, I don't like the briefing out today.

Even if the club wants to sell Rashford, what if you can't?

Something of the Matteo Darmian about this. Everyone reporting that the club is happy for the player to go. Making claims about how the club sees him.

How do you motivate that player if you can't shift them? With that player knowing he's not rated and, in Rashford's case, having had disciplinary claims put in the press.

I don't understand it. If you're open to letting him go then let his agent get offers and bring them to the club. Nobody needs to be preparing the fan base by poisoning the well against the player.
If Rashford ends up staying, and isn't motivated by his childhood club having been happy to get rid of him, there is no hope for him anyway.

Motivation comes from the inside, first and foremost.
Not a shit source but a truly shit channel/aggregator.

Ben Jacobs said United and PSG spoke about a range of players/matters (Ugarte being one). Rashford was mentioned. But nothing more - and PSG have a sense that he used them to get a better contract with United last time, so they don't want to speak to him unless he's serious. The feeling is Rashford wants to stay at United and prove himself.

Of course, the channel (or aggregator) didn't bother with full accuracy and cherry picked what looks most saucy. This is why youtube channel tweets are shit.
He posts made-up nonsense.
I am no longer emotionally invested in Rashford staying to the extent I was. However, I don't like the briefing out today.

Even if the club wants to sell Rashford, what if you can't?

Something of the Matteo Darmian about this. Everyone reporting that the club is happy for the player to go. Making claims about how the club sees him.

How do you motivate that player if you can't shift them? With that player knowing he's not rated and, in Rashford's case, having had disciplinary claims put in the press.

I don't understand it. If you're open to letting him go then let his agent get offers and bring them to the club. Nobody needs to be preparing the fan base by poisoning the well against the player.

maybe he's already gone
If we're being honest to be successful next season we need an in form Rashford or someone that can give us what an in form Rashford does. The number of players that we can get that can do that is about 0, so that leaves us in a bit of a pickle in navigating a potential sale of him.
If we're being honest to be successful next season we need an in form Rashford or someone that can give us what an in form Rashford does. The number of players that we can get that can do that is about 0, so that leaves us in a bit of a pickle in navigating a potential sale of him.
We can't rely on Rashford either, so that leaves us in an even bigger pickle.
A cardboard cut out will be an adequate replacement based on last season.

If you check the stats you can almost deduce that whenever Rashford did well, Manchester United did well. The correlation might work the opposite way ie when Manchester United does well then Rashford does well as well. However there's no denying that prime United allow Rashford to shine and it relies on its goals and assists as well. Last season for example he made 10 assists, he scored 30 goals in 56 matches. That's remarkable.

That's not all. Rashford's contribution are often minimized as well. Even in his worse seasons like the previous one he did manage to score 8 goals and create 5 assists. That's just 2 goals less then Garnacho (same amount of assists) and in terms of goals as much as Eriksen, Antony, Amad and Martial combined.

Now let's make it clear I want Rashford gone. That's down to four things

a- He's not worth 350k a week. A player like that needs to be consistent on a week in week out basis. Sure dips in form will occur but it can't last months and it doesn't excuse him from turning up on the pitch/training and actually work hard
b- He's a thin skinned player. whose affected by everything around him. That's lethal at a top club where the scrutiny is constant and criticism is unavoidable
c- Rashford seem only able to operate as a focal player (ie team built around him) but he can't be a focal player because of B. Focal player need to carry the squad including any criticism thrown at it. Think of Eric, Ibra, Messi, Ronaldo or Baggio. They are the team. Rashford can't do that.
b- I am not a big fan of the focal player in the first place. It makes the team predictable as everything will need to pass through him

Yet there's no denying that if Rashford leaves then he needs to be replaced. That doesn't necessarily mean like with like. The squad can be adapted with a better striker coming in, more solidity in midfield and defence, better wing backs and a lesser but still effective winger. However we can't allow Rashford to leave and not reinvest that money. This is not Manchester United 2010-2011 squad let alone the 1997-98 one
Taking 350k a week off our books and a £60-£80mil transfer fee. Would take that all day long. Do love home grown players, but for his own career development I think he needs to move on to new surroundings.
Taking 350k a week off our books and a £60-£80mil transfer fee. Would take that all day long. Do love home grown players, but for his own career development I think he needs to move on to new surroundings.
Yeah cause if he leaves then we are replacing him with someone who earns £10k a week and costs £10m?
Yeah cause if he leaves then we are replacing him with someone who earns £10k a week and costs £10m?
We could replace him with a cardboard cutout of Britney spears and that would still be more effective.
We got to get him right in the head and fit. He scored 30 goals a year ago. This is a world class player at his best. Southgate dropping him from the Euro squad has to be a wake up call. He'll be 27 in October. This is his prime now. If he lets it slip away, he's a idiot. You dont get a second chance to be young and talented.
We got to get him right in the head and fit. He scored 30 goals a year ago. This is a world class player at his best. Southgate dropping him from the Euro squad has to be a wake up call. He'll be 27 in October. This is his prime now. If he lets it slip away, he's a idiot. You dont get a second chance to be young and talented.
Rashford has never been world class and likely never will be.
We got to get him right in the head and fit. He scored 30 goals a year ago. This is a world class player at his best. Southgate dropping him from the Euro squad has to be a wake up call. He'll be 27 in October. This is his prime now. If he lets it slip away, he's a idiot. You dont get a second chance to be young and talented.
Well if you remove all context and look purely at goal total maybe.
Why are no clubs trying to get him off us?
Why are no clubs trying to get him off us?

Because he earns a massive salary and produced an abysmal level of effort and performance for the entirety of the most recent football season. Few clubs would be interested right now if he was available for 25M and would only want a wage of 100k, the fact that you would need to triple those numbers just to get a chance to talk to his agent is why the market for him is freezing cold. With the number of years left on his deal we have no choice other than to try and get him happy and firing again.
Him not getting into the England squad and there being a large indifference from everyone as a result (because everyone thought he didn’t deserve to get in anyway due to his club form) should be more than enough motivation for him, and if that doesn't do it then nothing will.

I believe he is a talented player but it’s a narrow and specific talent he has, where he has to be accommodated into the side and players around him have to pick up some of the work and we have to play a specific way (namely being a counterattacking team). I don’t see him reinventing himself like some of our other academy guys did in their careers like Giggs, Scholes and Beckham. His style of play is reliant on his pace. I honestly see him retired from football by the time he’s 33. My theory is that’s a result of having too much too soon, sapping his desire to get better (may be something in that considering he looks roughly the same player he did when he was 22) which we can potentially blame the Glazers and Woodward for, as they were threw money around like confetti, especially when Brandon Williams had been on £65k a week for us.

How do you motivate someone you’ve already given the world too? It’s like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube.
If the rumour of the Al Nasir offer is true wonder if he would consider it. It’s 600k a week but if he did then he has given up on being a serious footballer.
Why are no clubs trying to get him off us?
Because he's not worth a high fee ahead of way, Olise or Williams. He's 26 and alternates between a good season and bad season.
We could replace him with a cardboard cutout of Britney spears and that would still be more effective.
I think you’re missing the point. If we get rid of one high wage earner we will 100% replace him with another high wage earner.
I think you’re missing the point. If we get rid of one high wage earner we will 100% replace him with another high wage earner.
We are no longer going past 250k a week or something like that as the maximum wage anymore. Days of paying players 300k plus are over apart from those on those contracts already.

There is an abundance of left sided forwards to choose from who could replace him.
If the rumour of the Al Nasir offer is true wonder if he would consider it. It’s 600k a week but if he did then he has given up on being a serious footballer.
To be fair to him and all footballers out there, only a few players ever get to win things consistently, the rest just watch on and maybe pick up a single trophy or two in a 15 year career. You can’t really blame any of them for taking the money and doing half the work with way less scrutiny.
I always thought that only teenagers who are new into football would come up with arguments like "he scored 30 goals in one season of his career so he must be world class", it is quite tiring to see such kind of arguments over and over again on a supposedly better football-educated forum.
I always thought that only teenagers who are new into football would come up with arguments like "he scored 30 goals in one season of his career so he must be world class", it is quite tiring to see such kind of arguments over and over again on a supposedly better football-educated forum.
Its just the romanticism associated with him. Local lad and product of the academy. They wouldn’t make such arguments for a player brought in via the transfer window.
Its just the romanticism associated with him. Local lad and product of the academy. They wouldn’t make such arguments for a player brought in via the transfer window.

Probably, I guess if we ask them do they think if Kevin Philips or Mario Gomez were world class they would probably say no.