I don't think a team would have to do both of those things. By this summer, Rashford will reportedly be under contract for 3 more seasons at £300k a week. That's roughly £15M a year, or £45M for the three years total.
More likely, it'll be something like this:
- Buying club gives us £40M in transfer fee
- We pay Rashford a £15M bonus to buy out his contract
- Rashford signs a new 3 year deal with the buying club for £200k a week (£30M over three seasons)
This way everyone
- We get a £40M transfer fee - £15M bonus + £45M wage savings = £70M net compared to keeping him on the roster
- Rashford gets his £45M
- United and Rashford both save face by not selling him for a super cheap fee
- The buying club gets Rashford for significantly less than £300k a week
You might not agree with these exact amounts, but something like that is likely to happen. The better Rashford plays the smaller the bonus we have to give him (and/or the higher the transfer fee can be), as we he's worth more to the buying club.