Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

What the actual feck?

Do you see individuals over here being happy when any western goverment bombs a hospital in the middle east? Of course we know these horrible things happen but I hope nobody approves this.

The nutjob who bombed a concert full of young kids yesterday has the whole so called caliphate supporting him. Are you going to deny any of that?

I honestly fail to see what your point is.
He has a strong point which can be discussed later. Right now though is not the right time.
Racist post? It's a fact not anything to do with race. Just annoys me everyone defending the religion which breeds such hatred and such senseless murder.

This is where people's minds are completely twisted by this good vs bad narrative. Please tell me how many children do you think the UK/US armies have killed in the last 15 years due to trying to find weapons/oil?

If you do know what kind of terrorism your own country has caused to the middle east, please then tell me what weapons and oil has to do with religion.
Religion is a uses and gratification, where people generally take what they want from it. So yes many muslims aren't violent because they don't want to be. But within Islam there can be found justification within Muhammad's life for the acts ISIS, Al Queda and other terrorists commit. From mass murder, to rape to enslavement, old Mo did it all according to his earliest biographies. However peaceful Muslims choose to consider these stories to be fabricated based on the fact they believe Muhammed to be perfect.

You need to replace 'many muslims aren't violent' with 'over 99% of muslims aren't violent' and then you realise just how silly the argument is. There can be found justification in the bible for rape, genital mutilation, genocide and slavery and God condoned all of them. So I don't really see the point that you're making. You find it in every religious book there is. That issue is to do with the opinions of society and what they considered acceptable around the world 3,000+ years ago when these passages were written, not with one particular faith today.
Are you trying to deny the fact that most of the recent terror attacks that are linked to extremists and religion? Man I swear people must like these attacks the way they defend them.

Can't talk about anything without having someone label you as racist or getting all smarmy.

Children died because of a religious viewpoint that's a fact
This is certainly one of the most appalling things expressed in this thread. You should be ashamed of yourself.
What the actual feck?

Do you see individuals over here being happy when any western goverment bombs a hospital in the middle east? Of course we know these horrible things happen but I hope nobody approves this.

The nutjob who bombed a concert full of young kids yesterday has the whole so called caliphate supporting him. Are you going to deny any of that?

I honestly fail to see what your point is.

your brain dead if you think anyone approves of this. Humanity loses out in all of this. Understand there is a world out there and families out there just like us this has happened to every day for the past 5-10 years. Unfortunately, we just watch and let this continue as it does not affect our way of life. No so called caliphate is supporting this. If you think ISIS is Islamic then you are a lost cause in itself.
What about demonising it because of the verses in it's holy book? Is that okay?

What? You mean verses like this

O people! I charge you with ten rules; learn them well!

Stop, O people, that I may give you ten rules for your guidance in the battlefield. Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man. Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful. Slay not any of the enemy's flock, save for your food. You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone.
Which holy book? Similar verses can be found in Christianity also, but we don't chastise Christians for their 100s of years of terrorism.

Within the first ever written biographies of Muhammed you have Mo carrying out massacres, rape, enslavement. Jesus not so much. Within the old testiment they can find some of these abhorent actions, yes, but the new testiment advises against using much of the Old Testiment as a moral compass, while Sunni Islam considers Muhammed the perfect rolemodel for mankind.

We should be against religious bigotry, extremism and inquisitions of any variety.
Religion is a uses and gratification, where people generally take what they want from it. So yes many muslims aren't violent because they don't want to be. But within Islam there can be found justification within Muhammad's life for the acts ISIS, Al Queda and other terrorists commit. From mass murder, to rape to enslavement, old Mo did it all according to his earliest biographies. However peaceful Muslims choose to consider these stories to be fabricated based on the fact they believe Muhammed to be perfect.
Read the bible. You find a lot of justification for any sort of violence in the name of Christianity too.
Thank you! We are in Sweden so we can't attend but we'll send some flowers atleast. I hope all affected find the strength needed to get through this...

:) I bet if you leave a little note with them it would be majorly appreciated to see people from so far away sending them
Want this info on the new page otherwise it'll get lost in the stupid arguments

There's a vigil at the Town Hall tonight mate. 7pm apparently. Saw a status saying flowers and candles etc welcome.

ITV also posted that they're being laid near the Arena.

Did a Facebook search to see if there was any more info and there was some kind of van club looking to arrange driving around handing flowers out of their vans, which I thought was pretty awesome.

While we're here:

Some friends of mine are running a fund raiser at Stage and Radio (Northern Quarter) tonight for the victims and their families. Drinks and DJs and collections (money for families, and I think food for the NHS too). They're also giving free pizza out to emergency services and NHS staff until 9pm. It may not be much but it's a small thank you

Please give it a share and click 'going' even if you can't make it, as it helps get the word out.{"ref":"3","ref_newsfeed_story_type":"regular","feed_story_type":"263","action_history":"null"}

Edit: I've just seen there's also an MEN fund running online for anyone that would like to donate
What? You mean verses like this

To be fair, the problem with religious texts (in general, not just ones relating to Islam) is that they're full of contradictions on both sides. While I don't think these attacks by any means reflect Islam as a whole or anywhere near the vast majority of those who practice it, I don't think it's fair for us to cite the examples of peace and kindness but simply ignore the more troubling verses. Even if, again, the majority will adhere more closely to the message of peace.
That's whataboutery. I'm not religious in the slightest. Think the world would be a far better place without religion so I've no reason to defend Christians either. The discussion isn't about them though.

No that's factual, is it not? You didn't specify which Holy Book, i'm assuming you meant the Qu'ran, but that's not the only book to have verses advocating people to kill, rape have slaves etc. The bible has several, and like I said when Christians commit violence, the entire Christian religion isn't chastised, despite several hundreds years' of history doing it - which is precisely the point.
Whether you blame religion is neither here nor there because even in a world without religion people would find reason to do evil things - it comes down to the individual.

Within the first ever written biographies of Muhammed you have Mo carrying out massacres, rape, enslavement. Jesus not so much. Within the old testiment they can find some of these abhorent actions, yes, but the new testiment advises against using much of the Old Testiment as a moral compass, while Sunni Islam considers Muhammed the perfect rolemodel for mankind.

I was raised hardcore Catholic so i'm aware of the Bible's content very well - the point was about blaming the entire religion, when that's clearly a one dimensional perspective and wouldn't be done for Christians.
Three have been arrested so far, but then there is information that another two have been arrested (which makes the total of 5)? Hope they caught the animals.
Three have been arrested so far, but then there is information that another two have been arrested (which makes the total of 5)? Hope they caught the animals.

By the sounds of it they know exactly who the bomber was and so I'd imagine it's only a matter of time before they uncover everyone connected to him.
:) I bet if you leave a little note with them it would be majorly appreciated to see people from so far away sending them

You have all of Sweden... The whole World behind you in your time of grief. Stay strong!
To be fair, the problem with religious texts (in general, not just ones relating to Islam) is that they're full of contradictions on both sides. While I don't think these attacks by any means reflect Islam as a whole or anywhere near the vast majority of those who practice it, I don't think it's fair for us to cite the examples of peace and kindness but simply ignore the more troubling verses. Even if, again, the majority will adhere more closely to the message of peace.

I get the point to be honest. The problem with any and most political,social,religious views is that most can be taken in whatever way someone wants to take them based on what fits their agenda. Religion specifically has nothing to do with it. Its human greed and hatred.

The US/UK have been killing kids in the middle east for 20+ years now in the name of Oil/weapons.
Right......First of all this isnt the time or the thread for discussions on anything other than things directly and immediately connected with last night. Stop it.
Secondly, Condolences and much love to anyone effected by the tragedy, stay strong and know that we all stand with you, regardless of location, faith, creed, wealth social status or any other bullshit used to divide us all, at the end of the day we are all humans.
And third, Im feeling so much love for my favourite city and its people today, for their bravery, kindness and generosity to each other and strength in carrying on in the face of adversity.
How is it than when these tragedies strike we all become religious experts?

From my perspective its equally ridiculous to blame Islam for this as it is to say it has nothing to do with Islam. Beliefs of any kind are in the eye of the beholder. Two people can look at the beauty in the world, one will go away thinking there must be a God, the other will conclude that its lucky random chance created something so beautiful.

Islam, like everything else, is up to interpretation. Does anyone really think that if a peaceful Muslim had walked up to the bomber and said 'God doesn't want this' that woud've changed the killer's mind? The murderer would've said the other bloke was an apostate and a rejecter and carried on regardless. Its like thinking a Catholic priest could've stopped the residents of Jamestown from committing mass suicide on the orders of the bloke they thought was Jesus reincarnated.
Three have been arrested so far, but then there is information that another two have been arrested (which makes the total of 5)? Hope they caught the animals.

Remember that the police will arrest everyone close to the terrorist just to get more information, those people aren't necessarily linked to the bombing.
You're right, the issue is that the 1% are fecked up and interpret something incorrectly. That is the issue. That is the entire issue, that the 1% have issues with how they interpet things. This does not mean that the issue is the religion. You simply can't fathom the number of people who would have to act in the same way for it to indicate that the issue is the religion. Something churning out 1% of arseholes is nowhere near 'breeding hate and senseless murder' like you said. You'd have to see 1-2 billion Muslims engaging in the same behaviour to use that kind of terminology, which is why I said it was bollocks. It was nothing but baseless exaggeration and it does nothing to further the cause all it does is churn out racists who end up believing in this rhetoric and we get nowhere.
Good points.

But logic doesn't work in the face of bigotry.
The 'discussions' are useless...the transfer rumor thread is more fruitful.

- all Muslims are evil
- small minority are evil
- their faith is violent
- Islam isn't violent
- immigration is to blame
- western meddling in muslim countries is to blame
- Muslims need to do more
- Muslims are the most common target of Muslim terrorists
- where are the moderate Muslims
- no such thing as moderate Muslims and ISIS are following the Quran to the letter

That's it. That's what gets 'discussed' everytime a islamist attacks or kills innocents by all 'sides'.

I have no problem with people raging, venting and lashing out...I actually think it's more useful than 'frank and unafraid discussions'.
Re bumping this excellent post from @Neutral in an attempt to educate so we maybe don't have the same circular and non sensical discussions. Surely we can make some progress and not fall for the bait?

From @Neutral

The 'discussions' are useless...the transfer rumor thread is more fruitful.

- all Muslims are evil
- small minority are evil
- their faith is violent
- Islam isn't violent
- immigration is to blame
- western meddling in muslim countries is to blame
- Muslims need to do more
- Muslims are the most common target of Muslim terrorists
- where are the moderate Muslims
- no such thing as moderate Muslims and ISIS are following the Quran to the letter

That's it. That's what gets 'discussed' everytime a islamist attacks or kills innocents by all 'sides'.

I have no problem with people raging, venting and lashing out...I actually think it's more useful than 'frank and unafraid discussions'.
Any news on the perpetrator?

I wish we'd never hear anything about who he was, what he did in his life, and what his friends and family say about him. I wish people like this would just be forgotten forever like they never even existed. There should be no fame, no chance for even the most twisted minds to look up their horrible acts. Forget the names, print nothing about them, get rid of any photos.
Exactly what the world was waiting for, James Corden's opinion.

I think this is sickening, when they cash in on events like this. It's become the thing to do ever since John Stewart's genuine reaction to 9/11.

I agree, it is sickening. *damn, the worlds attention.. how can I make it about me?*
How is it than when these tragedies strike we all become religious experts?

From my perspective its equally ridiculous to blame Islam for this as it is to say it has nothing to do with Islam. Beliefs of any kind are in the eye of the beholder. Two people can look at the beauty in the world, one will go away thinking there must be a God, the other will conclude that its lucky random chance created something so beautiful.

Islam, like everything else, is up to interpretation. Does anyone really think that if a peaceful Muslim had walked up to the bomber and said 'God doesn't want this' that woud've changed the killer's mind? The murderer would've said the other bloke was an apostate and a rejecter and carried on regardless. Its like thinking a Catholic priest could've stopped the residents of Jamestown from committing mass suicide on the orders of the bloke they thought was Jesus reincarnated.

Your post only makes sense if there is somewhat of an equal split on this subject. If 1.79 billion Muslims interpret it one way and a 0.01 billion interpret it a different way, then it indicates precisely where the problem lies. It's not like you've got a 50/50 split out there of how it's interpreted.