Mafia ii

Sadly i have work during the day, so i've only just got back. I'm downloading the DLC packs first so i'll get back to you in about an hour or so.

Make sure you tell him it's unbelievably awesome. I don't want him to burst into tears again.
Make sure you tell him it's unbelievably awesome. I don't want him to burst into tears again.

Lol, I promise you my eyes stayed dry when reading your posts. Wouldn't want to inflate your head there thinking thoughts like that. It was you with the emotional outburst and getting your back up and offensive about it.
Ok well you start off back in Italy fighting in WW2, and it's more Call of Duty than GTA. Gives the basics of gunfighting and the cover system, which is pretty good pretty similar to Uncharted whic is no bad thing. You meet Joe back home quite soon after, who talks like he's already a godfather, and couldn't be more stereotypical if he tried.

And here you get a taste of the soundtrack, which is pretty good. A taxi ride to "Let it snow" sets the mood. First big thing i noticed, i walked up to a news stand nearby and the guy starts up a conversation with me off the cuff. In the diner another randomner starts up a chat, this is looking like a nice optional touch that can easily be missed.

Planes start flying over head and the city seems alive around you, people are buying papers off the paperboy, a guy comes out of a house and empties a bucket into the drain and a people window shop as you walk to your destination. A domestic breaks out in a flat and you can hear the window break and things being thrown about. the route to your flat is pretty short so obviously with the linear nature they were going to throw some titbits into your path but still it looks good.

Remember that screenshot of the reflection in the mirror? Yeah you still look that pixelated in it, but i'm guessing looking at your reflection isn't something you'll be doing very often so i'll let it slide. A step outside and you get shown the melee combat, it's pretty simple stuff, x for dodge, O for light, triangle for hard and multiple taps for a combo. Once they're stunned a swift O and you get a finishing move, mine was a hard kick to the face. Not rocket science but then again most games of this genre don't exactly have riveting melee systems.

Now you get to see the map and the sprint function. The world map isn't the biggest, by just looking at it i'd say it's more the size of GTA 3 rather then IV. could be deceptive though so don't quote me on that. And sprinting is complete with shaky camera, think Gears of War but in this you run like a bit of a spaz.

You get to Joe's flat who seems to be a huge hit with the ladies, despite living in a council flat (albeit a nicely furnished one) and wandering around with a gut hanging over his boxers. Turns out he's done quiet well for himself the last few months and wants you to join him. Now to get a taste of driving, it feels pretty satisfying actually. The cars feel as weighty as they look and handle about the same too. You can turn on the limiter by pressing X which means not having to worry about going over the speed limit. Getting the hang of this could be an art, oh but word from the wise, don't have head on collisions with lamposts. Doesn't end well.

Here you meet a local ex-crook who helps you get things, forged documents, lockpicks etc. and you get a taste of the lockpick mini game, a little like the one in Oblivion but slightly more delicate. Here you get a new car, one a bit chunkier and you can feel the difference between the two immediately. You straight away get seen by the cops and have to shake them, getting out of sight will lose the heat but if they see you again it goes straight back on. So you can't do a GTA kill everyone in sight, run a few feet away and lose the heat leaving you able to walk straight past the same cop that was 2 seconds ago shooting at you. Nope they get the word out and they're looking for you, the only way to definitely lose the heat is by changing car or clothes.

Which takes us to the body shop. Here you can change and personalize your number plate, change the colour, rims and tune the engine. Quite a good little piece to have in there as a side thing. In the car journey to your next mission you hear some of Joe's lines for the ladies, still not sure how he manages to get two women back to his flat with the line "Wanna come back to mine and play house? You can be the door and i'll slam you."

Anyways i don't want to go to far into it for you as i seem to be narrating the story for some reason. That's about the first half hour of gameplay, graphically i'd say it's not the best. Everything looks slightly jagged around the edges if you look close enough, gloss your eyes over it though and it looks great. Facially i'd say it's about par with Red Dead (might be being generous there), the cars look good and like i said the city does seem alive around you with passers by getting about their day. When you're driving around you do notice some pop in in the distance but on the whole the city looks pretty good. I got some slight tear in one of the interior areas, but only because i was looking so hard for it, i would usually have missed it.

The missions are obviously starting off small but the basics seem pretty solid. The Call of Duty first chapter is an exciting explosion filled start that's there for effect but works. The characters don't seem as instantly likeable as they do in some games but maybe they'll grow on me. Melee is simple but not one button mashingly simple, and the cover system isn't too bad at all (granted i've not seen it at work a lot yet). So all in all it's looking alright so far, i'd definitely suggest a rent just from playing it to this point. I'll have to actually play it through to say if it was worth buying outright.
How much did you pay, out of interest? Amazon were doing it for £31.99 last week.
Also, this is not so impossible too

I never trust reviewers, that is stupid thing to do, believing blindly what one person says about the game, that is just one persons view and shouldn't be reason for not trying a game, try it yourself and then decide...

To be fair, Shank and Kanye & Lynch 2 are pretty shit games and probably deserved those scores. They hardly gave Mafia 2 a bad score either.

But no I wouldn't judge a review based on a site like IGN.
Back up to £37 now. Same with Shopto. I'll probably take your advice and rent it.

I also picked up The Saboteur today for a tenner.
Now that's worth it. If you go around taking down all the nazi installations then you could squeeze out a lot of hours on it. Just get used to hearing a very irish "Bloody hell!".
just got it, better not dissapoint
I'd like to hear what you think sparky, i'm enjoying it so far. Although i see what the reviewers meant by the long car journeys and linearity. It really just seems like one long mission rather than lots of little ones.
so far its okay but i am noticing a drop in frame rate which is dissapointing, i like the snow though, looks great driving in it is fun. very linear so far though but thats not a surprise considering i only started it
I'm about two hours in and the linearity is very evident. You basically do a mission that leads into another mission, that leads you to a mission where you have to go to sleep, which leads you to a mission where you have to go somewhere, which leads to a mission where you have to do something, which leads you...

Well you know where i'm going with this. The city just seems like more of a backdrop than anything else, a good looking and slightly explorable backdrop though. What system are you on?
so far its okay but i am noticing a drop in frame rate which is dissapointing, i like the snow though, looks great driving in it is fun. very linear so far though but thats not a surprise considering i only started it

You're not forced into it though, I went for a walk round the city for ages before I did the missions. Had fun breaking into cars, getting fined by the police and watching the NPC interaction. What I liked was that a taxi bumped me in the street in front of a police man and the police man came over and fined the NPC. The feel of the game i.e the setting and the atmosphere works well I think. You don't have to follow the main missions you can go off and do your own thing, I've read it is possible to rob stores etc and do your own thing. People will focus too much on mission mission mission when you don't have to do it that way. The game is more than just the missions.

I put 3 hours into it last night and only managed 9% completed as I was not rushing it so I'll be getting a good amount of time out of it, I spent a good amount of time doing the gas stamps mission being completely stealthy in and out without the guards seeing or needing to kill them, went and bought some suits and hats and just pottering about at the moment.

One thing I'm not happy about is that I seem to be getting a graphic bug over Vitos face sometimes that is annoying but other than that it's all good so far. I got in a fight with a gang member in a diner and the next thing all his homeboys outside are shooting me which wasn't very nice of them!
fecking hell ben thanks for the spoiler tag...
Sparky I've not even heard of Mafia before reading the thread, i was just kidding. :)
you have no idea how angry i just was there
The game is fecking months away from being ready on any platform. I've just had to restart the entire chapter fecking 14 because this cnut of a game has a major glitch where you fall under the city and can't move after a save point.

The 2k forums are littered with game faults from pc to ps3.
got the game, played a bitand have to admit, i am having a lot of fun with the game. The story seems to be simply awesome
Not really mate, i've played a bit today and got up to chapter 7. It is very, very linear but that doesn't stop it being a good game. The bit from the demo is in it, just the time it takes place and the ending has changed.

It should not be marketed as a big open world game as that really isn't the point. The story is good, i'm just not really getting on with Vito as a whole. His actions just don't make a lot of sense to me at times.

Particualrly when he comes out of prison and straight away decides to go out on the rob again. Even to the surprise of Joe.

Still worth a rent, and looking like just a rent unless the DLC is amazing.
Thanks for the info.

GREAT call on The Saboteur, by the way. It's a bit rough around the edges, but great fun. Really enjoying it so far.
Oh and i like how the music/cars/city changes as the time goes by in the game.

:lol: No worries about the Saboteur, it really is a bit of a hidden gem. I swear though they did their research on accents by watching Allo Allo.
Finished again.

Must say, I havent been thrilled by a storyline in a game for a long time. Vito seems very Marlon Brando I must say.

Only fault I can see here is the "linear" game style. More could be done to this e.g Turf-taking. I seem to find my thrill replaying this game by shooting up random gangsters and engage the whole district with my buddy Joe and Henry le asshole.

Oh, and Playboy :drool:
Got my copy today, on PS3 as well so that includes DLC. First impressions are good. Spotted some graphical glitches here and there but the story seems well crafted. The fist fights are good fun and I like how it only takes a few shots to kill/die.
finished my first play through, story is decent and tbh the one thing that really does save this game. the frame drop rates i was having seemed to go as the game progressed, some graphical glitches here and there and some of the animations like closing a door look a bit ridiculous at times as if vito is facing away from the door he just swings his arm into thin air and the door closes behind him. some of the game felt like you were being driven a long way around the map just to extend the mission, not sure if that was just me though. will play through again one more time and then probably return at the end of next weekend, not a game i would hang on to as i dont see it having an appeal that you would keep going back to, primarily due to the linearity of the gameplay. not a terrible game but i was expecting something more to it like extortion ect. all the usual godfather mafia type stuff would have been nice

like the look of the saboteur though now that it has been mentioned
Don't like the fact you have no choice in any real side missions. You do what you need to do and that's it. Scrapping cars and the like isn't enough to warrant buying it. Glad I didn't pay for it otherwise I'd have a big problem.
Apparently 2k came in midway through last year and ripped the entire game to shreds cutting shit left right and center. The map was cut in two and 8 chapters were taken out of the game 'most from the winter landscape'. I seriously regret buying this game now. For the same price I could have bought Moto GP 09/10 and Just cause 2 and trippled my gaming time. Looking to trade in but doubt I'll get more then half price for it.

Now we just get shafted for DLC.