Mafia ii

Looks gorgeous, but the linear nature of the game and the fact you have so much bullshit driving around was a major disappointment. After 8 years of waiting I wanted and expected more. Ceck2K made a great sandbox, but they didn't give gamers enough room or toys to play in it.
Just finished it, far too linear, story line far too predictable, pretty (on PC), could of been a great sandbox, should of just GTA cloned in the 40's and 50's, link in to mafia I story line was predictable but still nostalgic. Made me remember how gutted i was when he died in the first one.

Gets repetitive and boring, and its just not fun enough, i mean the story is ok and interesting enough, I found the godfather game from EA more enjoyable.

Needs more side missions and side characters, and a freakin love interest. Funnily enough this game reminded me of EA games sandboxes with it being linear.


Vroom vroom! Supercharger is awesome. Liking the DLC. Less linear, more side missions, choice of who you go to to get your missions and most importantly on the fly save whenever you want by going back to your house. Not happy about the £6 charge but I hear if you look well enough you can find a 300mb torrent for it, evil evil people.
The problem with customizing the cars is they dent so easily.

For a game that looks so lush, I wish the studio had paid more attention to the game play and given us more. It's a great effort, but falls a few notches from being truly exceptional.
I finished it yesterday, a bit disappointed because it was too short and the story wasn't really that great but I enjoyed the atmosphere of the city. Missions seemed like they were always the same, there was no diversity. All in all it was a fine game made of something that could and perhaps should have been great, 8 out of 10 instead of 10/10.
i feel they let us down big time on this game, was extremely disappointed
This isn't actually too bad. The tearing is bullshit, but probably on a par with the Assassin's Creed games. It does seem to be quite short, though. I am on chapter 9 already.

I am assuming that going into this with no expectations is a plus.