A Freund in need is a Freund indeed
Two's Kompany, three's a kraut
Where there's a Wiltord there's a Weah
Cleanliness is Nesta Godliness
Stanic in time saves Nayim
Osgood deed repays Mavuba
The O'Leary bird catches the worm
O'Leary to bed, O'Leary to rise
(Or of course, Robbie Earlytobedearlytorise)
One specially for 'Pool, Nate:
Give 'em an Ince, they'll take Emile Heskey
Proverbs 14, 34:
Righteousness exalts a nation,
But sin is a (Mihailovich) disgrace to any people.
Latin ones
Edu Brute? (again)
Ayala jacta est
Morientes te salutant