Made-up XIs

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Is there a player called Zed Knight at all ? or am I just getting some Spurs players confused...
I'm not sure I got all of those, then again I'm not sure I got my last few...

IndiPaulInce Day
Plechazunga said:
I think we've come to the end of the road here Crembo

(...Cataclysm Morrison...)

Right...Bodily Fluids XI

David Seaman
Nigel Spunk
Jizzy Dudek
Muzzy Jizzet

Alessandro Pisstone
Biley McKinlay
Willo Blood
Jami Pusstinen
Managed by Jose Mourineho
Play for Diarrhoeal Madrid
Golfing United X1

Putter Schmeical

Diego Four Iron
Mikael Silvestee
Nicklaus Butt
Arnie Sidebottom
St Andrew's Cole
Brolly Gunnar Solskjaer
Norman Ironside
Jimmy Greenhoff
Paul Sc(holes)
Chris Eagles
Jose Tambourinho
Allesandro Castanesta
Lute-ar Matthaus
Accordion Dublin
Banjo Jordan
Harpsichordon Strachan
Gary Mandolineker
Dean Woodwind-ass
It should be number 2's you spanner?

Gary on more than one level!


Sinama Pongs of Crap
Pouis Saha
That Kaka bloke
Remi Moses
Greg Downs Syndrome
Gary Neville again

There seems to be a suspiciously large amount of Nigels associated with spazzers...
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