The Taurean
looks like a chipmunk
Overall a tad weaker season compared to others but,Don's situation does give for an interesting move going forward. Hope there is more inspired writing next time around.
I don't really like talking about 'Don' and 'Dick' like that. It's simplifying it too much I think, he's always been and always will be a mixture of the two I expect.
It might not end well, but finally sharing something about his life with his kids is a step in the right direction.
Last 2-3 episodes sort of redeemed the season a bit, but overall still was an under par season. Really like the last episode though, a lot of character arcs made sense. Also would like the show to take a longish time jump now when it starts next season. More than an year at least
I'm not sure it'll make it to the 70s, I think Weiner will be keen to keep the whole thing enclosed within the 60s.
If Don was real, I would kill for him. That's how much I love him.
I'd kill you and Don while you're still getting fisted by the drunken fool.
Sighted for hate crime. Homophobe.
Hate Don Draper, not the gay act that you and he are involved in. If anyone's a homophobe it's Don Draper.
He's a fecking spacker. No matter what joy he or others around him have found in their life he always goes out of his way to ruin it for everyone. He doesn't have a shred of decency, and when you think he's about to do something decent he either fecks it up, regrets it, or you find it was only done for some self serving purpose in the first place. He's become a boring character who hasn't developed since the first episode. He's changed jobs, moved house, got sacked, divorced, remarried, fecked everyone, been found out and he's still exactly the same.
The only character in the show who has shown significant development is Peggy.
If you don't enjoy the character of Don Draper watching Mad Men seems a bit pointless.
I might just be finished with this now TBH. I really liked the first few seasons but it ended up being pretty monotonous and if I'm honest I fast forwarded a lot of the scenes because I was so bored with them.
There are some other good characters, particularly Roger Sterling but Mad Men is a show more dominated by it's main protagonist than just about any I can think of outside of perhaps 24. I don't think I could've watched this far if I hated him. As it goes I think he's great to watch though you probably wouldn't want to work with him. I would like to be him for a day though. Maybe even a week.I said this just above ac!
I like some of the side characters and I like their stories, but Don just gets on my wick so much that I'm thinking of quitting. That said there is only one season
There are some other good characters, particularly Roger Sterling but Mad Men is a show more dominated by it's main protagonist than just about any I can think of outside of perhaps 24. I don't think I could've watched this far if I hated him. As it goes I think he's great to watch though you probably wouldn't want to work with him. I would like to be him for a day though. Maybe even a week.
Exactly. He's an ass.
Also, I watched the first five seasons in a burst. I really enjoyed the first few but it lessened as it went on.