Television Mad Men | SPOILERS

Something's up with Bob Benson.

Yeah I can see him doing something key the same way they dropped Megan in and she became Don's wife she got a lot of screen time for a side character. He said in the episode when Roger's mother died that his Dad was dead so something does not add up there but he's got Joan so life is pretty good for him right now. The show is picking up now the first few episodes I was watching out of familiarity and they where a chore but now they have picked up considerably.
Don is always unraveling he is never happy for too long and this season just continues that. What is the show about? his pursuit of happiness? Why he is unhappy? Looking at life but in that 60's context which must have been an amazing time and place to live in so much happening in a short space of time. Nobody seems happy with their life the only normal person is Ken but it does show life at the time from so many different perspectives. We he goes on his long speeches he has a tendency to put into words feelings we may have all had at one time or another.

Answers anybody?
just watching this for the first time, about 10 episodes into season 1

its certainly well written, acted, shot, cast etc etc but there's not really a great deal actually happening is there. Most of the characters hint at being interesting but, Campbell aside, they're not really showing it yet

at the moment I can appreciate that its a good show but I not sure if I'm enjoying it that much. its bordering on boring at times

Is it worth persevering with it?
That's about as good as it gets. If you haven't immersed yourself after ten episodes, it probably is not your jam.
well, im gonna finish season 1 as there's only a couple more to go but might leave it at that. the wifes already give up on it.

I want to like it, as I said I can appreciate its qualities but i'm thinking its possibly all fur coat and no knickers
Mad Men becomes 500% better when it's drug-fuelled. They should shoehorn it in to every episode for at least 5 minutes.
If Bob is gay, then why on Earth would he go and fancy hair-receding Pete-whiny-weasel-Campbell? He must be gay to pass up the opportunity with Joan.
Terrific episode. The Bob story arc is quite intriguing actually. I'm not sure why they had to make him gay.
I liked Rolo's sandals. Sexy beast, that Rolo.

Really enjoyed the episode, and how Don handled the Peggy/Ted situation, very clever. Pete has a weasel face but he's a very interesting character and the Bob Benson story arc is pretty good I think.
That was a great episode, probably the best for quite a while. Ken getting shot was both hilarious and had me going "oh shit!".

Sally is a great little actor too, a far less annoying character than her mum is.
They didn't have to make him gay. It gave Pete all the more reason to want him out of there sharpish.

Any predictions for the finale? I don't think anything huge will happen.
Ha. Yeah it probably makes sense to explore the gay social movement at this point in time. I suppose I'm just a tad disappointed at that being the mystery behind strange Bob Benson. They could have just taken the Don motif and ran with it.
Oh god, that Hershey's scene, agonising. And as much as I love Peggy, that scene with her sitting in Dons chair was too blatant.
Really? Don is dead. This season has killed him off, removing his name from the company's name, to losing his job and his marriage to Megan falling apart. Next season will be the Dick Whitman show. And even then I can't see it ending well.
I don't really like talking about 'Don' and 'Dick' like that. It's simplifying it too much I think, he's always been and always will be a mixture of the two I expect.

It might not end well, but finally sharing something about his life with his kids is a step in the right direction.